The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 102: Gang leader changes, next target is Persia

Chapter 102: Gang leader changes, next target is Persia
On this day, Xu Xin was listening to Taoist masters talking about Dao Zang at the Zixiao Palace in Wudang Mountain. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of Ji Xiaofu outside the door. He realized that something was wrong, so he apologized and got up and went out.

"Xu Lang, there is news from the Beggar Clan Junshan Chief. Old Clan Leader Yelu, I'm afraid he may not be able to survive!"

Ji Xiaofu's words made Xu Xin frown slightly. Even though he had been prepared in his heart, the sudden news still caught him off guard.

The Beggar Gang is a very important part of his plan. The key is that it is still in the dormant stage, so it is best not to cause too much trouble.Whenever the leader of the Beggar Clan updates and iterates, some troubles will arise, which is very troublesome for him.

"I'm going to say goodbye to Master Zhang. We'll leave later!"

Xu Xin was lazy on weekdays, but he was vigorous and resolute when doing business. He immediately made arrangements for Ji Xiaofu to inform Dai Qisi and other subordinates, while he went to say goodbye to Zhang Laodao.

When he said goodbye to Zhang Laodao and came outside, Ji Xiaofu, Dai Qisi and others were already ready. They immediately went down the mountain and hurried towards Dongting Lake.

The straight-line distance between Wudang Mountain and Dongting Lake where Junshan is located is only a few thousand miles, but it is impossible to go there in a straight line, so the actual distance is about [-] to [-] miles.

Xu Xin changed horses along the way, traveling day and night, and finally arrived at Dongting Lake on the fourth day. In the afternoon of the same day, he arrived at Junshan Island, where he saw the old gang leader Yelu Yuanru for the last time.

He was once considered a heroic figure, but in the end he was dying and just hanging on for dear life.Xu Xin stayed in Junshan for only a few days when Yelu Yuanru passed away.

The next thing actually had little to do with him, it was Yelu Yuanru's funeral arrangements and the succession of the new gang leader at the Junshan Ceremony.

Yelu Yuanru's funeral affairs were naturally handled by his daughter and son-in-law.The new gang leader is of course the son-in-law of the old gang leader, Shi Huolong of the Golden Silver Palm.

In fact, ever since Fang Dongbai was forced to "die of illness", the Beggar Clan has decided on the succession of the next leader. Normally, Yelu Yuanru should have succeeded Shi Huolong long ago.

But until he died completely, there was still no time to hold a ceremony for Shi Huolong.

There are two main reasons for this. On the one hand, Yelu Yuanru is a man of power and can be regarded as the leader of the beggar gang who has reluctantly "revived". Naturally, he has been holding on to power and is unwilling to abdicate.

Another reason is because of Xu Xin's sudden rise.Yelu Yuanru is still there, but with his prestige and methods, Xu Xin is reluctant to come to Junshan.And if the leader of the gang is changed, there will definitely be some changes in position between the emperor and the courtiers.

He was afraid that Shi Huolong would be replaced early and the latter would be unable to suppress Xu Xin, resulting in his power being evacuated.

But being suppressed like this is actually not a problem. Now that Shi Huolong is in power, he has less control over the Beggar Clan, because almost all of the capable talents in the Beggar Clan over the years have come from Xu Xin's sect, or they have been discovered by him. Promoted.

"Elder, the gang leader recently promoted some people from the Dirty Clothes Sect. One of them, Chen Youliang, with decent merit and ability, was promoted to the rank of Six-Bag Helmsman!"

On Junshan Island, Qian Yuan, the Dayi helmsman directly under the Zongtan, reported to Xu Xin some recent intelligence. He was Xu Xin's confidant in the Zongtan.

The son of the leader of Nanchang branch Qian's martial arts is mediocre, his ability is not bad, especially his ability to collect intelligence. The key point is loyalty. This is enough.

Xu Xin was sure that he would not betray him, so he gave Leader Dayi such a high position and ordered him to pay close attention to all kinds of intelligence in the general forum. The news that Yelu Yuanru was seriously ill came to him through his channels as soon as possible.

"The Dirty Clothes Sect? Chen Youliang? It's interesting. Is Gang Leader Shi going to support someone to challenge me? It's really interesting. He himself can't beat me. How about promoting someone?"

Xu Xin smiled and shook his head, and then said: "Brothers, please be calm these days and don't let Leader Shi think too much. I have no interest in grabbing the position of gang leader. It will ruin my reputation for nothing and is not conducive to the great cause, so I will let you go." Let him sit down peacefully!"

"Elder, it's not the brothers who are making trouble, it's whether Gang Leader Shi is worthy of his position. How much do you think about it? The big guy knows that you don't want to rob him, but he wants to be aggressive. When he does things according to your instructions, he keeps making moves to stop him. How can this be so? If you don’t really succeed to the throne, you won’t be very honest.”

After Qian Yuan finished speaking, Xu Xin frowned slightly.

"Wait a minute. After he succeeds to the throne, I will talk to him in person! In a few days, I plan to go to Guangmingding and the Persian Ming Cult. Let the brothers pay more attention to this aspect. And along the coast, we will cooperate with the Sky Eagle Cult to open up When traveling to sea, don’t just focus on the one-third of an acre in the Central Plains.”

After Xu Xin finished speaking, Qian Yuan nodded and wrote down everything. He handled it carefully according to priorities. He was indeed a very capable person.

"Elder Xu, the ceremony has begun!" Later that day, Zhangbo Longtou came to Xu Xin in person and informed him that the ceremony was to be held.

Xu Xin followed Zhangbo Longtou to the ceremony and sat on the seats of the four elders. At this time, Shi Huolong walked out and stood on the high platform. Zhangbang Longtou came out holding the dog beating stick. The stick was green and crystal clear. It is something passed down from generation to generation by the leaders of the Beggar Clan.

"Everyone, the old gang leader Yelu passed away due to illness. We follow the old gang leader's orders and appoint Elder Shi as the fourth generation gang leader No. 20 of our gang."

The palm stick leader spoke loudly, and the beggars around him cheered in unison.

Shi Huolong stood on the stage and said humbly: "Shi is immoral and incompetent, and he does not dare to take this important position."

While he was speaking, he glanced at Xu Xin carefully. Seeing that the top master and most prestigious person in the gang had a calm expression, he felt a little relieved.

Zhang Bang Longtou then said: "This is the order of Gang Leader Yelu, so there is no need for Elder Shi to be too humble. All the brothers will work together to help, Gang Leader Shi can rest assured."

As he spoke, he coughed again and spat a mouthful of thick phlegm towards Shi Huolong.Shi Huolong did not dodge or dodge, but suffered on the spot.Then Zhangbo Dragon came forward again and spat on Shi Huolong.

When a beggar gang appoints a gang leader, they must spit on the gang leader.A beggar begs everywhere and is insulted by thousands of people. As the elder of a group of beggars, he must first be humiliated by the gang. This has a profound meaning.

"Elder Xu!"

At this time, a voice sounded next to Xu Xin. It was Yelu Hong, the daughter of Yelu Yuanru and wife of Shi Huolong. She also looked at Xu Xin nervously.

After holding the two dragon heads and holding the bowl, it was the turn of the four elders. As the head of the four elders, Xu Xin should be the first. If he did not cooperate, Shi Huolong would not be able to secure his position.


Xu Xin did not hesitate, walked over, pinched his nose and spit. At the same time, he secretly swore in his heart that he would definitely kick out the Beggar Clan's broken rules in the future.

Xu Xin spat, and many people on Junshan finally heaved a sigh of relief. Then the beggars came up one by one according to their seniority and spit on Shi Huolong, and then each gave a big gift to the gang.

After the Junshan ceremony, Xu Xin spat and went back to his room to take a bath and change clothes. After changing his clothes, he felt much better. He took out a Taoist scripture and read it, and the more he read, the more he gained insights.Suddenly, a disciple outside reported that gang leader Shi Huolong was here.

"Leader Shi, please sit down!"

When Shi Huolong came, Xu Xin bowed to him briefly, and then asked him to sit far away, while he did not go there. The smell was too strong.

"Elder Xu, I just want to discuss with you this time about the transfer of some members of the gang..."

Shi Huolong talked directly with Xu Xin and planned to touch some old people from his father-in-law's era. This required Xu Xin's support, and he was willing to share the benefits.

"Gang leader, you can decide these things. I am going to travel to Persia, and you can take care of the affairs of the gang. They are just some things I have ordered my subordinates. Please cooperate with me, gang leader. Do you understand!"

Although Xu Xin's last words contained honorifics, his tone was serious. On the contrary, he was more like a superior, while Shi Huolong was a subordinate.

"Elder Xu, of course I understand what you said!"

Shi Huolong looked at Xu Xin's calm face, feeling a sense of fear in his heart, and finally nodded.Although there was humiliation, he still got good news. Xu Xin had no interest in touching him and was planning to go on a long journey. He could take this opportunity to consolidate his position as gang leader.

"In addition, when the gang leader recruits talents, it is best to investigate the origins and see if there is any secret matter. Let's stop talking here. Gang leader, please come back!"

Xu Xin gave Shi Huolong a final reminder, and then saw him off and asked him to leave.Shi Huolong's rise to power is not without its benefits. It will become easier for him to fully master the high-quality resources of the Beggar Clan. In the future, he only needs to show respect to the restless leader Shi.

(End of this chapter)

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