The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1003: I cultivate the way of heaven, and I should use the way of refining the body of gods a

Chapter 1003: I cultivate the way of heaven, and I should cultivate the body of gods and demons, the way of the physical body...

"The power of the world that breaks the void can be condensed into countless creations. Emperor Yu used this to refine the power of ice and the spirit of the North Sea to temper his physical body to constantly surpass its original form. He followed a path of overwhelming strength. Basically, Don’t worry about fine practice.”

"As for the Neijiaquan practiced by Teng Qingshan, it starts with cultivating the physical body. The physical body naturally gives birth to internal energy. It is an alternative internal energy practice that is re-adapted when the spiritual energy is weak. method.”

"The physical cultivation of human beings seems to be suppressed by the heavenly ways of this world."

"Ordinary practitioners, even if they want to practice against the heavens, can't find a good way. Even the original Teng Qingshan is just pursuing the physical limit of practice."

"But I... since I am heaven and I am the Tao, and I have been transformed into heaven, I should know the truth about the opening of heaven's way. The so-called suppression and the so-called limit are just because I have not found the right method."

"Once you break through the so-called limit, the gifts you receive may be more than you imagine..."

Xu Xin's mind kept emptying out, his thinking was extremely active, thousands of ideas flashed in his mind, and he finally deduced a broad road full of difficulties.

"I cultivate the way of heaven, open the way of the physical body, and refine the body of gods and demons..."

Xu Xin derived from body refining and thought about the baptism of the transformation of monsters into divine beasts in this world, and also thought about the "gods and demons body refining" method in another universe. If he could really explore such a transformation method in this world, he would have a chance I have a hunch that the benefits will be far greater than imagined.

Xu Xin had an idea in his heart, and his eyes looked at the nine cauldrons and the suspended black divine axe.

Emperor Yu's mountain-opening ax, the core of Tianshui Reservoir, contains the origin of the world and the power of Emperor Yu's world.

Emperor Yu arranged the formation with this as the core, refining the cold power and the spirit of the North Sea that could temper the body, which was of great use in refining the body.

The Spirit of the North Sea is a legendary treasure of heaven and earth. It is said that just one drop can make a person who has never practiced medicine reach the peak of the acquired world. Not only will the inner energy of the Dantian be enriched, but the meridians will also be transformed and transformed, making them tough and broad.

According to Kyushu legend, this spiritual liquid comes from the depths of the North Sea, but only Yuhuangmen has this treasure.

One drop can make a person reach the peak of the acquired world, even more powerful than Xu Xin in the world of "Yitian". Such a treasure is not the most precious in the world of Kyushu.

In the Beihai Continent outside Kyushu, there are three great treasures. The Heavenly Wind Water Beads can open up the meridians of the whole body and give the body a hundred thousand kilograms of power. It can regrow a person's broken limbs, even if the second brother is gone. Yunmeng Ginkgo.

There is also the flaming red lotus that can greatly increase a person's spiritual energy and almost 100% promote him to the innate realm after taking it.

In addition, overseas in Kyushu, there is an immortal grass that can help seriously injured people recover from nirvana and extend their lifespan by two hundred years after taking it.

There are so many treasures in the Kyushu world. Any of them in the worlds that Xu Xin had experienced before would have been robbed, but in this world, it is not the same. This also shows from the side that the origin of this world is rich.

Xu Xin is very greedy for these things, because obtaining and using these treasures will be of great help to him in researching the world and cultivating the body.

If he wants to start the path of refining the body of gods and demons in this world, he must first reach the limit of the shackles of heaven on human practitioners in this world. The limit of the innate physical body is 800,000 kilograms, and the limit of the innate true essence is 800,000 kilograms. The two are superimposed. It is 1.6 million kilograms, close to the explosive power of a human cultivator who has just broken through.

That's right, the Heavenly Way in the Kyushu world is very stuck on power, just like "Douluo". Even your power is stuck on the same 800,000 kilograms. This is setting countless obstacles for the road to transcendence. The threshold!
Xu Xin had never practiced seriously before in the world of Kyushu. He was able to defeat the demon dragon Zi Xi and play with the golden dragon turtle not by force but by the magic of "a flower blooming in one thought" and his profound state and ability to use his brain. Every time he makes a move, he directly mobilizes the power of heaven and earth. Although he has never "entered the void", he can do anything with a higher realm. It can be said that "cultivating the way of heaven" is so outrageous and perverted. The disadvantage is that you can't cultivate it in the first life, and the realm not enough.

"If I force a breakthrough, I may destroy Emperor Yu's arrangement. The spirit of the North Sea here can be used more. The long and thin water is the best way. And I can also slowly study this Tianshui Palace and "Tao and reason" here. Use it to break through the limits of my physical body..."

Xu Xin's figure slowly exited the golden light shield, but he did not give up the idea of ​​swallowing the energy inside, and was just preparing to use a more roundabout method.

"Swallowing Heaven Demonic Technique!!!"

Xu Xin's whole body seemed to turn into a black hole, constantly pulling in some energy within the golden light shield. A large amount of gold, silver, cyan and other multi-colored energy was absorbed and swallowed by Xu Xin.

A white light rushed straight into Xu Xin's body. The moment this strange energy poured in, Xu Xin felt a bone-chilling energy sweeping through his body, as if it was going to freeze his whole body.

Cold, bone-chilling cold, freezing to the soul.

In addition to the cold, there was severe pain, deep into the bone marrow, permeating every part of the body.

There was a faint snow-white light on the surface of Xu Xin's skin, his face was white, his forehead had protruding veins, his muscles were twisted, and his eyes were red.

His internal organs, muscles and bones were all undergoing earth-shaking changes. His muscles and bones seemed to be constantly bombarded by big hammers, constantly breaking through and becoming harder. His whole body seemed to be bitten by thousands of ants, and his hands and feet were twitching uncontrollably. stand up.


Xu Xin stamped his foot on the ground, and the ground of Tianshui Palace, which even the Golden Core Demonic Beast could not destroy, was stomped by Xu Xin into terrifying potholes.

Xu Xin's body is bleeding, and it is growing and developing visibly to the naked eye. It is becoming taller and stronger. It is not that it is getting stronger, but that it is essentially improving and strengthening.

The sound of chissings continued. Under Xu Xin's blood-stained skin, the red muscles were tangled together like dense steel bars. Each muscle was still trembling and twitching. His tendons, meridians, etc. were also undergoing crazy transformation, moving towards a certain Extreme transformation.

This is the physical strength of 800,000 kilograms. It really feels good!
When all the changes were over, Xu Xin just made a fist and there was a sonic boom. This change made him quite satisfied. But when I think about the physical limit of 800,000 kilograms, I frown a little.

This is not the limit of improvement, but the limit of restriction. This is the limit of the human body allowed by heaven and earth. This makes Xu... a little unhappy!
"Limits, I never believe in limits. Let's see who is stronger, God or humans."

"Shengtian Hanzi, this is not the first time I have done this..."

Xu Xin looked up at the sky, and as he waved, there was already a ball of silver light in his hand, which was the spirit of the North Sea, and then his figure disappeared into the silent core of the treasure house.


After a while after Xu Xin disappeared, a long sigh came from the depths of the treasure house, and at the same time there was a vague figure, looming.

(End of this chapter)

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