Panpan smiled awkwardly and walked to the team honestly.

Perhaps it was because there was enough food and her temperature had been taken, so Panpan was fine.

Three of the children who returned this time had abnormal health, including Xiang'er.

Just when Panpan wanted to ask about Panpan's situation, Lu Rong gave her a look that made her smile and hug her up.

"You wait here first."

With Lu Rong's character, it was naturally impossible for him to watch his sister put herself in danger.

Xiang'er's grandmother was sitting on a bench, holding a dizzy little face in her arms, her face full of worry.

"Doctor, are they okay?"

Seeing that it was his boss, the doctor quickly reported: "We are currently undergoing hypothermia treatment. As for the results, we won't know until evening."

"They just have some fever, it's nothing serious."

Lu Rong nodded, "You must report the conditions of those little guys to Zero as soon as possible. If there are any problems, go to the county hospital."


After comforting Xiang'er and Xiang'er's grandmother, Lu Rong left.

Since the county health center reported the case quickly, the relevant personnel were brought under control in the shortest possible time.

The most significant change is that many fewer fever patients are admitted to hospitals in the county than before.

The bright moon hung high in the sky, and Panpan looked at the cartoon as if nothing had happened.

The only thing Panpan was dissatisfied with was that her father did not allow her to go to the sofa, and she went to the small stool by herself, wearing a mask.

Haha, he is indeed my biological father.

Seeing her parents on the sofa in the living room, Panpan let out a soft "hmm".

Although his words were very soft, they were still heard by Lu Rong and Zhou Yaling.

"What's wrong?"

"It would be nice to have a stool."

Hearing this, Panpan turned her head to one side, not looking at her father.

"Stop pretending to me, otherwise you will have a fever tomorrow too."

"how is this possible?"

Panpan patted her little chest and assured confidently:

"I'm very good."

Lu Rong laughed and said, "I hope you can take care of yourself and don't catch a cold."

"Anyway, don't go out anywhere these two days. Stay at home. If you dare to sneak out to dance alone again, be careful I'll beat your butt."

Panpan thought for a while and ran outside, but was shocked. What are the chances that your dad will spank you?

It was obvious that if she went against her father, she would be doing it to herself.

Panpan seemed to have seen the scene where he was beaten.

Her father whipped her butt with a wooden stick, while her mother ate melon seeds happily.

From time to time, there will be applause.

Panpan shuddered when she thought of that scene.

No, no, it's best not to go out on Saturdays and Sundays. After all, Panpan is a good baby.

Early the next morning, as soon as Lu Rong woke up, she told him what happened last night.

Fortunately, all three little guys' fevers have gone away, except for their headaches and weakness.

The bad thing is that there are 12 new fever patients, and most of them are adults.

Even the doctor at the hospital was infected and is still unconscious in the hospital bed.

"Notify the logistics department and ensure that everyone is provided with enough food, especially three meals a day."

After talking about it later, Lu Rong's tone also became a little urgent.

"How about you call all the Dabais in my research center and let Dabai do the logistics to reduce our danger."


"Yes, is Panpan not sick?"

In Panpan's bedroom, Dabai opened his eyes and looked at Panpan, who was sleeping soundly.

"Boss, I took the temperature just now and it's fine. Panpan should be sleeping soundly now."

"That's good."

After a night passed, Lu Rong felt relieved after seeing that Panpan was fine.

Even Panpan beside Xiang'er was fine. Lu Rong felt that this must be God's blessing.

But no matter what, Panpan's luck is very good, but there is a little bad luck. This is the money in your pocket.

Why is this Panpan money so easy to get? Can't figure it out.

Shaking his head, Panpan had good luck. If money could buy luck, let Panpan lose more money in the days to come.

"How were you doing in the hospital?"

"It's also stable."

After washing up and putting on a pair of sneakers, Lu Rong walked downstairs.

"Has the source of infection been found?"

"Judging from the information, it should be a big goose."


Lu Rong was startled and then stopped.

"Whose family does it belong to?"

Then Zero also became interested: "Yes, you even know the breeder."

Ling's words reminded Lu Rong of the middle-aged man standing in the square with a smile on his face.

"The goose?"


This result was something Lu Rong never expected.

"This time, I'm afraid I'm going to miss a big goose."

At noon, the sofa in the living room was occupied by Panpan alone.

Lu Rong walked down the stairs, looked at him, and Panpan subconsciously moved her legs away from the sofa.

Now, seeing that Panpan was fine, Lu Rong felt relieved.

If Panpan is really infected, no matter how good Panpan's immunity is, it is impossible for him and Zhou Yaling to have no problems at all.

The only explanation is that Panpan has not been affected by the epidemic.

Panpan watched her father pour water for herself, and she suddenly remembered her own fragrance.

"Dad, is Xiang'er okay?"

"I have a headache, but it's gone. It's like watching TV at home." Wang Yaodao.

You can see Xiang'er on Monday. "

Lu Rong smiled and said, "No, we have already sent a message in the WeChat group, and the start date of next Monday has not yet been decided."

"So good!"

There is no need to go to school on Monday, and now Panpan is even more excited.

"I'm so happy, I don't have to go to class and I have to do my homework."

After Lu Rong sat down next to Panpan, he gave him a disdainful look.

"I'm looking at you, do you still want to be a cheat?"

"But, Dad, I've learned everything there is to know in first grade."

"So what? Isn't this homework for you?"

"Okay, okay, maybe you can go back to school next Monday, don't think too much."

Feeling tired, Lu Rong simply lay down next to Panpan, planning to take a nap.

"I like you the most."

Panpan shook her father's big head vigorously and said angrily:

"Even if you like me, you can't let me do this."

"Are you cursing me?"

"I don't!"

"Your dad is not deaf. He heard you when you called me Lao Dun."

"Don't stare at those short videos all day long and understand nothing."

Panpan rolled her eyes and did not object to her father's words.

If she dared to talk back, her dad would definitely fight back.


As previous research reports said, the source of the virus was this goose.

The outcome is obvious, no one is spared, and they all go to see grandma. (End of chapter)

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