The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1091: Demon Fire Remnant Map, Half-Emperor Remnant Soul

Chapter 1091: Demon Fire Remnant Map, Half-Emperor Remnant Soul

In the mountains outside Wutan City, the constantly surging underground fire gradually subsided. Xu Xin's figure slowly fell from the sky, and a colorful light and shadow also came to his side at an extremely fast speed.


The colorful little snake was floating in front of Xu Xin. There was no murderous aura in its lavender pupils. It looked extremely pure and clean. It stared at him with a bit of confusion and called out as if it was hungry.

"Little thing, call me master."

Xu Xin caught the tiny Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python in his hand and fed it while training the little creature to recognize its master.

The little thing is roughly equivalent to Queen Medusa. Her recognition of her master is equivalent to the queen recognizing her master. When Xu Xin thought of Queen Medusa calling him master, he felt energized.


The Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python swung its tiny tail and stared at Xu Xin in front of it with its big lavender eyes. Although those lavender eyes were filled with a flattering expression, it did not have the concept of a master and naturally could not respond to the master's call.

Xu Xin stretched out his index finger to tease the little guy's chin and fed it with the best fire-attributed spiritual object. He didn't have to worry about the little thing not recognizing its master.

When the snake people are young, they can use secret methods to seal the souls and bloodlines of snake beasts into their bodies to form special symbiotic snake spirits. The true form of the snake spirit is their biggest trump card. Queen Medusa's original snake spirit was the sixth-level monster Purple Ghost Flame Snake.

The secret method of transformation of the snake people is actually similar to the evolution and reversion of Warcraft. If the snake spirit successfully evolves, it will become the current Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python.

At this time, Queen Medusa's consciousness was asleep, and only the snake spirit was revived to lead the new snake body. Therefore, Xu could only do whatever he wanted.

"Little thing, go there..."

Xu Xin let go and simply trained the little guy to be obedient. He pointed in a direction and the colorful little snake immediately flew over there. However, there was nothing there. It turned its head to look at Xu Xin, blinking its crystal-clear eyes, as if feeling aggrieved.

"Little thing, you are so obedient, come back soon."

Xu Xin smiled and waved again, and the colorful little snake flew over again. He held it in his hand and sniffed its small body. It was really fragrant.

Xu Xin kissed it on the little face, and then teased it for a while. The little thing became more and more intimate with him, responding to his various actions, and even stretched out its little head to touch his cheek, licked it lightly with its tongue, and twisted its little head, with an expression showing obvious joy.

Xu Xin obtained the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python and refined the Green Lotus Earth Core Fire. That night, he stayed in the hotel in Wutan City until late at night. He was thinking about going to the Mittel Auction House the next day to meet the bold auctioneer Ya Fei, but he didn't expect to embrace the beauty early in the morning.

The early morning sun was shining brightly. Xu Xin was lying on the bed, holding a beautiful woman in his arms, moving his hands restlessly, burying his head between her black hair and snow-white neck, sniffing and kissing her lightly.

Xu Xin actually felt something was wrong. It was not a familiar smell, but the beauty in his arms did not push him away, so he pretended not to know.

Finally, when his movements became more and more outrageous and he had even begun to attack downwards, a pair of slender hands began to struggle on his chest.

"Ah! Your Majesty the Queen..."

Xu Xin was half asleep, and when he lowered his head he was met with a pair of cold eyes.

In front of Xu Xin was a perfect face that was so beautiful that it could be called enchanting. Queen Medusa had woken up at some point and was now in his arms.

Xu Xin felt that this situation was very wrong. In the original time and space, Xiao Yan played with the snake for a long time before waking up Queen Medusa. How come in his place, the beauty woke up in just one night? Originally, Xu Xin planned to train the little Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python for a period of time, so that its body would form an instinctive dependence on him, so that he could better capture the beautiful snake.

Who knew I would encounter such a situation? Plans cannot keep up with changes!
At this moment, Xu Xin and Queen Medusa were in a very intimate posture, hugging each other completely, whispering to each other like a couple.

"You know what! You're beautiful."

Xu Xin's palm gently stroked Queen Medusa's forehead and combed her messy black hair. Looking at the perfect face so close to him, even with such a fierce look in her eyes, she still had an enchanting charm that was hard to conceal. He praised her from the bottom of his heart.

This woman, the most perfect beauty in almost all men's hearts, her soft and delicate body gave Xu Xin incomparable pleasure. After being surprised, he had calmed down a long time ago. He thought that he was going to sleep anyway, and Queen Medusa could not do anything to him, so what was there to be afraid of?

Queen Medusa listened to his words of praise, felt the warmth coming from someone, and a bright red blush appeared on her pretty face.

Of course, the sinister aura on her perfect face became even stronger.

"Why don't you get up yet!"

Queen Medusa said coldly, but her cheeks turned red as Xu Xin's fingers moved. The scenes of her turning into a colorful little snake and being played with carefully in Xu Xin's hands last night flashed through her mind. She was really ashamed and angry that her body was actually treated as a pet by this man.

"Little thing, don't you think you should change your name?"

Xu Xin was not intimidated by her, but continued to move forward. He naturally wanted to achieve his goal in one go and make Her Majesty the Queen call him master.

Of course, this great ideal eventually encountered some setbacks.

Her Majesty the Queen was very determined and did not let him succeed. In addition, another piece of news came, forcing Xu Xin to stop training the "little thing".

The news came from Qingshan Town, not far from Wutan City. Xu Xin left Qing'er and Xiao Yixian there. After unifying the forces of Qingshan Town, he searched the cliffs according to certain characteristics. After many days and with the cooperation of magical beasts such as the Amethyst Winged Lion King, he finally got some results.

A cave was discovered on a cliff somewhere near the Monster Mountain Range in Qingshan Town. A number of gold coins were found inside. There were also many precious elixirs in the opened medicinal fields, and three treasure boxes that required keys to open were also found.

According to Xu Xin's instructions, no one dared to touch those things. They were all sealed and guarded by the Eight-Winged Black Snake King himself, waiting for Xu Xin to go there in person.

Xu Xin and Queen Medusa traveled very quickly. The news arrived at noon, and they arrived at the cliff cave in the afternoon.

The empty cliff stone chamber looks very simple and spacious. The walls are inlaid with moonstones for lighting. In the center of the chamber, there is a chair with a skeleton sitting on it.

The pale skull of the withered bones was no longer in its original place, but had fallen on the thigh bone. The horizontal skull was facing the entrance of the cave, looking extremely eerie and strange.

In front of the skeleton, there was a rather wide and long bluestone platform. On the bluestone platform, three locked stone boxes were neatly placed. In the other three corners of the stone chamber, there were a lot of golden coins and other precious treasures piled up.

Xu Xin was not very interested in these things. He went straight to the dry bones and bowed, then tore off the arm bone holding the key. From the broken arm bone, he took out a scroll of incomplete map.

The remaining map of the Pure Lotus Demon Fire was formed from the remaining soul of the Half-Emperor Pure Lotus Demon Saint. It was the most valuable treasure in the cave.

Of course, even if most people get it, they don’t have the ability to use it.

(End of this chapter)

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