"What else are you doing here?"

Zhang Wenbin passed through the earth's protective shield and came outside, but did not give Thor a good look.

This is already the case for both parties, so there is no need to say any more polite words.

Zhang Wenbin didn't have the patience to say polite words anymore, and if he wanted to fight, he would fight.

"Mr. Zhang, don't be angry." Thor, on the other hand, did not feel the shame or anger of having his arm cut off at all, with a faint smile on his face. "I was entrusted by our commander-in-chief to bring a few people here. I want to Let’s discuss it with you. After the discussion is over, no matter what the result is, we will leave immediately and won’t disturb you again, what do you think?”

Zhang Wenbin was stunned: "Sparring?"

This answer really surprised him.

I really don’t know what the other party means by wanting to spar.

Thor nodded and said: "That's right, it's just a discussion. Our commander is very curious about your combat power. Your combat power is given by this armor. I want to borrow your armor to go back and study it, just to study your armor." We are interested in the improvement of combat power that can be given to people. Since you are not willing to lend it to us, then I implore you to discuss it with our people and let us know the power of your armor. These nine warriors of ours are from our Sapphire Star. The ace warriors, the armor they wear is also the most powerful armor developed by our Sapphire Star. They just want to compete with you. No matter what the result is, we will leave."

In fact, the discussion is fake.

It is true to test the power of Zhang Wenbin's armor.

If Zhang Wenbin's armor is really a product that surpasses the technology of advanced civilizations, they want to win over Zhang Wenbin with the advantage of their numbers.

And get some other pieces of armor.

If it is not a product that surpasses advanced civilization technology, it is not worth their time.

Of course, the earth will still be destroyed.

As for the people on earth, just be their slaves to the Jade Star.

Naturally, Zhang Wenbin didn't know about the plans of the Commander-in-Chief of Jade Star.

But Zhang Wenbin knew that it was definitely not just a matter of discussion.

He didn't panic because he had strong strength to back him up.

Whether it's the armor on his body or the weapons and equipment on the earth.

All give the earth the confidence to face any threats.

Since the other party wants to learn from each other, then just play with the other party.

This is the last time.

If the exchange is over and the opponent is not done yet, the Earth will have no choice but to strike first.

As for the people on the Jade Star, if they die, they can't blame others, they can only blame their commander.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wenbin nodded and said: "Okay, let's compete, but what if you accidentally die during the competition? After all, it is very difficult to control this kind of thing."

Zhang Wenbin's words were exactly what Thor wanted, and he smiled lightly: "If you die, you can only blame your lack of ability. There is nothing to say."

Zhang Wenbin nodded: "Okay, that's no problem. Will the people you bring come one by one, or together?"

Thor smiled and said: "If we come one by one, we will definitely not be able to defeat you. If we come three by three, what do you think?"

Zhang Wenbin shrugged: "I don't care. There's no need to waste time. Just let them go together. Finish it early and let's cross this grassland as soon as possible."

Thor smiled and said: "This is not good, let's do it three by three. If three doesn't work, then do it together."

Zhang Wenbin said: "Okay, it's just a question of one more shot anyway."

Thor's eyes flashed: "Mr. Zhang is really confident."

Zhang Wenbin said: "If I didn't have confidence, I wouldn't agree to your request, and I wouldn't go looking for death stupidly."

Thor smiled and said: "As long as you are confident, let's get started."

He looked at the nine people and ordered three people to come out: "You must not let Zhang Wenbin disappointed."

These people, who had just heard Zhang Wenbin's arrogant words, could no longer suppress the anger in their hearts.

Thor said that this guy's armor was very powerful, but they didn't believe it.

How powerful a Turkish planet can be. Even after walking shit and getting any armor, it is impossible to surpass the armor developed by their jade stars.

As for the texture of Zhang Wenbin's armor, it is even better than their armor.

This was automatically ignored by them.

In their view, it is just an appearance. Good texture does not mean anything, only power can mean everything.

They have decided to torture Zhang Wenbin to death.

Let this person who ruined the indigenous planet see that not everyone on the Sapphire Star can provoke it.

They completely ignored that the Earth did not provoke the Sapphire Star, it was the Sapphire Star that coveted the Earth.

"You will die miserably!" One of the soldiers had a cruel smile on his face.

The other two did not speak, but they had the same cruel smile on their faces as the warrior.

"I was still considering whether to kill you or not, but seeing you like this, I've decided."

Zhang Wenbin originally planned to cripple these people and let them go back to recuperate for a period of time and install mechanical hands and feet, so that they can still live like ordinary people.

But looking at the looks of these people, Zhang Wenbin knew that was not enough, and he had to kill them.

Others said they wanted to kill him, but they still killed him cruelly. If he didn't kill him, he would be really sorry for himself.

"What have you considered? Have you considered killing us? Can you kill us?"

The warrior who spoke sneered.


Zhang Wenbin didn't speak anymore, but just waved his hand, the lightsaber in his hand appeared, and a blue sword light shot out.

"I'm standing here, I don't believe that your broken sword light can break through my armor!"

The soldier sneered disdainfully and stood still, not paying attention to the blue sword light swung by Zhang Wenbin.

In his opinion, the sword light wielded by Zhang Wenbin would never be able to break through his armor defense.

This is absolute confidence in the power of the armor.

Because when the armor was tested, only a few special weapons could break through the armor's defense.

He didn't believe that Zhang Wenbin's sword light had the power of those special weapons.

However, the next second, he felt like the world was spinning and the whole world was turned upside down.

"Isn't that my body?"

This was his last flash of consciousness, and immediately his entire consciousness fell into darkness.

That's right, his head was cut off by the sword light swung by Zhang Wenbin.

Thor's eyelids twitched.

Although he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked.

You know, that is the individual combat armor developed by their Sapphire Star, and only a few weapons can break it.

In his opinion, even if Zhang Wenbin could break through, it would take a lot of energy and time.

But now, Shen Jin just waved a sword light and broke through it without any lag or hindrance.

It is possible that this armor is, as speculated, a product that surpasses the technology of advanced civilizations.

Apart from being horrified, he was also a little excited.

Once such armor is obtained, Sapphire Star's strength will definitely reach a higher level.

Zhang Wenbin's strength alone is limited. No matter how powerful the armor is, it can't stop the attack of their Sapphire Star's heavy weapons.

So the armor can definitely be taken away. (End of chapter)

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