The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1008 The gear of fate is about to start a new round of changes

Chapter 1008 The gear of fate is about to begin a new round of changes
In Jiangning County, in the martial arts pavilion of Guiyuan Sect, an old man guarding the martial arts pavilion was leisurely enjoying tea and reading a book. He was the elder Wu of Guiyuan Sect who had recently broken through to the virtual realm.

Elder Wu of the Guiyuan Sect, an innate golden elixir that is close to the limit of two hundred years of life, has never been included in the ranks of the Nine Provinces Continent's heavenly list, but he broke through the virtual realm when the sect was in danger. The fate of this is really It's very touching.

That night he was sitting on a chair, holding a book on unofficial history, frowning and thinking about something. His right hand was like a sword finger, and he was making gestures continuously. The space around his fingers was slightly distorted and oscillating.


Elder Wu suddenly stopped and looked up to the north. He clearly felt that an incomparably powerful dark aura suddenly appeared in his domain perception. It seemed that... the person who came was evil.

"The virtual realm of Qinghu Island?"

" it because of the mysterious Lord Dayan Mountain?"

Elder Wu stood up suddenly, his face was solemn, and his expression changed rapidly.

"Whether he comes for the Lord of Dayan Mountain or not, once I meet him, he will definitely not be my opponent. I can't just sit back and wait for death, so I might as well go to Dayan Mountain to take a dip in the muddy waters. I can't meet this old guy anyway."

"Fortunately, Yuanhong and the others have already set off for Dayan Mountain and left Jiangning County. It gives me some more options. I can just go around in a circle and not run into this old guy."

"According to what Gu Yong and Dan Chen said, the mysterious void reflected a face in the void, but when he spoke, there was a strong wind. So the way of heaven and earth he understood should be related to the storm?"

"Guiyuan Sect actually has an extra virtual realm. Although he is an old guy, he is younger than me. Moreover, their sect leader Zhuge Yuanhong is extremely talented and is also expected to be in the virtual realm. Recently, another seventeen-year-old was born. The innate Teng Qingshan is full of talents and a great threat..."

Unknown enemies are more terrifying than visible enemies.

An unknown enemy cannot judge its strength at all, and may hit you hard at any time.

The moon and stars were sparse, and a mass of darkness descended silently in the sky above Dayan Mountain.

"But... the old guy from Guiyuan Sect, who barely comprehends less than 10% of the power of heaven and earth, is not related to the storm. It should not be him. Then... could it be that the mysterious virtual realm from outside has left at this moment? Or? , still dormant?”

In the void world, Qinghu Island Tie Wu's expression changed uncertainly. He did not continue to try to search for traces of the virtual realm of the Guiyuan Sect. After confirming that the Guiyuan Sect really had a virtual realm, he decisively went to the Dayan Mountain in Yicheng. The direction flew over.

The obscure fluctuations of darkness changed directions every fifteen miles, covering the entire area inside and outside Dayan Mountain. Finally, the dark fluctuations turned into a figure with gray eyes. It was none other than the blind swordsman of Qinghu Island. He stood on Dayan Mountain. At a certain peak of the mountain range, his expression became more solemn.

The blind swordsman Tie Wu searched again and again to no avail. His heart gradually sank to the bottom. The more he thought about it, the more uncertain he became.

"That's all, I will also hide and protect the strong men of Qinghu Island."

A visible enemy can at least sense the depth of the opponent and judge its approximate strength.

"Strange, strange... I have obviously circled Dayan Mountain, why can't I find the aura of the mysterious virtual realm strongman? Even if he is a cave virtual strongman, he should be able to be sensed by me. Could it be... Is he pretending to be that old guy from Guiyuan Sect?"

Elder Wu of the Guiyuan Sect made up his mind, and instantly merged with the heaven and earth, turning into a rainbow and disappearing into Jiangning County. After disrupting the power of heaven and earth several times and changing directions, his breath finally disappeared into Qinghu Island Ancestor In Iron Five's perception.

Tie Wu made a decision in his heart, and then disappeared into the night sky in an instant.

"This old guy really came for the Dayan Mountain Master, but even he couldn't find that one. The one who was hiding was really deep enough."

"But fortunately, I, Guiyuan Zong, have some friendship with that guy, so don't worry too much." After Tie Wu disappeared, a figure slowly emerged, vaguely connected to the camp on Qinghu Island at the foot of Dayan Mountain. The distance of thirty or forty miles is neither far nor close.

The virtual realm expert from the Guiyuan Sect also explored for a while, and then flew away in a northerly direction, blending into the sky and the earth, but he was preparing to communicate with the Guiyuan Sect team that was about to arrive.

"Qinghu Island and Guiyuan Sect's virtual realm are here, it's getting more and more lively!"

"You think so! Zi Xi!"

Ripples rippled in the depths of the void, and Xu Xin, who transformed into the "Purple Moon" and continuously absorbed the energy of heaven and earth, patted the purple-black dragon head under him as he spoke.

A slight dragon roar responded to him. Zi Xi, the demon dragon flying in the clouds and mist in the void, had also observed the two humans in the virtual realm before.

But just like the blind swordsman Tie Wu and Elder Guiyuan Zongwu failed to discover Xu Xin, they also failed to discover the existence of the demon dragon Zi Xi.

Originally, they should be able to sense Zi Xi's aura, but because of Xu Xin's presence, their perception was blinded, and naturally they were unable to detect the two dangerous existences nearby.

Whether it is Xu Xin or the demon dragon Zi Xi, they can easily kill these two human beings.

But Xu Xin didn't have such thoughts, he was still going to watch the show and cause trouble.

The more lively the scene in Dayan Mountain is, the better.

Xu Xin is watching a show here, and a big show is also starting over there.

Because of the deliberate publicity by the remnants of the Tieyi Sect, the news that Qinghu Island had obtained Emperor Yu's treasure became known to everyone. After it spread all over the world, within a few days, many innate masters rushed to Dayan Mountain.

The sect left by the most powerful Sakyamuni, Mani Temple, which occupies two states, dispatched the Twelve Arhats of Purple Stick Hall from the Three Halls and Six Courtyards, and the leader was an old monk in the innate golden elixir realm.

The Ying family set up the "Nine-Nine Spear Formation", with nine innate masters, headed by Ying Haojiang, the innate golden elixir master who was ranked 12th on the "Heaven Ranking".

In addition, there are five people from Shooting Sun Mountain, six people from Xiaoyao Palace, five people from Snow Eagle Sect, and six people from Hongtian City. The rogue cultivators are headed by the Beast King Wuhou, who is number one on the Heavenly Ranking, and six including "Teng Qingshan" who infiltrated under a pseudonym.

Forty-nine foreign innate masters broke into the garrison on Qinghu Island.

Even though there are many experts on Qinghu Island, they are still frightened when faced with such a lineup.

In the end, the various forces naturally did not fight, but went out together to explore Emperor Yu's treasure in the underground dark lake.

"It's finally begun."

"The people from Guiyuan Sect are coming soon. The gears of destiny are about to start a new round of changes. It's really exciting!"

In the sky above the cold pool of clear water, within a purple sun that could not be observed by outsiders, Xu Xin overlooked the earth and felt the changes deep underground. The expression on his face became richer and richer, revealing a trace of expectation and playfulness.

(End of this chapter)

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