The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 101: Three Levels of Essence, Qi and Shen, On the Gathering of Three Flowers

Chapter 101 The Three Levels of Essence, Qi and Shen, On the Gathering of Three Flowers (Please vote for support)
"Zhenzhen Zhang, Yu Sanxia's situation still depends on his later recovery. His muscles have atrophied after being bedridden for ten years. He needs to be recuperated and exercised. In a few days, you can arrange for someone to help him walk..."

Xu Xin helped Yu Daiyan heal his injuries and explained a few words. Master Zhang Sanfeng was always by his side, listening carefully and showing no airs at all.

"Song Xi, I'll leave it to you to arrange the affairs of your third senior brother!"

Zhang Sanfeng handed over the matter to his most capable fourth disciple, Zhang Songxi, who withdrew politely. Xu Xin and Zhang Sanfeng walked casually in the Wudang Mountains and chatted with each other, which was considered as proof of martial arts.

In this conversation, Zhang Sanfeng was able to teach everything he had learned over the past century, his understanding of martial arts, his knowledge and guesses about the future, and the true Taoist traditions he had harvested over the past century... This series of things benefited Xu Xin a lot and made him He finally got a rough glimpse of the road ahead and understood how to continue walking.

According to Zhang Sanfeng, the current martial arts practice environment has undergone some changes compared to a hundred years ago. There are fewer old medicines and spiritual objects that can help practice. Therefore, if you want to practice to the ultimate state of the day after tomorrow, it has also become More difficult.

The old Taoist priest has been in the world for hundreds of years. He was lucky enough to meet Yang Guo, the five masters, 90 years ago. The era of the late Song Dynasty and the early Yuan Dynasty was regarded as a sunset. There were nearly ten top people in the world who had gained the title of governor, and some even reached a higher level. But It's a pity that I couldn't rebel against my innateness after all.

The setting sun in the late Song Dynasty was still due to the sword debates in Huashan Mountain. A group of top masters in the world confirmed each other's martial arts and improved each other, creating the final flourishing age of martial arts.

After that, Yuan Ting took control of China, and what came was a chaotic world. The most prominent thing was the word "chaos". There were not many top masters, but the whole environment was chaotic. Evil disciples and evil ways emerged in endlessly. Everyone killed people at every turn. Zhang Sanfeng was just killing people. from.

From the time when he became famous to this day, the country has been full of talents from generation to generation, and there have been some outstanding ones in the past, such as He Zudao, Guo Xiang, Baishu Taoist, and Yang Dingtian, the leader of the Demon Cult who became famous in the past ten years, etc., all of whom have got through Ren Du is an acquired master.

But this type of "extreme" is at most similar to the "Five Ultimate" level before the Huashan Sword Theory. The stronger is stronger, but it cannot go further.The only ones who really belong to the exception in the past few decades are him and Ba Siba, but really counting, they were also born in the previous Song Dynasty.

Zhang Sanfeng became famous at a young age, killing most of the world with a true martial arts sword, but at that time, he was at best an acquired talent and couldn't see the way forward.The real breakthrough came after he fought with Basiba several times and was led by this old enemy.

Of course, it's also because Zhang Sanfeng has this talent. Some of his contemporaries, such as He Zudao and Guo Xiang, even have better conditions than him, but they can't break through.

The day after tomorrow, you will be able to see the gods secretly, and after you have penetrated the Rendu Qi and traveled to the Great Zhoutian, you can vaguely feel the ancestral orifice between the eyebrows. This is the foundation of the Shenguan.The subsequent breakthroughs were based on the indispensable combination of opportunity and talent, and were divided into three directions: energy, energy and spirit. Zhang Sanfeng called it "Three Flowers Gathering at the Top".

Three Flowers Gathering on the Top is a term in inner alchemy. Xiao Tingzhi said in "Jindan Dacheng Ji": "Ask about the Three Flowers Gathering on the Top. The answer is: the spirit, energy and essence are mixed into one. The one hole in the entrance is the acupoint of the spirit, energy and essence. also."

Cultivation after acquiring the ultimate goal is to transform the essence, energy, and spirit, and finally open up the mysterious orifice and rebel against the innate nature.

In the past, the cultivation environment was not bad, and some rare spiritual objects could assist transformation. In ancient times, there were often legends that some military commanders took some tonic medicine and had the power of nine cows and two tigers. It was suspected that they used foreign objects to transform into "Flowers of Essence" ”, Xu Xin’s “breaking the rules” falls into this category.

This type of breakthrough has the lowest threshold, but it is also the most difficult type. Opportunity and talent are both indispensable. Without opportunity, you cannot obtain the kind of heaven and earth spiritual objects that can transform your physique.In addition, this type of spiritual transformation is also very dangerous. If your body's talent cannot be digested enough, you will not be able to break through, so you can only waste the opportunity.

Therefore, there are the fewest "outliers" of this kind in the past dynasties. Each of them is a fierce general who has taken the rank of general among the ten thousand armies, such as Xiang Yu and Li Cunxiao.

"Flower of Essence" is the foundation, the threshold is low but the difficulty of breakthrough is the highest.The other "Flowers of God" and "Flowers of Qi" place more emphasis on talent and have a higher threshold.

The practice of the "god" is those "contemplation methods" that seem to be known by superstitious ghosts and gods. Most of the methods spread in the world are deceptive methods, but there are also genuine methods, such as the "Supreme Yoga Tantra" of the Tantra. , also included in some Taoist true biographies that Zhang Sanfeng later obtained.

However, the threshold for practicing the way of "god" is the highest. It requires a strong natural spiritual power and you must be able to get started with contemplation.

Either you can't get started with this practice. If you can get started, then the road will be smooth. As long as you don't die in the middle, you will definitely be able to practice to the peak of the acquired world and bloom the "Flower of God". Phagpa is such a "Flower of God" Lucky man".

Of course, after you have reached the end of acquired life, you can sense the ancestral aperture between the eyebrows, and you can also initially engage in "divine" practices such as "contemplation", but after all, it is not as successful as those who are born with the ability to practice, and most people still don't have the opportunity to make a breakthrough. .

"Flower of Essence" and "Flower of God" are both demanding, while "Flower of Qi" is relatively simple, but it also depends on talent and opportunity. If you want the "internal force" to transform into "acquired pure Qi", Then it depends on yourself.

Wu Jue of the previous generation and Zhang Sanfeng of the present generation all gained insights unknowingly in the process of confirming martial arts with their opponents. Each person's path is different.

It seems that some legendary magical skills can be practiced step by step to achieve breakthroughs, but in the current environment, it is too difficult to practice to the fullest extent of the magical skills.

Of course, Zhang Sanfeng also shared a little experience of his own with Xu Xin. The old Taoist priest was still a little embarrassed to say it, that is, the body of pure yang and pure yin is also helpful to the practice of Qi. This is his century-old experience.

It is embarrassing to talk about a hundred-year-old boy, but the old Taoist priest also showed off to Xu Xin that he was a hundred years old, and when he woke up every morning, he was still a pillar holding the sky.

Xu Xin was extremely speechless when he heard what he said. A boy or something, in this life... no, it is impossible in the next life and the next life after that. The previous life cannot be changed, and the past life cannot be pursued, but it will definitely not be possible in the future, so this It's a kick, don't take it to heart.

Xu Xin stayed in Wudang Mountain for a long time, verifying martial arts with Zhang Sanfeng every day, and roughly sorted out the reasons for the difficulties in breaking through, and the most important thing was the impact on the world.

Although the martial arts practice is still good, it can be seen from the increasingly scarce various old medicines and spiritual objects that the overall environment of this world is weakening. This is also the reason why the cultivation level of future generations of warriors is getting lower and lower, and the martial arts is getting weaker and weaker. the root cause.

(End of this chapter)

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