Thirty minutes later, Ma Dequan was taken home by the police. He stayed alone in the empty house with dull eyes.

As time passed, Ma Dequan saw the collected wines. He hesitated for a moment, then stood up and drank one of the jars.

In an office building in the county town, two of Ma Dequan's shops were eaten in one bite, and a smile appeared on the black widow's face.

Even if he wants to embrace Panpan Technology, he really doesn't like Ma Dequan's wealth.

Of course, she also noticed the actions of Black Widow and others. Lu Rong also smiled slightly and said nothing.

In the morning, the little fat man opened his eyes in a daze and fell asleep soon.

Her head hit the table, making a loud noise, which naturally attracted the attention of other teachers and students.

"Cheng Ping'an!" He shouted, then turned and left.

Qu Weijun was tapping gently on the stage, but Cheng Ping'an seemed not to hear it and still stood there without moving.

Turning his head, he glanced at the little fat guy who was sleeping soundly on the table. Panpan's eyes were filled with admiration.

He actually dozed off in the teacher's class. This cow is indeed a great harvest for the stock market, awesome!

Unable to save face, Qu Weijun walked off the stage holding the math textbook.

"Cheng Ping'an!"

Qu Weiming shouted sharply, but there was still no response.

As he spoke, he reached out and touched Cheng Ping'an's face.

When going to school, getting sick is inevitable. So many years of work experience have given Qu Weijun a certain understanding of some common diseases.

His forehead was very hot, at least 38 degrees.

"Monitor, call the English teacher over and ask her to stay in the classroom while I take Cheng Ping'an to the hospital."

After saying that, Qu Weijun pulled Cheng Ping An out of the classroom.

Although Cheng Pingan is only six years old, it is still difficult for Qu Weijun.

As Qu Weishu took Cheng Pingan out of the classroom, Xiang'er and Panpan looked at each other in confusion.

"What happened to Cheng Pingan? Did he faint?"

Xiangzi shook her head, "I don't know either. I'll call the English professor right now."

After saying that, Xiang'er rushed out of the classroom.

A minute later, she came back with a beautiful girl.

"Teacher Qu is busy now, you should review the following lessons first."

Although the English teacher was present, the students' curiosity could not be suppressed and they were still whispering.

Cheng Pingan looked like he was about to die.

Qu Weijun ran to the underground garage, his tired arms a little sore.

Qu Weijun no longer had the strength to catch Cheng Pingan.

After taking Cheng Pingan to school, Qu Weishu immediately called Cheng Pingan's father and asked him to rush to the county hospital.

The day passed quickly amid the whispers of the students.

After the class, the students' discussion became even more heated.

Panpan had even heard that this fat young man was going to die soon.

Just when everyone thought the matter was over, the first-year students were excited.

There is a fever in every class.

Of course, these teachers all know that this is a type of influenza.

Highly contagious.

Lu Rong saw this news in the parent WeChat group. At this time, he had already finished class and the school bus was on its way back.

Lu Rong's face also showed a bit of worry.

Lu Rong immediately asked Ling to call the school driver and ask them not to get off the car in the park. "Xiaoxia, immediately ask the logistics department to prepare for our staff and distribute masks to our staff."

"Number Zero, notify all personnel to be prepared to prevent influenza."

Seeing Lu Rong's serious look, Xia Xiaomin and Ling didn't want to waste time and went to do their own things.

Not long after, Lu Rong raised his hand and put on the N95 mask just sent by the logistics department, and then walked down the stairs.

Lu Rong suddenly shouted to Zero in the elevator:

"Notify all parents to pick up their children downstairs. Since it is Friday, all students and parents in the school will have to stay in the dormitory for two days while the logistics department prepares them."

Others may not understand, but she understands how terrible this epidemic is.

Through big data, she knew that there were long queues in the emergency department.

It’s not just the students in Chengnan who have a fever.

Two school buses parked quietly in the parking lot of the campus. The students looked at this scene curiously, not knowing what to do.

Panpan gnawed on a big apple, her brows knitted together.

Panpan didn't know what was going on in the other classes, but Cheng Ping'an and their first graders sent all five of them out alone.

At this moment, Xiang'er looked completely lost.

"Lu Xiaoxiang, do you think I'm having a fever too? My head hurts."

After hearing this, Panpan reached out and tapped Xiang'er's head.

"so cold."

"Now is not the time for joking. If it gets cold, I'll be dead."

Looking at the crowd gradually gathering outside, Panpan gnawed on an apple and added, "Don't be afraid, there's still my dad here."

At this moment, Panpan saw her father and Ling running out of the office building.

"It's my dad, and Ling! Lu Panpan, don't be afraid. I'll tell your dad later that you feel uncomfortable."

"Yeah." Xiang'er responded without raising her head.

Along the way, she felt her head was as big as a bucket.

"Dad, Dad." Panpan slapped the window that could not be opened.

Lu Rong nodded towards Panpan, and then ordered the staff in the logistics department: "Open the door and disinfect it thoroughly."

A pungent smell of disinfectant filled the entire room, and Panpan frowned and covered her nose.

Fortunately, they all have masks on their faces.

Every child who gets off the bus will be cleaned again.

"If you have a fever, let the hospital staff do some physical cooling. If the situation is more serious, you will need injections."

Lu Rong saw the parents of those students walking in, and turned to everyone and said, "Everyone wear masks and go there to measure the temperature. If there is any problem, it can be sent to the medical institution in the park for examination."

"If there is no fever, parents please take them to the dormitory for two days of isolation."

Lu Rong has absolute power here, and everyone knows that the boss also cares about his children and his staff, so everyone is happy to do it.

After settling the little ones, Lu Rong lowered his head and noticed that Panpan had a mask on his face and was staring blankly at his half-eaten apple.

"Throw it away."

"Then I'm so hungry."

Lu Rong's lips moved under the mask.

"Throw it away. Check the temperature. If nothing happens, I'll cook for you."

"milk tea?"

Panpan hesitated for a moment, then tentatively spoke.

Lu Rong stared at him and said: "You guys, are you full of food? (End of chapter)

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