"Didn't sleep all night?"

"Yes." Panpan nodded.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. When you grow up, you will know."

"Hurry up and take a shower and go to bed early. Don't you want to go out with me?"

Considering that she was going out tomorrow and her father didn't say when he would leave, Panpan immediately washed up and went to bed.

Early the next morning, Panpan woke up from her sleep.

Panpan yawned while putting on clean clothes and washing up as usual.

In a daze, Panpan's footsteps paused.

"I seem to have forgotten something."

On the Wizong Lake, Panpan looked around and felt like she had forgotten something, but she couldn't remember it.

However, the moment he started brushing his teeth, his eyes suddenly opened wide.

No one told her to get up!

Dad promised me that he would go there for a long time.

After hurriedly washing up, Panpan hurried downstairs and felt relieved when he saw his father.

I didn't see them, so I guess they were picked up by my sister.



Panpan shook her head like a rattle.

Lu Rong stood up and went to the restaurant. Soon he came back with a hot breakfast.

"I planned to wake you up at nine o'clock, but you are already up, so let's eat first."

"Let's go after you're done."


Panpan was originally a little afraid that her father would leave alone, but now that she saw her father, Panpan was no longer nervous.

After about half an hour, Lu Rong packed up his dishes and set out for BJ with the luggage he had brought with him last night.

Get up early and get up early. Panpan is always in high spirits along the way.

While looking at the scenery outside the window, Panpan gave Yan Zhaoge and others some pointers from time to time.

Lu Rong and others had already boarded the train and arrived in the capital at noon.

If you take civil aviation, plus the waiting time, it is almost the same as taking a train.

However, it is much better to take the high-speed train than to fly.

Every year Lu Rong sends Panpan to the capital, but every time he goes to the capital, Panpan feels that the scenery is different.

Compared to the current hot summer day, she would rather put on a cotton coat and look at the falling snow in the capital.

Xia Xiaomin was registering everyone in the hall. Panpan was sitting on a bench with her legs crossed and staring at her father with a pair of bright eyes.

"Then when will you take me to play with you?"

Lu Rong glanced at his sister playing in the water and said calmly: "Two days later, that is, three days later."

"Then I'll send you there."

Panpan quickly raised her right arm and grinned: "I've heard that it's from Li Yuanfang's father's house."

"Hey, Yuanfang, do you want to go play in the wild?"

Lu Rong stared at his sister and pretended to be angry and said:

"You can't say this kind of thing in front of outsiders. It's uneducated. Do you understand?"


"What are you going to say, Yuanfang, I know."

Lu Rong tugged his lips, raised his head and saw the crystal lamp on the ceiling.

do you understand? what do you know?

Although he had already guessed that the word Li Yuanfang might be related to this, he just thought about it. How could he say it in front of outsiders.

"Boss, sixth floor."

"Okay. Put your stuff away and get together for lunch."

Lu Rong said while dragging his travel bag and holding Panpan's shoulder with one hand.

While enjoying a sumptuous dinner, Panpan smiled and sent a text message to her sister thousands of miles away to share the delicious lunch. On the other end of the phone, Zhou Yaling's teeth were clenching so loudly that Lu Rong could even hear it.

Lu Rong casually sent his photo to Li Yuanfang.

"We've arrived in the capital, we're waiting for you here."

In less than a minute, there was a response from Lu Rong.

"See you tomorrow!"

Lu Rong put down the phone and started eating, while saying hello to Xia Xiaomin.

"When you arrive at the press conference, notify the people we sent and ask them to complete the task quickly, and then send your engineer back to Huo County."

"In the second half of the year, the space center still lacks a group of software research and development personnel."


Lu Rong nodded and said no more.

Early the next morning, Panpan was sleeping soundly while holding a big snow-white pillow, when she felt that someone was grabbing her little face.

Panpan was woken up and was a little angry, but she still kept her mouth shut.

"Get up, let's eat early."

"Leave at half past eight."

Hearing this, Panpan struggled to crawl out of bed and rubbed her eyes vigorously.

At a press conference about on-board computers, Lu Rong was a little surprised to see a few familiar faces.

Among these people, there is Mr. Lei, who is often made fun of by netizens.

When Lu Rong saw Mr. Lei, he went to greet him.

"Mr. Lei, I haven't seen you for a while."

The two shook fists and complimented each other a few times. Lu Rong's tone suddenly changed and he said directly:

"Mr. Lei, are you building a car?"

Mr. Lei nodded repeatedly.

Trams are hard to make, right? In fact, it's not that difficult.

You can buy motors, and needless to say, batteries. The graphene battery produced by Panpan Company is of the same quality to everyone.

In this era, there is fierce competition between cars.

Whichever company's car system is more advanced and smarter, the more consumers will like it.

Although the Tai Chi vehicle-mounted system has not been officially launched today, most people know that Tai Chi's vehicle-mounted system is supported by Panpan Technology, and its intelligence level is already lv4.

If it weren't for the Internet, no one would question whether Taichi Auto's autonomous driving technology can achieve the unprecedented L5 level!

When Li Yuanfang and his wife came from afar, Lu Rong also nodded and smiled at them.

Mr. Lei was right in front of Lu Rong. Following Lu Rong's gaze, I saw Li Yuanfang.

"Brother Mo, Mr. Lei, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend our wedding."

The two of them talked to each other and complimented each other, making Panpan roll her eyes.

In this case, Panpan can already guess what his father will say next.

"Hey, Panpan is here too."

When he saw the cute creature behind Lu Rong, Li Yuanfang's eyes flashed with light.

He loves his children very much, but neither of them has won the lottery this year, which makes them feel tremendous pressure.

Panpan was happy that she was finally discovered.

After thinking for a moment, Panpan smiled and said hello to Yan Zhaoge.

"You're fine, Dad Yuanfang.

Panpan looked at Mr. Lei without hesitation.

"I've met Uncle Lei."

Mr. Lei rubbed his head and felt as if he had really gotten older after being called "uncle" by Panpan.

Looking at Lu Rong and the young master of the Li family, they are both young people in their twenties.

Seeing that the press conference was about to be officially held, Li Yuanfang said goodbye to his wife and left. (End of chapter)

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