The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1007 Purple light corrodes the body, the mastermind behind the scenes

Chapter 1007 Purple light corrodes the body, the mastermind behind the scenes
"Purple light corrodes the body!!!"

Xu Xin's right hand reached out to grab the air, and a ray of purple light instantly penetrated Teng Qingshan's body. The latter immediately rose from the ground, and his body expanded instantly. The naked eye could see countless purple lights swimming in his skin, flesh and meridians, violent purple The brilliance seemed to penetrate Teng Qingshan's entire body.

"Uh uh uh……"

Teng Qingshan let out a dull roar, but fortunately there was no "Brother Xu doesn't want it" or "It hurts" plot. It can only be said that Teng Qingshan is indeed a tough guy.


I don't know how long it took, but Teng Qingshan fell to the ground, his whole body soaked with blood. At this moment, his body was filled with Xu Xin's aura, which was equivalent to being planted by Xu Xin as a "devil seed". After returning, it was time for Xu Xin to cut leeks.

Xu Xin had a premonition that Teng Qingshan would definitely gain greater rewards from going to Tianshui Palace this time than in the original plot, and he might be able to jump to the limit of his physical body.

But he hopes that the time traveler protagonist in front of him, the son of destiny, can break that limit, so that it can bring him a higher reference value.

"You go ahead!"

Teng Qingshan staggered up from the ground, and Xu Xin, who had some beads of sweat on his forehead, spoke softly. Teng Qingshan on the ground silently lowered his head and kowtowed, then struggled to turn around and left the place.

"This kid actually respects his teacher."

Xu Xin looked at Teng Qingshan's leaving back and nodded with satisfaction. Should I say it or not, the protagonists of Tomato are basically positive characters with high morals. They are basically not ungrateful. Not to mention a certain three, they are Xiao Yan and In comparison, they are all a little less interesting.

In the cold pool of clear water, a purple sun rises into the sky, and the light distorts the void. As a result, outsiders cannot see much, but if someone is under the purple sun, they will find that there seem to be two suns in the sky, one. A golden wheel, a bright purple wheel, they are all... supreme.

"Zhuge Qing is coming? It seems that the gears of fate are starting to turn!"

"Sitting behind the scenes like this, overlooking the trajectory of fate, it really feels like the mastermind behind the scenes!"

Xu Xin sat on the top of the sky and cast his eyes in the direction of Jiangning County. There was a large army coming here, and there was a very beautiful girl in the team.

Xu Xin sensed some causal connection between her and Teng Qingshan. Zhuge Qing was destined to have no connection, and her relationship with Teng Qingshan was just like Baguio in "Zhu Xian" to Zhang Xiaofan. It was a lifelong regret.

Xu Xin felt that this feeling of being behind the scenes and fiddling with cause and effect was very good, especially... He really wanted to see the always serious Teng Qingshan face the "Peach Blossom Tribulation" Shura field where multiple girls were courting each other. It should be a very interesting scene. picture.


Xu Xin couldn't help laughing as he thought about it, and then looked towards the center of Yangzhou, in the direction of Qinghu Island, where an extremely powerful aura was erupting, and seemed to be heading towards Dayan Mountain.

If nothing unexpected happens, that is the Void Realm Ancestor from Qinghu Island.

Blind Sword Master, Iron Five.

Everything in the heaven and earth has a "breath", and a strong person in the virtual realm who unites heaven and man, has long-term integration of heaven and earth, and becomes the master of a certain part of heaven and earth. He can mobilize the power of that part of heaven and earth, and the more "Tao" he understands, the more "Tao" he understands. The closer it is to the completion of the virtual realm of 100% of the power of heaven and earth, the stronger the power of control will be.

Because the strong people in the virtual realm are in a passive state when they are constantly "merging the gods with the world". In the eyes of strong people at the same level, they are the "sun" and cannot hide it at all.

Therefore, unless the virtual realm masters in this world are attacked and pursued by several strong men of the same realm, in a one-on-one situation, even a virtual realm master who has just broken through will find it difficult to kill a virtual realm master who has just broken through, because he can be killed from a distance. Sensing the opponent. If I can't beat you, why can't I run away?


The largest lake in Yangzhou is Qinghu. Qinghu Lake is vast, with a radius of nearly a hundred miles, and in the center of Qinghu Lake, there is a large island with a radius of dozens of miles. This island is called Qinghu Island, and it is one of the eight major powers in Kyushu and the main forum of Qinghu Island. And where the mountain gate is.

On Qinghu Lake, hundreds of rivalries compete every day, and countless Qinghu Island disciples travel to and from Qinghu Lake, maintaining Qinghu Island's absolute rule over Yangzhou.

Qinghu Island, Suolong Pavilion, is the core place of Qinghu Island. As the island owner Gu Yong leads the expedition, almost all the innate strong men left behind on Qinghu Island sit in Suolong Pavilion and handle affairs every day.

When the news from Dayan Mountain came, Tie Pan, the innate golden elixir expert left behind on Qinghu Island, changed his expression and flew away from Suolong Pavilion after a moment.

Sword Blade Mountain is a forbidden area on Qinghu Island. Even the core disciples are not allowed to set foot here. Anyone who disobeys will have their martial arts revoked and be expelled from Qinghu Island. Only the law enforcement elders and the island owner are eligible to enter Sword Blade Mountain.

Tie Pan, who was dressed in an earthy yellow robe, walked step by step on the mountain path of Jianren Mountain, feeling extremely heavy.

On the top of the Blade Mountain, there is only a simple stone house, covered with spider webs and other things. It has obviously been uninhabited for a long time.

In front of the stone house, there is a humanoid stone sculpture sitting cross-legged, covered in gray, but lifelike, as if it were a real person.


Tie Pan came to the stone sculpture, knelt down with a bang, bowed his head and paid homage.


The surface of the gray stone sculpture suddenly cracked with cracks. With an explosion, a figure in black robes sitting cross-legged appeared, with his eyes closed and silver-white hair, as expressionless as the stone sculpture.

"Ancestor, Guiyuan Sect appears... Emperor Yu's treasure was found on Dayan Mountain, and news came..."

Tie Pan whispered some recent news about Guiyuan Sect and Dayan Mountain.

The figure in black was sitting there, listening to Tie Pan's report. He suddenly opened his eyes, but they were all gray, with no pupils or expressions visible. But the moment he opened his eyes, the entire sky seemed to be dark. Come down normally.

The Sky-Eye Sword Master of Qinghu Island was second on the Heavenly Ranking two hundred years ago. He was a blind man and a sword master. Facing this ancestor who was related to him by blood, Tie Pan could only feel fear at this moment. There was a feeling that facing the whole The feeling of heaven and earth.

"What happened in Dayan Mountain? Could it be that the guy from Guiyuan Sect who had a lucky break through took action?"

The Sky-Eyed Sword Master Tie Wu's voice was a little hoarse, probably because he hadn't spoken for a long time.

"It shouldn't be. That guy is about to run out of life. Even if he breaks through by chance, his potential is limited, and he can't become so strong all at once..."

"Two virtual realms appeared in Jiangning County at once? One is an old guy from Guiyuan Sect, and the other is hiding in Dayan Mountain. It is suspected to be related to Emperor Yu's treasure?"

A black light flashed across the gray-white eyes of the blind sword master Tie Wu, and he stretched out his right hand. With a whooshing sound, a black light flew out from the dilapidated stone house next to it and landed on his hand. A seemingly ordinary stick The black thin iron rod has a faint purple light flowing around it.

"Since Emperor Yu's treasure appeared in Yangzhou and was discovered by Qinghu Island, it belongs to Qinghu Island. How can it be allowed to be accessed by outsiders?"

The blind sword master's expressionless face had his eyes slightly narrowed, like a cold and poisonous snake.

In an instant, Tie Wu's aura surged and his clothes swayed violently. Under Tie Pan's surprised gaze, his whole body rose into the sky and turned into a black light, heading directly towards Jiangning County in the south.

(End of this chapter)

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