The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1089: Seven Colors Swallowing Sky Python, Refining Green Lotus Fire

Chapter 1089 The colorful sky-swallowing python, refining the green lotus fire (this chapter makes up for yesterday’s)

Purple Flame Snake, the companion snake spirit of Queen Medusa. It is said that this sixth-level monster has a trace of the blood of ancient alien beasts flowing in its body. If the opportunity is enough, the thin blood in the body can be activated, and it may evolve into something powerful. An ancient beast with fighting saint potential.

Outside Utan City, the Purple Flame Snake incarnated by Queen Medusa was flying across the sky, its huge body hovering among the thick smoke and magma. Rich purple light poured out from the purple snake's body, and finally almost drowned everything.

She let out a crisp low moan, and then rushed towards the blue flame without hesitation.

At the moment when the Purple Nether Flame Snake rushed into Qinglian's inner fire, Queen Medusa's shrill screams resounded throughout the earth, and the painful roars were heard throughout Wutan City and beyond.

In the green flames, the huge purple snake body of the Purple Nether Flame Snake rolled crazily. Shortly after entering the Green Lotus Fire, the snake scales on its body were twisted, turned black and fell off, and there was a bloody mess everywhere on its body.

The evolved bloodline of Queen Medusa was able to face the burning of strange fire without using fighting spirit to defend herself, and even took the initiative to cause fire and burn herself.

Using the inner fire of Qinglian to set himself on fire to promote the revival of the ancient bloodline deep in the body. Such an action will not only cause pain on the body, but even the soul will be burned, and if it fails, there is a high probability of death. will die.

Of course, Xu Xin is here in this time and space, so he will naturally give Queen Medusa the full scoop. The "Blood Lotus Essence" he obtained previously, as well as the "Broken Sect Pill" refined by Yaochen, can all help at critical moments. Queen Medusa.

"call out!"

A streak of blood-colored light and shadow was thrown out by Xu Xin, and it accurately penetrated into the huge snake kiss of the Purple Nether Flame Snake. As the Blood Lotus Essence entered her belly, streams of blood with life-like fluctuations emerged from everywhere on her body, constantly Hematopoiesis forms a blood scab, which collides with the green lotus fire, causing bursts of white smoke to emit amidst the hissing sound.

Queen Medusa's shrill screams lasted for a full half hour, and the Purple Flame Snake had long lost its original appearance, turning into a mammoth mass of flesh and blood, coexisting with burnt black and blood red, and could barely make out the shape of a snake. .

The huge snake body, which was originally more than ten feet long, was burned to only two or three feet. The body shrank to such an extent that it was hard to imagine how painful it was.

In the Qinglian Earth Core Fire, only two or three feet of the purple flame snake remained motionless, letting the green flames continue to burn. The faint smell of burning became more and more obvious. It had not moved for a long time, as if it had failed. Same.

However, Xu Xin's eyes became brighter and brighter, looking at the position that should be "seven inches". The "heart" in his field of vision was beating more and more fiercely, and there was a bloodline with powerful pressure that was awakening and reviving. come over.

"A vision comes from the sky, and after breaking it, she will succeed..."

Xu Xin suddenly looked up at the sky. The original blue sky and white clouds disappeared. The clear sky suddenly became much darker. Dark clouds that came from nowhere slowly enveloped the sky.


Amidst the dark clouds of calamity, a roaring sound of thunder suddenly came out, and silver lightning flashed randomly in it, like long silver snakes.

With an earth-shattering roar, the whole world lit up, and a huge silver thunderbolt shot down from the clouds, penetrating everything and smashing into the burning Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

This silver thunder is quite strange, it comes and goes quickly.

Many people on the other side of Wutan City were still watching the show from a distance, but they felt as if they were in a trance. The black clouds quickly dissipated, and the warm sunshine descended on the earth again, and all the strange phenomena seemed to have disappeared.

Heavenly calamity aggravates the body, silver thunder falls, sky thunder and earth fire, bloodline changes.

After going through this last hurdle, the huge snake body of the Purple Nether Flame Snake exploded to pieces, leaving only sections of burnt black flesh splashing around, but Queen Medusa did not fail. Xu Xin looked somewhere with expectation. The charred giant snake was lying silently, its cold body seemed to be the same as a dead snake, but there was a slight clicking sound slowly.

The charred black skin of the huge giant snake slowly peeled off, and there was something faintly inside, which was about to burst out of the body.


The largest part of the Purple Flame Snake's body suddenly exploded, and its pitch-black scales and damaged flesh instantly turned into powder and black ash.

At the same time, a vast and terrifying force descended on the earth with the aura of ancient times.

Yao Chen, Gu Xun'er and others who were treating Xiao Yan far away in Wutan City looked up at the outside of the city at the same time. They noticed the location of the battlefield that day and knew that Xu Xin was causing trouble here. They were only slightly surprised, but also No distractions.

Dark smoke filled the sky and the earth, and a colorful light and shadow shot out.

The speed of this light and shadow was astonishingly fast, almost able to penetrate the space. You could see the colorful light flickering slightly in the air. It did not stop at all. It just stopped in front of Xu Xin as if it were instinctive.

The transition between extreme movement and extreme stillness is seamless, without the slightest sense of disharmony.

The colorful light and shadow stopped, and finally its full appearance was exposed in front of Xu Xin. It was a small snake that was only about two centimeters long and slender. Its whole body was covered with tiny colorful scales, with lavender snake pupils and faint strands. A weird feeling.

A strange fresh fragrance lingers on the body. Although it is just a little snake now, it exudes elegance and nobility. It is so beautiful that even women will forget their fear and disgust of snakes when they see this beautiful creature.

The colorful little snake doesn't have many sharp attack parts all over its body, but the power contained in her small body is extremely terrifying.

This little guy was born as a fifth-level monster, but its strength was no less than that of a sixth-order monster. Even Douzong was a little embarrassed when facing it, because there was another soul sleeping in its body.

The main soul of Queen Medusa is sleeping at the moment. The snake soul that coexists with the queen is now controlling the body. It is also the body soul of this colorful little snake. But if the soul of Queen Medusa appears, ordinary Douzong Neither is its opponent.

The colorful sky-swallowing python has a colorful body, slightly purple pupils, a fragrant body, and powerful power reaching the sky.

This is a strange beast that is comparable to the ancient Serpent, and may have the potential to become a fighting saint. Queen Medusa's transformation is successful, and she will have unlimited potential in the future.

"Little thing, now it's your turn to help me protect the law..."

Xu Xin quickly captured the little thing's heart with the fire-attribute treasure he had prepared early. Then he took off his appearance, revealing his body covered with scales. In the confused eyes of the colorful sky-swallowing python, Xu Xin's whole body rushed to his side. Enter the Kyushu Cauldron.


Originally, after tempering the Purple Nether Flame Snake, the power of the Qinglian Earth Core Fire was somewhat lost, but as Xu Xin entered the cauldron, the thousand-year-old fire still burst out with extremely powerful power. It was resisting fiercely, unwilling to He was refined and surrendered.

(End of this chapter)

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