The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1088: Different fire refines bloodline, the queen wants to evolve

Chapter 1088: Different fire refines bloodline, the queen wants to evolve

"Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan, don't blame me..."

In a corner of Wutan City, Xu Xin, who was looking at the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade in the moonlight, sighed softly. He has done a lot of things these days, so he puts profit first!
Xiao Yan and Yao Chen were ambushed by the Bird Protector because of the news he spread.

Xiao Yan was attacked and injured, and most of his fighting energy was swallowed up. He took action personally, and the purpose was naturally for "Fen Jue".

Later, the Xiao family was attacked again and the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade was robbed. Naturally, it was him who did it.

These events happened very closely, and on some of these occasions, Mr. Xu showed up, so that the suspicion could be cleared to the greatest extent.

Ordinary skills and treasures are not worth Xu Xin's efforts, but "Fen Jue" and Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade are closely related. Both of them contain the opportunity to become a Dou Emperor, and the latter can intensify the mainland's power. The conflict between the top forces led to several major imperial clans starting a war.

Of course, even without Xu Xin's plan, the Soul Clan would still single-handedly provoke a war to destroy other forces.

But with Xu Xin's intervention, some things will be brought forward, while other things will be controlled, such as the collection of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

As long as Xu Xin keeps hiding this piece of imperial jade, the Soul Emperor, Void Swallowing Flame and the Soul Clan will never achieve their goals, which will buy Xu Xin time to grow.

If Xu Xin wants to quickly regain his strength, there are naturally many ways, but if he wants to explore new paths, slowly advance, and move more steadily, this will take time. So, he chose to take action.

"The Ancient Clan, the Soul Clan, and other Imperial Clan... It is still difficult to study their bloodlines for the time being. Although the Xiao Clan is close at hand, the Xiao Clan's imperial blood has long been exhausted. Even if we go deep into Research is not of high value, it is better to play with snakes..."

Xu Xin's fingertips slid and rubbed the piece of Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade. After thinking for a long time, he came to a room in his courtyard. The moment he entered, the enchanting beauty Snake opened his eyes.

"You came to see me, what happened?"

Queen Medusa sensed Xu Xin's arrival, she just opened her beautiful eyes and looked at him and said slowly. Although her eyes were cold, they were full of charm and had a certain coolness and nobility.

"Your Majesty the Queen, can't I just come to you if I'm fine?"

Xu Xin walked to Queen Medusa with a smile, his palms naturally fell, and he started groping on this graceful and beautiful snake.

Queen Medusa only frowned slightly, showing no emotions such as disgust or anger.

It can only be said that habit is a terrible thing. She has become accustomed to someone Xu touching her and no longer resists.

Of course, Xu Xin also paid a lot for this.

Even though Queen Medusa was lying around all day long and being taken advantage of by him, in fact, her strength was growing and her aura became more restrained, and this was all attributed to Xu Xin.

He focused on studying the bloodline of Queen Medusa and helped her study the transformation of bloodline using less drastic methods, which was very effective.

At least Queen Medusa can sense the beneficial changes in her body, which is one of the key factors why she no longer resents Xu Xin's actions.

Xu Xin bowed his head and whispered in Queen Medusa's ear: "I am going to refine the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire. Perhaps, I can use this to help you complete your bloodline transformation."

"Are you serious?"

Queen Medusa said sternly: "Refining strange fire, narrow escape from death, the success rate is extremely low. You also said that you would help me complete the transformation of my bloodline, which is even more risky..."

"The greater the risk, the greater the reward. The more you pay, the more you get... I believe that we can all succeed, my queen..."

Xu Xin leaned over and gently lifted up Queen Medusa. Her majesty, who was originally noble and cool, had completely transformed into his shape after such a long period of training. But there is a bit of a shadow in my heart about him as a person.

"Don't be afraid, wait for me to break through and kill you!"

Queen Medusa looked at the man in front of her and said coldly. Xu Xin had been offensive to her a lot these days. According to her past personality, any man who made any offensive move would basically be beaten to death.

"As long as you can do it."

Xu Xin just smiled and said confidently.

The conversation between the two of them came to an abrupt end. In the turbulent era of the Gama Empire, the artificially created volcanic area outside Wutan City became active again.

Outside Wutan City, billowing black smoke rose again, and bursts of ground fire surged. Of course, in the blazing cave, a rolling blue flame was taken out by Xu Xin.

Inside the Kyushu Cauldron, the Green Lotus Throne that nurtures the Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire is filled with green flames. A cluster of green flames is extremely spiritual. When it is slightly tumbling, sometimes it condenses into the shape of a lotus, and sometimes it condenses into a small green flame snake. , with a docile look that is extremely cute.

"are you ready!"

As soon as Xu Xin's voice fell, the figure of Queen Medusa swam over.

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

When Queen Medusa's voice fell, her delicate body was almost wrapped around Xu Xin's body. Her graceful body and plump and fiery figure released her enchanting temptation. Those pair of narrow lavender eyes, with their flowing eyes, are so charming that they can charm all men to death.

Under her willow waist is a real snake tail, a purple snake tail, swinging lazily beside Xu Xin, exuding a strange aura.

Her beautiful eyes were fixed on the Qinglian Earth Core Fire. Under the reflection of the bright firelight, the same light as the Qinghuo was beating in her lavender eyes.


Queen Medusa murmured in a low voice. A rare trace of worry flashed across her noble and cold face, but it soon turned into determination. After sighing softly, she waved her snake tail slightly, her waist and willow tail. The whole delicate body slowly stood up.

In front of Xu Xin, the queen of the Snake Tribe was biting her red lips with her white teeth, and slowly untied her clothes with her jade hands. A perfect and delicate body like a jade carving was so nakedly displayed in front of someone's sight.

The perfect plump body like white jade releases the temptation that makes the mouth dry. Inadvertently, she looked like a fairy.

The slender white goose neck reveals a section of snow-whiteness and elegance.

The slender willow waist is not enough to hold a full hand.

The flat belly, without a trace of excess fat, is smooth and radiant.

Three thousand green silk threads run vertically between the willow waists, moving with the wind, adding a bit of charm.

Although she doesn't have the same perfect jade legs, no man can handle that snake tail full of wild temptation.

This delicate body that countless men coveted was now fully displayed in front of Xu who was watching intently, making him unable to pretend to be serious anymore.

Queen Medusa closed her hands slightly, closed her beautiful eyes, and her jade hands kept changing strange handprints. As her handprints changed, the energy fluctuations of the world suddenly became violent.

Queen Medusa was glowing, and under the light that obscured her vision, her body quickly elongated, and a giant purple snake about ten feet long stood suspended in the air.

The giant purple snake's body is slender and powerful, with a vague sense of elegance and beauty, and its lavender pupils reveal a bit of tranquility and indifference.

The giant purple snake slowly twisted its body in mid-air, its huge head turned slightly towards Xu Xin, and a somewhat complicated expression flashed across its lavender pupils.

(End of this chapter)

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