Although Li Yuanfang left, the eyes at the press conference fell on Lu Rong.

Many people's eyes fell on the little girl following Lu Rong, with a bit of jealousy in their eyes.

This is a happy child.

He is rich, powerful, and a madman who takes care of his sister.

Mr. Lei didn't know whether it was intentional or not, but he suddenly said in the stands next to Lu Rong:

"I heard someone say that Huo County is going to build a virtual smart city?"

Lu Rong looked at Mr. Lei in surprise, "Has it spread now?"

After a moment, Lu Rong shook his head again and sighed, "Mr. Lei, the news you got is still too old."

Mr. Lei was stunned.

In the spectator seats behind Lu Rong, Xia Xiaomin knew very well that this plan had been aborted before it even started.

"How to say?"

Lu Rong coughed lightly and said, "Just yesterday morning, our smart city was suspended."

Lu Rong stepped on the ground as he spoke, his tone full of profound meaning.

"This case was sent to Huo County from this place."


Even Mr. Lei had never heard of this breaking news.

In other words, no one in the entire Huo County wanted to spread the news.

Mr. Lei thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of a reason.

In theory, once this smart city is established, it will become a high-tech model for the country and even the world.

There is no reason to refuse.

But this is impossible, but it actually happened.

"Ahem, stop thinking about what the higher-ups are thinking."

Suddenly, the lights in the room went out.

The next second, everyone appeared on a vast plain.


Don't even think about it.

But what he didn't expect was that at the Tai Chi Engine launch conference, virtual projection was applied to this game for the first time.

Seeing Mr. Lei standing next to him with a smile, Lu Rong raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:

"Mr. Lei, have you prepared all the holographic projectors for us?"

"That's right!" Mr. Lei said calmly without hiding anything.

Taking out so much equipment is just for publicity.

Originally, he thought Huo County could get more benefits, but now it seems that all this is in vain.

The spokesperson for this press conference was not Li Yuanfang, but a middle-aged man whom Lu Rong had never met.

He learned from Mr. Lei that this person's name was Li Shifeng, and he was Li Yuanfang's right-hand man. He never participated in anything on weekdays, but in fact he was an important figure under Li Yuanfang.

Through virtual projection, everyone can experience the outstanding performance of this new tram immersively.

The functions of the on-board computer are astounding and astounding.

Lu Rong, on the other hand, remained calm.

Panpan Company is a company that develops Tai Chi automobile engines. How could Lu Rong not know about the performance of Tai Chi engines?

Panpan, on the other hand, has never seen such a huge scene. He was scratching in the air and was very happy.

If Lu Rong hadn't put a hand on his shoulder, Lu Rong would not have felt that Panpan was capable of exploring that virtual space.

The audience burst into warm applause. Obviously, this press conference went very smoothly.

After the press conference, Li Yuanfang went to see Lu Rong alone and told him that he had important matters to discuss with him tonight. Lu Rong also realized that it was not an easy task in the capital.

As for what Li Yuanfang thought, it is unknown.

This was the first time Lu Rong was invited to Li Yuanfang's office. Looking at the building, he was really shocked.

Panpan naturally does the same, sometimes lying on the edge of the pond, looking at the colorful fish in the pond, and sometimes doing the same.

It stands to reason that in this kind of weather, the temperature on the rooftop would be very high, but this is not the case.

Although it's not cool, it's not too hot either.

"You will enjoy it."

After all, he is young and not as serious as usual.

"Brother, your room is behind your office. This is a known fact."

"What? Where did you hear this? Why didn't I know?" It was a pleasant thing to enjoy the spring scenery while drinking tea.

He glanced at Xia Xiaomin and saw that Li Yuanfang had no intention of stopping her from leaving.

His men are trustworthy.

"Ahem, that's not why I came to you."

Lu Rong smiled faintly, picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said calmly: "Please speak."

"Our company will transfer a portion of the money to an unknown designated account every month."

As soon as Li Yuanfang opened his mouth, Lu Rong's eyebrows instantly stood up.

"This is a rule set by our old man. Not only us, but other families also think so."

Lu Rong's frowned eyebrows became even more frowned upon hearing this.

Lu Rong pondered for a long time, then reached out to dip his hand into some tea and placed a ship on the table.

Li Yuanfang and Xiaoxue were stunned when they saw this boat that even kindergarten children could make.

No need to say anything!

"What do you think?"

Lu Rong shook his head with a confused expression, "To be honest, I only know this. Other than that, I don't know anything else."

"I can't say what will happen next."

Xiaoxue's phone suddenly rang.

"I'll take care of it."

Li Yuanfang also frowned: "I came to you this time in the hope that the two of us can become allies."

"If there are three advantages and two disadvantages in the future, we can fight side by side."

"That's a good idea. How can we form an alliance?"

Lu Rong would naturally not agree because he wanted to share his technology.

If it is the priority supply of materials and materials, he can also consider it.

"That's what I thought, Balabala..."

Lu Rong nodded and said nothing more.


At this time, Xiaoxue, who had made a phone call, pushed open the door and walked in beside Li Yuanfang, whispering something.

Li Yuanfang was startled, raised her head suddenly, and looked at the little girl beside her.



Li Yuanfang touched her chin and looked at Lu Rong with curiosity and confusion.

Being stared at by the couple, Lu Rong felt uncomfortable all over.

"Brother Li, what happened?"

"Is it Sister Na?"

"Ahem~" She choked on her own saliva.

Li Yuanfang shook his head: "No."

"Grandpa wants you to eat at home."

"Do you have time now?"

Well, Lu Rong really doesn't have the courage.

"of course."

"Does Yuan Fang have anything good at home?"

"Yes!" Li Yuanfang stretched out his little hand and grabbed her head.

"Don't touch a woman's head casually, otherwise you won't get taller."

"Haha! Only dad can touch me."

Li Yuanfang felt as if her heart was being pricked by needles. She hugged her heart and looked at Panpan.

"Yuanfang, can you try some wild survival skills?"

Panpan's sudden words left Li Yuanfang a little confused.

At the same time, another piece of text appeared in his mind.

Yuanfang, what do you think? (End of chapter)

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