My daughter exposed my identity by driving a toy car into the sun!

Chapter 301 Playing games depends entirely on luck

Panpan, who had long been accustomed to Du Mao, smiled and ignored the eyes of others. His old father had already said that Du Mao was cute!

She knew her father was lying to her, but he was right about one thing. No one would think that a child's hair would affect her image if she had long hair. It could even be said that her hair was her plus point. .

"Sister, I didn't see them in the company. Are they not here?"

Zhou Yaling nodded, she really didn't bring those two annoying little guys with her.

Taxi drivers refuse to take pets with them, and they won't let them go hungry if they are around.

"Oh, I originally wanted to play with Big Big Wolf."

"In another hour, you can see them. Okay, don't bother my sister. She still has a lot of work to do."

"Okay, leave your dad alone."

Seeing her sister busy, Panpan felt that she was being left out.

Panpan also wanted to play with her father, but his father was in the second experimental building. Besides, it's summer, and she's not stupid enough to be in the sun.

It’s so boring without a tablet, a dad, and my sister doesn’t have a job.

The next moment, Panpan's eyes lit up and she tugged on her sister's clothes.

"elder sister."

"What are you doing? I have something to do, please go out."

Panpan stretched out her right arm and blinked: "I'll play games for you."

Hearing this, Zhou Yaling thought for three seconds and then decisively handed the phone to Panpan.

"Let's go to your father's company."


Panpan nodded, as if afraid that her sister would change her mind and ask for the phone back, and walked away quickly.

Lying on the sofa, with the air conditioner turned on, Panpan reached out to open the computer, grinned at the bright display, and unlocked the lock screen directly.


Xia Xiaomin was standing nearby, heard the movement, turned around and saw Panpan lying comfortably on the sofa.

"Haha, look at me going on a killing spree."

A few minutes later, Panpan saw his score of 0-9, with a heavy look on his face.

"What? Why four hundred and sixty?"

"This is cheating."

"Number Zero, open the network, the other party must be cheating."

But without thinking, Ling Yu said lightly: "What is cheating? It's just the players in the game who are upgrading. It's all the blue team's bad luck."

Panpan's eyes widened, and she was furious as she watched her companions being sacrificed.

"Number Zero, adjust your computer properly. You can't turn on 460 all the time."

"You are simply helping me cheat."


Xia Xiaomin curled her lips when she heard Panpan and Ling bickering. Children are always competitive.

The result is that in this case, the level 0 network does not play any role at all.

Seeing that the crystal was about to be knocked down, Panpan was unwilling to give in and started a new round of the game again.

If nothing unexpected happens, something is bound to happen.

"You lost again."

"It's all because my team members are too weak."


Panpan was already in a hurry and completely forgot that she was using her sister's account. Zhou Yaling finally earned the points, so the team members she drew were the ones Zhou Yaling often drew.

To put it simply, we encountered a trap.

After two more games, Panpan had already forgotten that her work was over.

Panpan was completely immersed in her own world, completely unaware that Zhou Yaling was holding her bag and watching behind her. "Great! I finally got a game, it's not easy!"

Panpan just raised her fists when she saw her sister.

When Zhou Yaling heard what Panpan said, her whole face suddenly collapsed.

More than an hour is enough to play three games. What does this mean? This means that he will drop at least one star.


"Sister, your phone number is here."

Seeing her sister's sincere tone, Panpan couldn't help but shudder and stopped thinking about it. Panpan immediately handed over the "eucalyptus making" equipment.

Zhou Yaling took a look and suddenly felt panicked in her heart.

In about half an hour, he had lost three stars.

I feel bad! Three stars. If her luck is too bad, she may not be able to reach level five within three days.

Yes, according to Zhou Yaling, playing games now depends entirely on luck.

If you are lucky, you can get a lot of stars in one day. If not, forget it.

At the same time, Lu Rong also walked out of the research room.

"Go back and cook." Lu Rong stopped when he saw both of them coming.

“Yummy, yummy!”

Panpan jumped up and ejected, but failed and was caught by Zhou Yaling's armpit.

"Let's go."

Lu Rong looked suspiciously at Zhou Yaling, who was supporting Panpan with one arm, but found that Lu Rong also felt a little guilty in Panpan's eyes.

Lu Rong, who was planning to devote all his energy to this matter, turned around and walked out without thinking too much.

Lu Rong, who was sitting in the carriage, also noticed something was wrong.

"Why are those two people missing?"

"Me too, my sister locked me at home."

As soon as the three of them entered the house and opened the door, a gray shadow rushed in from outside the door and pounced towards Panpan.

"Ouch, Big Big Wolf, pull out your dog claws from my body and make me all dirty."

The next second, it swung its tail and rushed towards Lu Rong.

However, his two claws were caught by Lu Rong. Lu Rong pinched Hui Tailang's neck and grinned: "Look at how excited you are. I think you are mad at Zhou Yaling, right?"

Just as Lu Rong and Panpan put on their shoes, Zhou Yaling came over from the kitchen with an embarrassed look on her face.


Lu Rong raised his head, looking confused, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Yaling rubbed her hands in embarrassment and said, "Brother, you don't even believe it. Our vegetables are almost gone. I ate all the vegetables last night."

"Have I not been working?"

"..." Lu Rong was speechless for a while.

On the other side, Panpan has put on new boots. Lu Rong frowned and said, "Why don't you put on shoes? Why should you wear them?"

Panpan was startled and asked: "Our food is all gone, why don't we go out to eat?"

"Stop dreaming, I'll call them over."


The little thing sighed and took off his shoes again.

Zhou Yaling is very happy because she can finally stop cooking. Panpan felt that although she couldn't go out, it was still very honorable to enjoy the food provided by the hotel here.

At this time, there was only one TV, so Zhou Yaling and Panpan went to watch it with Lu Rong.

At first, Panpan proposed to play "League of Legends", but the outcome was obvious and was severely stopped by Zhou Yaling.

Panpan stared at the boring and boring news and waited for more than an hour. The food in the restaurant was finally served. (End of chapter)

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