Chapter 1055 Jie Jie Jie...

In the lively hall of the Mo Family in Yancheng, hidden eyes were constantly scanning Nalan Yanran's delicate body. This stunning girl who may become the future controller of the Yunlan Sect became the center of attention as soon as she appeared on the stage.

Representatives of the three major families, Ye Bufan, Shi Ritian and Chu Luoli, were all looking at the two girls who were whispering. They wished they could take Mo Linglin instead. If they could marry Nalan Yanran, they would be happy together. , they are willing to pay any price, and Mo Linglin is not bad, if they are together...

Of course, they only dare to think about these thoughts. Men all like young and beautiful people. It is not illegal to just think about it.

While they were thinking, they each picked up the tea cups in front of them and took a sip. Bitterness spread in their mouths and at the same time in their hearts.

Yunlan Sect values ​​the Mohist family so much, so should they cooperate earlier? To prevent the Mo family from being uprooted in the future by the surge in strength.

The Mo family's "Ling Fighting Banquet" was arranged wonderfully. The guests were seated one after another, and delicacies were served one after another. Although some people here were dissatisfied with the Moh family, they were still very satisfied with today's flowing banquet. Some people were even already I was thinking about poaching two cooks from the Mo family to improve the food.

In the hall, another big dish was placed on the table. Mo Lan, who was sitting on the high seat, stood up with a wine glass in his hand. He looked around at all the forces in the hall, smiled and pressed his hands, and everything suddenly became quiet. Everyone looked at Mo Lan.

"Hahaha... Thank you very much for coming to Mo Lan's Spirit Fighting Banquet. In the previous invitation, my Mo family also said that there is an important matter that I want to discuss with you at this gathering."

Hearing Mo Lan's words, everyone in the hall immediately pricked up their ears.

And some of the leaders of small and medium-sized forces in the province below had different expressions on their faces, and they were all thinking about the pros and cons.

In the hall, after Mo Lan finished speaking, the expressions on everyone's faces changed.

The Mohist Alliance Chamber of Commerce that the Mohists are planning to establish actually sounds like a very promising thing. It is preparing to spread the Yancheng Mohist model to the entire eastern provinces, which is to play a monopoly on resource integration in all walks of life. This will definitely make money. More.

Although Mo Lan said that the Mo League Chamber of Commerce was not a strict organization, they all knew that perhaps the three major families joining the Mo League could barely compete with the Mo family for some voice and status.

"Our eastern province is close to the Tagore Desert and borders the Snake People. There are frequent conflicts and bandits in the territory. It is detrimental to the circulation of merchants and seriously affects the economy of the cities in our eastern province."

The eastern province is close to the Tagore Desert and borders the Snake Tribe. Some families have contact with the Snake Tribe, but in the past they only had small conflicts. If they can establish a monopoly... they will definitely make more money.

However, once small and medium-sized forces join, they may be able to develop better, but they will inevitably become vassals of the Mohist family.

"The great elder of our clan once wiped out the Black Whirlwind bandit group and ensured the peace of the whole country. I, Mo Lan, want to follow the example of the great elder, and after discussing with the elders of the clan, I plan to establish a Mo Alliance Chamber of Commerce."

"Since it is a chamber of commerce, it is naturally not a strict organization. I just want to bring some friendly forces together to do business together, and at the same time eliminate the gangsters who are running rampant in the province..."

If this thing goes through, it will make a bigger piece of the cake, which will benefit all the forces here, and the Mohist family will benefit the most.

It's just... I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. Although they can make more money, some forces led by the three major families do not want the Mo family to dominate. Even if a business alliance is really formed, they want to take the lead. !
However, these forces are all smart people and did not rush to speak out against it.

There was a brief silence in the hall. After a while, some weak and small forces one after another expressed their willingness to join the Mo Alliance. Many of them had already communicated with the Mo family and played a leading role.

At the beginning, some hesitant medium-sized forces, after hesitating for a while, many people also chose to join.

Behind Nalan Yanran and Mo Linglin, Ge Ye, the elder of the outer sect of Yunlan Sect, watched this scene and frowned slightly, but after looking at Nalan Yanran who was chatting and laughing with Mo Linglin, he finally He didn’t say much. "Jie Jie Jie... The Mo family has established the Mo Alliance. How can we miss out on the congratulatory gift? The Black Whirlwind Bandit Group is here to deliver the bell to the Mo Alliance!"

A burst of creepy laughter suddenly sounded from outside the door, spreading throughout the entire hall, and then a roaring wind broke through the door and hit Mo Lan directly at the head.

Most of the people in the hall were in panic. Ye Bufan, Shi Ritian and Chu Luoli from the three major families looked at each other slightly, keeping silent words in their hearts.

On the main seat, Mo Lan acted very calmly, his eyes were calm, and everything was under control. Then he slapped a palm with his hand, and the tyrannical wind pressure violently flew out from his palm, blasting that one. The howling wind stopped in mid-air and landed steadily.


A large bronze bell fell to the ground, and the melodious and crisp bell echoed in the hall. A gust of wind followed, and an evil middle-aged man appeared with a wicked smile on his lips. He glanced at the many people present with a fiery look. The female relatives, especially, deliberately stayed on Nalan Yanran and Mo Linglin for a while.

At this time, a certain Mo family elder standing nearby suddenly shouted: "Gust of Wind, the head of the family, he is the big thief Gust of Wind."

When many of the leaders of the forces present heard the words "The Great Thief Gust of Wind", multiple emotions such as disgust, anger, and fear suddenly flashed across their eyes.

The big thief Gui Feng is a well-known lone thief in the northeastern and eastern provinces. He not only kills people and sets fires, but also likes to pick flowers. He often attacks the female relatives of some powerful families.

This person is a fighting spirit with the wind attribute. He is good at movement and escape. He has been jointly surrounded and suppressed by many powerful fighting spirits, and he was able to escape in the end.

His previous behavior of focusing on the female relatives present was naturally disgusting, but considering this man's strength and historical record, most people present could only swallow their anger and just hope not to be noticed by him.

"Big thief Gua Feng? Why did you come to my Mo family to cause trouble and pretend to be the Black Whirlwind Bandit Group?"

Mo Lan, who was at the top of the list, took a look at this person, his expression was naturally very dissatisfied, but he also showed some fear and did not take action immediately.

"Jie Jie... Head of the Molan Family, although the Black Whirlwind Bandits were wiped out by your Mo family's executioner, Mo, some of them still escaped."

"When they heard that Mo Cheng, the eldest elder of the Mo family, was missing, they united with some forces here and paid a heavy price to invite me to come here to cause trouble."

"Their offer is very high, I can't refuse!"

"Don't worry, Master Molan, they don't want your life, they just want me to take your hands, feet and a look."

"However, I see that your Mo family has many beautiful female relatives. If the head of the Mo Lan family is willing to let your daughter stay with me for a few nights, I can take less."

"Don't worry, Master, I am the one who keeps my promises. After becoming your son-in-law, we will be a family..."

When Xiufeng spoke, he smiled lewdly in the direction of Mo Linglin and Nalan Yanran. His eyes looked at their delicate bodies, and it was clear at a glance that he was thinking about something.

(End of this chapter)

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