The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1004 The Lord of Dayan Mountain, the hero of the world

Chapter 1004 The Lord of Dayan Mountain, the hero of the world

In Dayan Mountain, there are clear waters and cold pools.

Hanging in the sky, in this extremely cold Hantan Valley, bursts of purple light wrap around the earth, making this place look like a fairyland.

In the back mountain of Tengjiazhuang, a strong figure carried a petite figure to Shuangtou Mountain where Hantan was located. The strong figure was as energetic as a dragon, while the petite figure was delicate and spiritual.

"Qinghu, we're at Shuangtou Mountain, please put me down!"

On Teng Qinghu's back, his wife Li Luoxiang whispered. The strong figure running up the mountain slowly slowed down and carefully put his wife down.

"Luoxiang, you are pregnant and can't be burdened. Leave these to me!"

Teng Qinghu grabbed the food box in his wife's hand, and while speaking, he glanced at Li Luoxiang's belly with concern.

"Stop watching this. How many times have you watched this?"

Li Luoxiang pulled Teng Qinghu's ears shyly, but the latter just smiled innocently.

The couple followed the relatively smooth mountain road and soon reached the halfway point of the mountain. The purple energy here was almost solidified, and streams of purple light traveled like rivers, gathering here from all directions.

"Big Brother!!!"

Teng Qinghu stood where he could vaguely see Hantan. After calling from a distance, he waited at the spot.


A beast roar came from the place where the purple light gathered not far away, and then a purple light swam out. A ferocious single horn like a sharp sword, like a dragon's head poked in front of the two of them, and finally hung gently on Li Luoxiang's head. In front of him, let her palms caress him.

"Xiao Zixi, take us to find big brother."

As Li Luoxiang opened his mouth, the purple dragon stretched out its more than ten feet long body to clear the way for the two of them, and they soon arrived at the cold blue water pool.

At this time, the cold pool of clear water had become a place where purple light gathered. Thousands of purple lights and vapors gathered towards the top of the cold pool like the underground core of the Flood Palace that day.

Just on the surface of the cold pool, the cold air kept coming out, and the rich purple light formed a three-foot-sized "sun". In the sun, a figure lay sleeping, with a strong and perfect body, which only allowed people to take a look. , just extremely unforgettable.

"Big brother!"

Li Luoxiang called softly, and the eyelids of the sleeping figure trembled slightly. After a moment, he sat upright in the purple sun in the sky and looked at the couple in front of him.

"Luoxiang! Qinghu!"

"How long have I been asleep this time?"

Xu Xin looked at the couple in front of him, his eyes gradually changed from indifferent to a little more lively emotion.

He has no relatives, but it's not like he's cut off love or anything like that, he's just devoted to cultivation.

Li Luoxiang said softly: "Brother, you have been sleeping for more than a year this time!"

Xu Xin nodded, and his figure emerged from the "Purple Sun". Thousands of purple light and purple energy that filled this place all gathered in his body at an extremely fast speed, making his aura even more amazing and his temperament also It is even more ethereal.

With a wave of Xu Xin's hand, earth and rocks appeared out of thin air on the ground to form stone tables and chairs. If this method were used in the outside world, it would definitely arouse people's surprise. But Teng Qinghu and Li Luoxiang were already used to it. Their eldest brother has become less and less like a human being since he became enlightened. According to their cousin Teng Qingshan, who has become an elder of the Guiyuan Sect, perhaps the eldest brother has recovered his past life memories.

Xu Xin waved his hand slightly, and the food box in Teng Qinghu's hand opened by itself. The dishes flew onto the table, and the drinks were poured out by Xu Xin. With a casual wave of his hand, a surge of silver flowed out. The liquid of light is submerged into the jug.

"Luoxiang, since you have a body, you should take good care of it and stop running around."

Xu Xin reached out and poured a cup for Li Luoxiang. Speaking of his life, the last time he had a sister was in the "Da Ming". But at that time, he was considered a descendant of a big family with many younger brothers and sisters, so it was not a big deal emotionally. How many kisses.

This life was different. He and Li Luoxiang were siblings.

Besides, there shouldn't be a person like him in this world.


Li Luoxiang nodded obediently, picked up the wine glass and took a sip, her eyes narrowed beautifully. After she drank one glass, she added another glass for herself, and then another glass for her husband Teng Qinghu.

"Brother, are you really not going to find a sister-in-law?"

After having another drink, Li Luoxiang said: "Father and mother have said many times that it would be better for you to be enlightened than not to be enlightened. At least they can still see you before..."

"up to you!"

Xu Xin replied casually: "It really doesn't work. If you two have more children, choose one of them to change his surname to Li and inherit the Li family's legacy."

Xu Xin said it was about fate, but he knew in his heart that there was a high probability that he would not be able to find a suitable partner in this life.

He became more and more successful in cultivating the Way of Heaven, and he also sensed some things in the dark.

Xu Xin had another family conversation with Li Luoxiang and Teng Qinghu. After learning about the recent situation of his relatives and clan members, he asked: "What happened outside recently?"

He had made an explanation before he went into seclusion to sleep and transform. Under normal circumstances, Li Luoxiang and Teng Qinghu would not come to disturb him. The first two times he met with them, Xu Xin took the initiative to go out for a walk and bask in the sun after finishing his sleep.

"Brother, probably around the time you were in seclusion, Qingshan went to the wilderness. After returning, he was promoted to the innate realm and became the youngest innate powerhouse in Kyushu in the past 500 years."

"Then for some unknown reason, Qinghu Island suddenly took action against the Tieyi Sect and the Guiyuan Sect. After the Tieyi Sect was destroyed, Qinghu Island and the Guiyuan Sect fought for several months, and then suddenly stopped fighting. But now many people from Qinghu Island are coming to our Yicheng."

Teng Qinghu shared some recent news with Xu Xin, and Xu Xin roughly knew what was going on.

After he came to this world, except for killing all the bandits and horse thieves near Yicheng when he "awakened" and re-establishing the order of this place, he spent the next time practicing in Dayan Mountain and did not interfere with the "plot". big.

Therefore, the current situation is most likely to be the "Bloody Battle of Dayan Mountain" in the original timeline. The news of Emperor Yu's treasure has spread. In addition to Emperor Yu's Gate, the eight major sects in the world will soon swarm in, and there will be scattered scattered ones. Xiu Xiantian and Guiyuan Sect will come to help.

"They are here to hunt for treasure. There is no need for conflict for the time being. Warning... I really haven't taken action for too long, and people have become unscrupulous!"

Xu Xin was mid-sentence when he suddenly cast his gaze in the direction of Teng's village outside the mountain. Teng Qinghu and Li Luoxiang didn't have the ability to sense, but he could "see" clearly.

A large group of people came to Tengjiazhuang aggressively. It turned out that they were people from Qinghu Island, specifically looking for trouble.

Xu, the "Lord of Dayan Mountain", has not taken action for several years after the rules were re-established in Yicheng. Now there is a stupid Qingshang rushing to make him establish his authority. If he doesn't take action, that is not appropriate!

(End of this chapter)

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