The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1054: Ye Bufan of the Ye family, Shi Ritian of the Shi family, and Chu Luoli of the Chu fami

Chapter 1054: Ye Bufan of the Ye family, Shi Ritian of the Shi family, Chu Luoli of the Chu family...

The golden sun hung in the sky, the doors of the Mo family's mansion were all open, and the hall for entertaining guests was crowded and extremely lively, with a festive atmosphere everywhere.

In the busiest hall, most of the people sitting were leaders or representatives of forces from the eastern provinces of the empire. Although many people here wish that the Mo family would collapse soon, these superficial efforts must be done extremely well.

At the top of the high platform in the hall, Mo Lan, the head of the Mo family, with a red face, was clasping his fists and saluting to the guests coming and going below. He enjoyed the countless envious gazes, and the joy on his face was slightly mixed with a little pride. The smile never stops.

In the many years since he took over as the head of the family, this period has been the happiest and most glorious.

Although the Mo family was also very powerful in the past, when others mention the Moh family, the first thing they think of is the great elder Mo Cheng. It is indeed the great elder Mo Cheng who has made the greatest contribution to the Mo family's current wealth and status.

But for him, the head of the family, this situation is very unfriendly. The head of the family has almost no sense of presence in the family. In the Mo family, every time the eldest elder Mo Cheng speaks, he can only nod in agreement, showing no dignity at all.

But as Mo Chengming disappeared and was actually dead, he quickly took back all his power with the help of his virtuous son-in-law, and truly experienced the feeling of having great power.

Now, he has successfully broken through the Dou Ling Banquet. After today's Dou Ling Banquet, the Mo family may be promoted to a new level under his leadership. When he thinks of that scene, he can't help but get excited.

"Lord Bol, the Lord of Yancheng City, is here!"

This Mo family has probably already opened up all the joints in Yancheng. With official support and the Yunlan Sect as the backstage, it is no wonder that the Mohist family has not only experienced a surge in strength in recent years, but also has a tendency to dominate among the large and small forces in the northeastern provinces.

Mo Lan also responded politely. This wealthy city lord has made countless profits from the Mo family over the years, and he is also the official protective umbrella of the Mo family.

"Ye Bufan from the Ye family has arrived!"

Generally speaking, officials from the empire would not take the initiative to participate in the celebrations of local forces. However, the lord of Yancheng came to celebrate in public. This behavior shocked everyone even more.

At the main door of the main hall, a group of people surrounded a middle-aged fat man in gorgeous clothes. The smiling City Lord Bor greeted Mo Lan affectionately.

"The Chu family's Chu Luoli is here!"

Mo Lan greeted the representatives of the three major families politely and asked the three of them to take their seats.

At the gate, a loud announcement came into the hall, making the noisy hall slightly quiet, and strange eyes swept towards the gate.

"Haha, Lord Boer, if you can help me, please come here in person. Please come quickly."

"Shijia Shiritian has arrived!"

After chatting with the Yancheng City Lord for a few words, another loud announcement sounded at the door.

"Chief Mo Lan, your Mo family is now prosperous and will soon be able to leave the Northeast!"

"You three, please take your seats!"

It is normal for these three major families to send representatives to participate in Molan's "Fighting Spirit Banquet". However, considering the fierce competition between the four major families, it is not an outsider's guess whether there is any deep conspiracy behind the scenes. You can find out.

"Master Molan, congratulations!"

Following the three announcements, everyone present looked towards the main hall door. The three major families, Ye, Shi and Chu, were the four major families in the Northeast alongside the Mo family.

"The Mo family has the Molan clan chief carrying the cauldron, and the elder Mo Cheng is still strong and strong, so naturally he is in the prime of his life."

"Speaking of Elder Mo Chengda, is he in retreat?"

The words spoken by the people from the three major families seemed to be congratulations, but in fact they were full of temptations. Although the Mo family has always blocked the news of Mo Cheng's disappearance and announced that Mo Cheng is in seclusion, some people can't help but doubt and test, such as the three major families with interests.

During today's spirit fighting banquet, they were preparing to give the Mo family a big gift.

"The Great Elder has gained something occasionally and has been practicing hard in seclusion. He wants to break through to a higher level. If he really has a chance to be promoted to the king realm, we, the Mo family, have no chance of breaking out of the Northeast. Therefore, I will borrow your good words."

Mo Lan sat on the stage and smiled cheerfully, looking at the representatives of the three tribes below with a playful smile on his face.

The three major families were ready to play tricks on the Mo family, but they didn't know that in terms of means, his family's virtuous son-in-law was better. He was such a good son-in-law. It would be better if he could look more like a human being.

The representatives of the three major families all laughed. Then, a large number of powerful leaders with high status in the northeastern and eastern provinces of the Gama Empire came one after another. Among them, there were even people from Black Rock City, where the alchemist branch of the eastern provinces of the empire is located. Several fourth-grade alchemy masters came to visit in person, which caused a sensation.

In the lively hall, nearly seventy-eight percent of the forces from the northeastern provinces gathered together. It was truly a rare event.

"Yunlan Sect, the sect leader's personal disciple, Nalan Yanran has arrived!"

Following the announcement, Mo Lan, who was sitting in the first seat, took the initiative to go down to greet him.

Like stars holding the moon, a group of people surrounded the stunning girl in a moonlight dress.

Nalan Yanran walked slowly with delicate steps, a faint smile on her beautiful face. The Mo family's face-saving greeting made this inexperienced girl very satisfied.

"Haha, niece Nalan, if you come here in person, our whole Mo family will be full of glory!"

Mo Lan stepped forward, looked at the beautiful girl next to his daughter Mo Linglin, and called her extremely affectionate.

"Nalan Yanran, the direct disciple of the head of the Yunlan Sect? She is very famous recently!"

"The eldest lady of the Nalan family, one of the three major families in the empire, is also a proud daughter of heaven who may become the future head of the first sect in the empire. Who is worthy of such a stunning beauty? It is normal to have your own ideas."

"I don't know how long these guys from the Mo family will have to show off this matter."

"Oh, it seems that Yun Lanzong really values ​​the Mo family more and more!"

There was a lot of envy in the discussions around her. She was the eldest lady of the Nalan family and a direct disciple of the Yunlan Sect. She only had one of these two identities. In the entire Jia Ma Empire, she was already the top second generation of the powerful.

And Nalan Yanran, who has two identities combined into one, is more noble than the princess of the empire.

After all, there are still two princesses in the empire, and there is currently only one direct disciple of the sect leader of the Yunlan Sect!

Yunlan Sect, a behemoth that stands at the pinnacle of the Jia Ma Empire, is undoubtedly like an unattainable mountain in the hearts of these middle and lower-level forces. The Mo family's ability to connect with them has made many people jealous with red eyes. .

"Elder Mo Cheng is too polite, Yan Ran is just following the teacher's instructions."

Nalan Yanran responded with a polite word with a smile on her face. Following Mo Linglin's visit to Yancheng in the past two days, her heart had relaxed a lot. Naturally, she had a great impression of Mo Linglin and the Mo family.

"Niece Nalan, Elder Ge Ye, please take a seat!"

Mo Lan asked himself to welcome the representative of Yunlan Sect to the high seat, and even arranged his daughter Mo Linglin to be beside Nalan Yanran. The two beautiful girls whispered from time to time. Such intimate behavior made people pay more attention to them. Some people have more in mind.

(End of this chapter)

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