The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1027 Beihai Continent, Immortal Grass and Yunmeng Ginkgo

Chapter 1027 Beihai Continent, Immortal Grass and Yunmeng Ginkgo


In the depths of the North Sea, Qingluan reluctantly said goodbye to his mother, and then drove Xu Xin further north.

On Qingluan's back, Xu Xin was putting three mature immortal grasses into a small tripod, and was constantly trying to study the tripod and the treasures of heaven and earth contained in it.

This tripod is naturally the Jiuzhou tripod that Xu Xin took from the Wilderness Temple.

This Jiuzhou tripod has always been enshrined by the barbarians, and the strength of the barbarians is definitely among the best in the entire Jiuzhou.

Therefore, over the long years, although many forces knew about the existence of this Nine Provinces Cauldron, basically no one dared to take a chance on it.

But... meeting Xu Xin can't be regarded as bad luck for the barbarians.

Although Xu Xin took a lot of things from the barbarians, the method of body refining of gods and demons he created is actually very suitable for barbarian practice. In addition, this newly developed system requires more standards, so Xu Xin generously preached , it can be regarded as taking what each other needs.

Moreover, Xu Xin also developed a baptismal formation for the barbarians similar to the Jiuzhou Cauldron baptism. The effect should be better than the original one, at least the mortality rate will not be that high.

On the Divine Ax Mountain, all the stone carvings of the thirty-six axes that opened the mountain were also looted. The remaining Queen Yu people had no choice but to change their names and hide, and their lives were really miserable.

Xu Xin entered into a relationship with the barbarians because in the future, he must unify the Nine Provinces again and even develop his power beyond the nine states. Then the barbarians will become the most useful sword under his command.

The sky was bright and clear that day, the morning sun was high in the sky, and the Qingluan, which was calling "Yoyou", let out a cheerful chirp and flew quickly towards the edge of the continent far ahead.

In the land of Kyushu, the sect is the most respected, and family power can only rely on the sect. However, Beihai is dominated by the family, and there is no powerful sect in charge.

In an accident countless years ago, the descendants of the thirty-six main cities in the Beihai Continent who had received favors from Emperor Yu were unwilling to continue to have the descendants of the God Ax above their heads to suppress them, so they united to massacre the then-weakened God Ax Mountain. Descendants.

The Emperor Yu Gate in Kyushu is still glorious after six thousand years, but the Divine Ax Mountain in Beihai Continent collapsed many years ago.

Xu Xin and Qingluan said goodbye to the Immortal Phoenix and flew for so many days before finally arriving at the Beihai Continent.

Among the four regions of the Beihai Continent, the Mu family, the controller of the Xuri Trading Company in the ancient city of Yunmeng in the Xitang region, and the Tianfeng family, the controller of the Northern Cold region, both have strong men from the virtual realm known as the "God of War" sitting in their posts. They can be regarded as the North Sea continent. the apex.

Although both the Beihai Continent and the Kyushu Continent have inherited their legacy from Emperor Yu, they have embarked on two completely different paths.


Kyushu world, the center of the world is naturally the land of Kyushu with nine energy sources.

The Beihai Continent is another continent in the entire world after Kyushu. It is probably slightly larger than Kyushu's two states in area. It is divided into four regions, divided by southeast, northwest, and Donghua Region, Beihai Region. Cold Region, Xitang Region and Nanshan Region.

On the southern border of Duanmu Continent, the cold wind was as biting as a sharp knife. Waves of waves crashed on the beach. A firelight with a radius of several feet fell on the shore, and a figure fell down.

A moment later, the figure appeared in a certain city along the coast. After roughly understanding some of the situation, Xu Xin left the city.

"Xiaoqing, let's go in this direction, to the ancient city of Yunmeng." Xu Xin flew onto Qingluan and pointed in a certain direction. Amidst the screams of Youyou, the fire rose into the sky again, pointing towards a certain place in the distant sky. Chu Guyu flew over.

The strongest force in the Xitang Region is the Rising Sun Chamber of Commerce that controls Yunmeng Ancient City. This chamber of commerce has branches throughout the four regions of the Beihai Continent and has been a force that has flourished for three thousand years.

Over the course of three thousand years, the people of the Mu family of the Rising Sun Chamber of Commerce continued to multiply, and eventually the blood of the Mu family spread across the continent, and the Yunmeng Ancient City completely became the inner city of the Mu family. Only the blood of the Mu family and those invited could have it. Qualified to set foot in this city.

A fire rainbow in the sky quickly approached Yunmeng Ancient City. Xu Xin, sitting on Qingluan's back, looked at the ancient city from a distance. The entire city was glowing green and black, and there were densely packed guards on the walls.

Yunmeng Ancient City is an ancient city with a history of more than 3,000 years. From its establishment to the present, it has always been the headquarters of Rising Sun Trading Company.

To the west of Yunmeng Ancient City, there is a vast and boundless swamp world. Under the sunlight, there are faint sparkling waves. It is the most dangerous place in the North Sea Continent, Yunmeng Ze.

One of the three major spiritual creatures in the Beihai Continent, the Yunmeng Ginkgo, which is said to be able to revive human flesh and bones, is only produced in Yunmeng Ze.

Qingluan flies very high, thousands of feet high. Looking down at Yunmengze from such a high position, you can see the colorful light and clouds surrounding it, and the beautiful scenery.

"Yunmeng God of War, come out and see me."

On Qingluan's back, Xu Xin, who was overlooking the earth, suddenly spoke. The rolling thunder spread, and many innate-level auras suddenly rose up in Yunmeng Ancient City below, and an extremely eye-catching thundercloud aura erupted.

Deep in Yunmeng Ancient City, there is an ancient palace with gray-white stone bricks and light brown roof tiles. The palace garden is paved with pieces of bluestone, which is very neat. On one of the bluestone floors, a carpet was spread and a table was placed.

An old man wearing a snow-white fur coat and a felt hat was sitting cross-legged on the carpet. In front of him was a table with a pot of wine and two wine glasses on it.

Next to the table, there is a giant sword. The sword is inserted into the scabbard. There are some weird carvings on the scabbard, and there is a wolf head pattern on the handle.

"When did Duanmu Continent have such a master? Could it be someone from overseas?"

The old man with a silver beard who was pouring wine and drinking looked up at the sky after hearing the sound. The next moment he turned into a bolt of lightning and disappeared, and disappeared with him, as well as the wolf-head sword.

In Xu Xin's field of vision, there are millions of auras in the entire Yunmeng Ancient City. Every aura is like stars in the Milky Way or a drop of water in the sea, not conspicuous at all.

And among the millions of dense auras, there is a very powerful aura, which is like the gathering of a large number of thunder and lightning and black rays. Among the various auras like billions of stars, this sun with thunder, lightning and black rays has never been seen before. conspicuous.

"Your Majesty is... from overseas?"

As the "sun" approached, a figure with silver hair and beard appeared in front of Xu Xin. It was the strongest man in Beihai Continent, Yunmeng God of War.

"That's right? Emperor Yu and I, who you call the Divine Ax God, come from the same place. I think you must have heard of such a thing!"

Xu Xin raised his hand, and dots of silver liquid flowed in the void. A strange fragrance made Yunmeng God of War suddenly perk up, and his eyes flashed.

(End of this chapter)

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