The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 103 The Snow Ridge Shuangshu and Zhou Zhiruo

Chapter 103 The Snow Ridge Shuangshu and Zhou Zhiruo
The Yueyang Tower on the bank of Dongting Lake is one of the three famous towers in Jiangnan, together with the Yellow Crane Tower in Hubei and Tengwang Pavilion in Jiangxi.

In the past, I heard about the Dongting Water. Now I go up to the Yueyang Tower and overlook the Dongting Lake from the Yueyang Tower in the west of Yueyang City. I have a different feeling in my heart.

"Elder, the people from Yuan Zhou are here!"

Qian Yuan came behind Xu Xin to report. Xu Xin turned around and nodded, asking Qian Yuan to bring him over.After a while, three figures, one large, two small, appeared in front of Xu Xin who was enjoying tea leisurely.

"Chang Yuchun has met Xu, Elder Xu!"

"Brother Chang, is it possible that after you became the general of the Great Zhou Dynasty, you didn't even recognize me as your eldest brother?"

"Brother Xu!"

Chang Yuchun then lost his restraint and called Xu Xin "big brother". Looking at the eight-foot-tall bearded man in front of him, Xu Xin couldn't help but sigh. Some people are really born to be brave. This Chang Yuchun is 20 years old. To have such a tall and heroic figure is really enviable.

"I also heard about Zhou Ziwang. Unfortunately, I was in Wudang Mountain at the time. When I got the news, I was already too late."

Xu Xin sighed, Yuanzhou Zhou Ziwang had been righteous for ten years. At his peak, he was able to tear apart the land and seal the country. However, in the end, he could not resist the general trend. He became the king and founded the country too early and became a thorn in the side of the Tatars. In the end, the Great Zhou Kingdom was still defeated. Attack and destroy.

Zhou Ziwang died, and senior officials such as Peng Yingyu and Zou Pusheng were hunted down. However, Chang Yuchun and others were arranged to lead a group of people to protect Zhou Ziwang's children and fight their way out of the siege. Finally, with the help of Beggar Gang disciples sent by Xu Xin, He escaped pursuit only after traveling up the river to Dongting Lake.

"How is Peng Yingyu going to arrange these two children?"

Xu Xin looked at the two little boys, a boy and a girl, beside Chang Yuchun. Although the boy looked older, he was clearly frightened during the journey. He seemed to be suffering from convulsions. He could not speak and his whole body was shaking and twitching.

"Zhiruo has met Uncle Xu!"

The little girl greeted Xu Xin. She was only about ten years old, but she had a beautiful face and well-behaved manners. She was absolutely a stunning beauty.

"Zhiruo? Zhou Zhiruo! What a name!"

Xu Xinxin groaned twice, his eyes changing slightly.

"Elder Peng's intention is to let them go to the branch in the church, but the details have not been discussed yet!"

When Chang Yuchun said this, he couldn't help but reveal a sad look on his face. The relationship between life and death is irrelevant. No matter how powerful Zhou Ziwang was before and how special his status was in the Ming Cult, if he is dead now, then he is just a dead Yuan Zhou. Altar Master, don’t expect to take too much care of his descendants.

Of course, Zhou Ziwang's old subordinates like Chang Yuchun must have feelings for the King of Zhou, but after all, they are not middle-level or high-level teachers, and the help they can provide to the two children is limited.

Even if they wanted to take care of their children, they were in troubled times and each of them was in danger. They were all disciples of the Ming Cult and had to obey the tasks assigned by the higher-ups in the sect. How could they have the time and ability to take care of their two children?

Xu Xin suddenly said: "I remember that according to the rules of the Ming Cult, shouldn't the widows of sacrificed believers be placed in Guangmingding?"

"Originally, this was the case according to the canon, but Guangmingding has been looked after by Zuo Shi Yang Xiao in these years, and Elder Peng and him..."

Chang Yuchun hesitated to speak. Peng Yingyu and other five Sanren were at odds with Yang Xiao, the leader of the Guangming Zuo. After the disappearance of the former leader Yang Dingtian, the top leaders of the Ming Cult were vying for power. Yang Xiao, Yin Tianzheng, etc. were all considered leaders, as well as Wei Yixiao and Wu Sanren. , Five Elements Flag followed by blending.

The final result was that no one was convinced. Yin Tianzheng led the crowd to run away, and the Wusan people went directly down the mountain to plot against the Yuan Dynasty. Although the Five Elements Flag was still at Guangmingding, it was not a big deal for Yang Xiao, the leftist envoy, and Yang Xiao was forced to develop. The four gates of heaven, earth, wind and thunder.In fact, according to the inheritance of Mingjiao, Yang Xiao, the left envoy, is indeed the most qualified to sit on the position of leader. Moreover, Yang Dingtian also passed on his previous levels of the Great Shift of the Universe, which is obviously intended to be passed down sequentially.

But Yang Xiao himself was too arrogant and had a bad relationship with the other senior leaders in the church. He usually failed to win over enough connections. In addition, at that time, he also failed to move the world and was unable to defeat the others. Therefore, at the critical moment Broken down.

Yang Dingtian must have considered this situation when he was about to die, so his last note was to let Xie Xun, the most popular Golden Retriever Lion King, temporarily take over the position of leader, which can be considered a good intention.But he didn't expect that his cheating wife would die for love, and something went wrong in the end.

"Leave this matter to me. I will take this child to Guangmingding. I will treat his convulsions on the way."

Xu Xin looked at little Zhou Zhiruo again and said: "As for this child, a female doll is not suitable to be raised in Ming Dynasty. Let her go to Emei!"

"Here, let the young master and the young lady separate!"

Chang Yuchun was hesitant. Naturally, he wanted to place Zhou Ziwang's two children in one place for easy care.

Xu Xin smiled at Zhou Zhiruo and said: "Zhiruo, are you willing to go to Emei to learn art? There are many beautiful sisters there!"

"Zhiruo listen to Uncle Xu!"

Zhou Zhiruo replied sweetly, and the matter was settled.

Xu Xin then asked Chang Yuchun to take Young Master Zhou to rest, while Zhou Zhiruo was left to Ji Xiaofu to take care of him for a while.

Sister-in-law from the Zhu family and sister-in-law from the Wu family on the Kunlun side have already brought Zhu Jiuzhen and Wu Qingying to the east. When the time comes, it will be very interesting for the two sisters from Xueling and Xiao Zhou Zhiruo to enter Emei together.

"You don't look like you hate children. Why have you been...not me all these years? Xiaofu is often disappointed and can't continue the incense of the Xu family!"

After everyone else left, only Dai Qisi and Xu Xin were left upstairs in Yueyang. The big "Persian cat" asked Xu Xin curiously.

"I have been busy with big things these years and don't have enough time to take care of my family. If I have a child, I have to worry about whether he will become a target of harm by others, so I have been delaying it."

Xu Xin shook his head and said: "But in a few years, when I have achieved great success in my righteousness, I will really need children to calm people's hearts."

Dai Qisi stuck to Xu Xin's side, almost clinging to him, and said: "It will take a few more years, and everyone will be old and yellow. When the time comes, they will find new people again!"

"My first child must be Xiaofu's. However, after being married for so many years, I am a very sentimental person, and I will definitely treat you both equally. I'm afraid that by then you, a little kitten, will be shouting, "No!"

Xu Xin stretched out his hand and slipped into Dai Qisi's waist. It was a beautiful moment for the 40-[-]-year-old young woman to be moisturized. However, with his body, one or two ordinary "tiger and wolf" figures could not compare with the power of ten dragons and ten elephants.


Dai Qisi spat at Xu Xin. A certain person seems to have become more and more unruly since the Wudang Mountains. Now she is in a place like this in broad daylight. But she is just a kitten raised by others. How can she refuse the owner? pet.

(End of this chapter)

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