"I'm sorry, Dad."

Lu Rong walked to a small table and sat down with two glasses of fruit juice that had doubled in price. A glass of watermelon juice was also placed next to Lu Rong.

Everyone drank in silence, only Panpan stared at his own glass of watermelon juice, his eyes widened.

She wanted it very much, but her father didn't say anything because he was afraid that he would eat it up.

Lu Rong squinted at Panpan, who looked eager to try, and said, "Drink."

"While you are drinking, let Sister Feiyan play with you."

"Dad, what should you do?" Panpan took a big sip of watermelon juice, tilted her head and said in confusion.


Lu Rong hummed softly: "Then I'll stay and see how you mess around. I don't plan to continue drooling here."

Panpan smiled awkwardly and said nothing. She knew exactly why her father was drinking.

Saying it at this time will only make Dad disgusted.

Panpan thought to herself: "I am such a good boy, I think about everything for my father."

More than ten minutes later, Panpan took Feiyan and others out to play, leaving only Lu Rong and the four standing together.

"I'm going to sleep first. If anything happens, wake me up."

Lone Wolf shook his robotic arm and nodded.

Compared to the morning, the bags under Lu Rong's eyes were heavier. Lone Wolf and the others could also tell that the boss didn't have a good rest last night. Now that the boss asked them to rest, they didn't dare to say anything.

Over there, artificial waves hit, and Panpan was riding a little duck, playing happily.

One time, Panpan returned home barefoot and saw her father still sleeping soundly. She also gave her sister Xiaoxia a bite of the grilled sausage, and then left in a hurry to continue playing.

If you miss this day, you will have to wait until next year. Maybe, her father will never play here again.

Of course, the thoughtful Panpan would not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. She learned almost everything that a child can do.

Lu Rong did not have a good rest when he was in the water. He only slept for more than an hour before Lu Rong woke up.

The moment he came to, all the voices in his head came flooding back.

After a night's rest, Lu Rong felt refreshed, but he felt weak all over, as if he had been hollowed out.

Lu Rong moved his neck and asked, "Then where did Panpan and the others go?"

"In the children's entertainment area."

Lu Rong was so hungry that he went to buy him two sausages.


"Can we leave?" Lu Rong asked as Panpan chewed the grilled sausage cleanly.


Anyway, I have visited all the fun places, so Panpan has no reason not to agree. His hands and feet were pale.

In the evening, Lu Rong bought Xia Xiaomin a train ticket for the next day, and then went back to the room to take a shower.

Seeing her father sleeping soundly and snoring constantly, Panpan began to doubt her own life.

Panpan was a little confused as to why her father fell asleep as soon as he arrived in the capital and checked into the hotel.

But why didn't you snore last night? Panpan touched his head, not sure why.

When Panpan heard the snoring, it became increasingly difficult to fall asleep.

With a little pout, Panpan got out of the bed.

"Let's sleep with Sister Xiaoxia."

The staff on duty outside saw Panpan going out alone and asked what was going on.

Hearing Panpan complain that his father was still snoring while asleep, the employee on duty didn't say much and just sent Panpan to Xia Xiaomin's bedroom. When Xia Xiaomin heard Panpan's words, she felt angry and funny.

"Okay, stay with me tonight."

"You have a good rest, and then go to bed after I finish things."

Panpan lay on the bed, watching Xiaoxia writing and drawing in her notebook, and fell asleep in a daze.

The next morning, Lu Rong woke up feeling refreshed, but when he raised his hand, he found that he had nothing.

As soon as Lu Rong saw that Panpan's shoes were gone, he realized that this guy must have left alone.

There were security guards outside the door, and they were watching 24 hours a day. Lu Rong was not at all worried about Panpan's safety. If anything really happened, she would report it immediately.

Lu Rong washed up slowly, and next to him was Panpan, who was sleeping alone.

As early as thirty minutes ago, Xia Xiaomin had her own schedule. She had gotten up early and was writing down what she wanted to do in her notebook.

As soon as he opened the door, Lu Rong asked straight to the point: "Last night, was Panpan with Feiyan or Xia Xiaomin?"

"With Xiaoxia's assistant."

Lu Rong nodded and was about to knock on her door, but was pushed away by Xia Xiaomin.

Behind Xia Xiaomin, Panpan was wrapped in her nightgown, wiping her eyes and saying with a smile.

"you're awake?"


"Go and wash up quickly, and then we can go back."


"ten minutes."

More than ten minutes passed. Lu Rong waited outside the door for a long time, but Panpan did not come out. He frowned and entered the bathroom, where he saw the little thing facing the mirror with a sad face.

Lu Rong glanced at him and said, "It's so cute. Come on, we're waiting for you to eat."

Panpan covered her raised head and looked like she was about to cry. It was so good, why did she wake up after taking a nap?

Everyone saw that Lu Rong pushed Panpan out, and then hugged her over. Everyone saw that her furry hair actually stood up.

Panpan looked at everyone strangely, why no one smiled. This was impossible.

Panpan didn't notice that when she walked out of Xia Xiaomin's house, everyone noticed the dull hair on her face.

Zhou Yaling's head shuddered when she saw the names of the new group of interns.

Compared with last year, the number of intern doctors this year was almost twice that of previous years. As for the intern doctors, she is in charge.

In other words, she is the intern manager of Panpan Technology, and all internship applications must go through her hands in the end.

While she was struggling, Zhou Yaling suddenly felt her armpit being scratched.

Zhou Yaling was about to "swear loudly", but when she turned her head, she saw Panpan winking there, and Zhou Yaling swallowed the "national treasure" that came to her lips.

This guy is really a man who is full of food.

With a sigh, Zhou Yaling stretched out her hand and pinched Panpan's face, and said, "Why did you come back so early?"

"Really, my brother only wanted to let me go around the park and the water world, and now he wants to go back."

Zhou Yaling rolled her eyes at Panpan who sighed.

"Stop pretending."

"I've been staying at home for the past two days. What a zoo. My Big Big Wolf and Baozi are very obedient."

"Speaking of which, your hair is really unique."

Zhou Yaling smiled slightly when she saw the fluffy hair on Panpan's head. The fatigue of the whole day was swept away at this moment. (End of chapter)

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