On Sunday morning, Lu Rong got good news.

Since yesterday, there have been no new cases and the patients with fever have been brought under control.

But Lu Rong was still very happy, because he received a message that he could go to school on Monday, except for those students who had a fever.

In the event of fever or other conditions, the start date will be announced separately.

Lu Rong laughed, and without saying anything else, he went straight upstairs and opened Panpan's room.

The little guy was lying there sleeping with a smile on his face.


"Wake up."

Lu Rong shook Panpan's shoulders, and the latter woke up in a daze.

"Well, is it time to go to school?"

Rubbing her eyes, Panpan slowly opened her eyes.

"No, I'm just going to school."

Panpan was startled, then realized, isn't this Sunday?

It turned out that he woke her up early in the morning just to let her go to school?

Panpan glanced at her father angrily, then got into bed and stopped talking to her father.

Even if she was beaten, she would not get up so early.

As for that Lu Rong? Seeing that Panpan was fuming but unable to do anything, he nodded with satisfaction.

Hearing the door closing, Panpan closed her eyes again and fell asleep.

I never understood why my mother liked to stay in bed before, but after entering elementary school, Panpan finally understood.

Monday to Friday is really hard, can I take a good rest on Saturday and Sunday?

It’s not a problem to hold your phone and watch TV all day long.

This will probably piss Dad off.

While complaining, Panpan fell asleep.

A long time had passed. When Zhou Yaling woke up and was about to wash up, she was surprised to see Panpan still sleeping.

Zhou Yaling frowned, always feeling that something was wrong. Could it be that this kid was also sick?

With this in mind, Zhou Yaling opened the door and walked in.


Zhou Yaling rubbed Panpan's forehead and muttered in confusion: "Why don't I feel like I'm having a fever?"

Panpan opened her eyes and asked drowsily: "Mom, when is it?"

"Ten o'clock."

"Dad doesn't even wake me up."


"Mom, my dad is so weird. He came to wake me up early in the morning. I thought he was going to school."

"But my dad asked me to go to school. Are you very angry?"

Panpan clenched her fists, her eyes filled with unwillingness.


A smile appeared on Zhou Yaling's lips. As expected of her brother, he always caused trouble for her sister.

If there is no brother's thought in this, I'm afraid no one will believe it.

After comforting Panpan, Zhou Yaling grinned: "Get up quickly, it's already past ten o'clock, your dad will be coming up with a stick in a moment."

"Makes sense!"

Panpan nodded in agreement.

However, both Zhou Yaling and Panpan were a little surprised because their brother was not down there.

The TV is also off.

There were only two, Big Big Wolf and Baozi, lying there, very comfortable.

Perhaps it was infected by Baozi. When it saw Panpan, it started wagging its tail and didn't even want to crawl.

In short, it has learned the essence of its life from Baozi, which is "laziness".

"Zero, where is daddy?"

"I'm arranging flowers in the garden."

"All right……"

Panpan originally thought about her father going out shopping alone, but ended up trimming flowers and plants in the courtyard, and suddenly lost interest.

Zhou Yaling looked at her watch and saw that it was not even past ten o'clock, but her stomach had already begun to make hungry noises.

After thinking about it, let’s make breakfast first.

Mom walked into the kitchen, and Panpan, who was alone with nothing to do, had to go out to play with her dad.

"Are you awake?" Lu Rong was pruning roses in the garden. Seeing Panpan wake up, Lu Rong said with a smile.


She coughed slightly.

After yawning, Panpan picked up a digging shovel from the side and played in the dirt excitedly.

Lu Rong smiled and said nothing.

After all, he is a child and naturally loves to play.

If you can't even play the game well, that's going to be troublesome.

Because the soil was frequently turned over, the soil in the flower bed was very soft, so Panpan dug out a big hole without any effort.

However, Panpan soon realized a problem, that is, what should be planted in the hole he dug?

Panpan really couldn't think of what to plant, so she quietly covered the pit.

From now on, when I have time, I will plant it here.

"let's go."

"Oh." Panpan nodded, stamped her feet, and followed her father into the hall.

Lu Rong saw Zhou Yaling cooking in the kitchen and asked in surprise: "Why did you come so fast?"

While Zhou Yaling was frying the twice-cooked pork, she rolled her eyes at him, "What else can we do? It's already half past ten. We can have dinner together early and at noon."

Lu Rong held back his laughter and gave him a thumbs up.

"That's true."

"Hmph, whatever you want, this is breakfast for Panpan and I."

Lu Rong couldn't cook, so he couldn't argue with Zhou Yaling, lest Zhou Yaling would throw away all the food and not be able to cook anything.

"smell good."


Four side dishes and one soup, it was already past eleven o'clock.

In this case, breakfast should not be finished yet.

While nibbling on the dish, Panpan praised her mother for getting better and better at her craftsmanship.

Listening to Panpan's compliments, Zhou Yaling felt a little dizzy.

Early the next morning, Ling shouted to Panpan to get up.

Rubbing her eyes, Panpan took a deep breath, got out of bed quickly and pulled up the quilt.

After washing up, Panpan picked up her backpack and skipped down the stairs.

Panpan was not surprised to see her parents starting to eat.

Putting her backpack away, Panpan sat down in her chair with self-awareness.

After more than ten minutes, Lu Rong finished drinking the tea and then said, "Are you okay? Let's go when you're ready."

Panpan took out a tissue and quickly wiped the corners of her mouth.

"All right."

"Okay, bye."


Sitting in the school bus, Panpan couldn't help but look worried when she saw that the place where Xiang'er was sitting was empty.

Dad said that Xiang'er was already well, but why didn't the teacher let her go to school?

This is very strange.

During the first class, as soon as the bell rang, she knew that there were ten people missing from her class!

"Attend class!"

With a crisp sound.

Panpan was startled for a moment, then stood up and shouted loudly: "Stand up!"

"Hello teacher!"

"Hello everyone."

"sit down!"

It was the first time I served as a class cadre, and Panpan felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

This is completely different from being in school.

"What we are going to teach now is-"

Following the words of a teacher, Panpan also came back to her senses.

At Panpan Technology Industrial Park, Lu Rong personally visited those staff members who had had fevers. From their mouths, Lu Rong knew that even if the fever subsided, symptoms of physical weakness would still appear.

So, so far, the college has not sent students in this situation back to campus. (End of chapter)

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