The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1028: The twisted melon may not be sweet, but it quenches your thirst!

Chapter 1028: The twisted melon may not be sweet, but it quenches your thirst!
"The legendary spirit of Kyushu!"

Above the ancient city of Yunmeng, the Yunmeng God of War instantly recognized the aura that Xu Xin had taken out. It was a legendary treasure from the overseas Kyushu, a treasure once brought by the God Ax to the North Sea.

"That's right, this is the treasure left by Emperor Yu back then. You, Xuri Trading Company, are all businessmen. You probably won't resist doing business, so... take this business from me!"

Xu Xin is planning to do business with Yunmeng War God and his Xuri Trading Company, mainly because the strength gap between the two is too big. He can manipulate the Mu family of Xuri Trading Company at will without fear that the other party will not obediently offer the divine canon.

"it is good……"

Xu Xin's strength and his attitude finally made Yunmeng War God compromise. After the two sides reached preliminary contact, Xu Xin took a map from Yunmeng War God, and then asked Qingluan to turn to the west, towards the road adjacent to Yunmeng Ancient City. Yun Mengze left.

The Yunmengze, three thousand miles away in the West Tang Region, is so vast that even a strong person in the Void Realm would find it difficult to find the treasure he wants.

But for the incredibly fast Qingluan divine bird, three thousand miles is just a matter of time!

"Xiao Qing, slow down. Let's stay here in Yunmengze for a while and try to collect as many rare fruits as possible."

On the back of the sacred bird Qingluan, Xu Xin touched the crown of the little blue bird, which received a cry of yoyo in response.

In addition to the three most famous spiritual objects, Yunmeng Ginkgo, Tianfeng Shuizhu, and Flame Red Lotus, there are also many spiritual grasses and spiritual fruits, each with its own miraculous effects. For example, a certain kind of spiritual grass can help people open up their meridians.

As for the Beihai Continent, the energy is more chaotic, earthquakes and tsunamis are more frequent, and there are more natural and earthly treasures.

Yunmengze is a swamp, and boating is not allowed. Many lakes have different depths, and there are poisonous insects and beasts that suddenly appear in the swamp. It is indeed a very dangerous place.

"Morning dew grass can open up all the meridians in the body after taking it. It's a good thing."

Because nine chaotic energy sources have been suppressed and sorted out in the land of Kyushu, very little pure energy escapes. Compared with the Beihai side, there are fewer natural resources and earthly treasures.

A blue light fire shadow crossed the void, and a palm suddenly fell from the sky and grabbed the grass growing somewhere in the swamp. Xu Xin retracted his palm and looked at the spiritual grass with leaves like dewdrops. He compared it with the classics in his hand. Nod with satisfaction.

Xu Xin took back the Morning Dew Grass and turned to the page about Yunmeng Ginkgo. I just saw a simple portrait. A small, low fruit tree bears a solitary fruit that looks like a baby.

Xu Xin turned to the page of Morning Dew Grass and saw pictures drawn on it. The introduction was very detailed. If you compare it with the pictures, there is basically no mistake.

He has a thread-bound ancient book in his hand, which contains a rough picture of Yun Mengze, as well as some information about monsters, beasts, poisonous insects, and some records of medicinal herbs and spiritual fruits.

Yunmengze. It stretches for three thousand miles and is mostly composed of lakes and swamps, with occasional hills.

Compared with the previous worlds of Xu Xin, the world of Jiuzhou has many more rare and exotic fruits, heaven and earth spiritual objects.

This Yunmeng Lake is quite strange. Most of the West Tang Region is freezing and freezing, but the water temperature of this Three Thousand Miles Lake is very high, and there is often steaming mist on the surface.

According to ancient records, Yunmeng ginkgo is considered mature only when it is about the size of a fist and its skin turns white.

Xu Xin collected many treasures from heaven and earth along the way, and naturally encountered some powerful poisonous insects and beasts, such as poisonous snakes that suddenly sprang up, a large group of spider-like poisonous beasts, poisonous insects that looked like a swarm of bees, and some others. Prey birds and piranhas can be seen everywhere.

Of course, when these little eyesless things attack Xu Xin, they are the prey that comes to Xu Xin's doorstep. They are really cute little guys who come to help Xu Xin improve the diversity of his specimens.

"Quack, quack, quack..." Amidst the bursts of cries, a group of dark birds quickly flew across the sky. Thousands of crow-like birds flew in front of them in a dense and overwhelming manner, covering the sky.

In just a moment, the flock of birds rushed in front of Xu Xin.

"Snake-eating birds feed on venomous snakes. There are countless venomous snakes in Yunmengze, which is suitable for the reproduction of the snake-eating bird population. Logically speaking, they should not migrate unless... they are driven away."

Xu Xin squinted his eyes and looked behind the group of jet-black strange birds. Sure enough, he saw a jet-black beast that was even more divine, or rather, a divine colt or a divine horse.


A sound like the neighing of a horse or the roar of a dragon rolled from the distant sky. Suddenly, the snake-eating birds flapped their wings even more desperately and fled the place quickly.

Xu Xin looked into the distance and saw a tall, dark horse galloping through the void with all four hooves spread.

The black mane is fluttering in the wind, like the cape of this Pegasus. Its speed is not fast, which is comparable to that of the Snake Birds. It is running continuously and sometimes makes a cry that echoes through the sky, happily following the Snake Birds. Behind the flock of birds, they looked like they were having a lot of fun.

The sound of tapping horse hooves continued, as if it had always been on the earth.

Seeing the void as the earth in this way, the horse's realm is naturally extremely high.

A horse without wings can run wildly in mid-air. This is undoubtedly the existence of Zunxu Realm. And looking at the entire Beihai continent, there is only one mythical beast, the mythical beast Wu Zima, the mount of the Duanmu God in the past.

The black horses galloped between the sky and the earth, and the endless group of snake-eating birds in front seemed to have encountered extremely terrifying natural enemies and fled desperately.

Suddenly, the chasing black horse suddenly stopped and turned its head, looking at Xu Xin with its deep black eyes.

A strange force, like a cold flood, rushed over instantly. Xu Xin naturally felt the mental impact, but his face remained as usual and his body remained motionless.

Seeing that Xu Xin had no reaction, the Wuzui horse let out a proud roar like a dragon's roar, abandoned the group of snake-eating birds, and rushed towards Xu Xin.

"Wuzhui, did you realize that I am extraordinary and take the initiative to surrender to me?"

In the sky above Yunmengze, Xu Xin suddenly jumped up from Qingluan's back and reached out towards the Wuzui Divine Horse, preparing to subdue another divine beast.


The Wuzui divine horse roared in the void, and then the horse's hoof, which was larger than a human head, hit Xu Xin's head.

"Wuzui, surrender to me!"

Xu Xin let out a long laugh and got on his horse, not caring about Wu Zima's resistance.

The twisted melon may not be sweet, but it quenches your thirst!
He came to Kyushu and opened up a way to refine the bodies of gods and demons. It can be said that he created a unique system, which was naturally full of difficulties. And what can bring him help and inspiration is naturally the most suitable reference object for the body refining method of gods and demons, the virtual beasts.

Xu Xin plans to use the many virtual realms as a blueprint to open a window to visualize the gods, demons and beasts, which is applicable to all people and monsters and mythical beasts who can practice this way.

In order to complete this picture, he needed to delve into the mystery of the bloodline of the mythical beast, so he successively conquered Zixi, the Wild Temple, the Immortal Phoenix, and now he has the idea of ​​​​Wuzhima, all for the sake of practice!
(End of this chapter)

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