The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1092 Hai Bodong, Old Man Hai, is out to receive guests

Chapter 1092 Hai Bodong, Old Man Hai, is out to receive guests
"It is transformed from the residual soul of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint. It is truly magical."

In a cliff cave in the Monster Mountain Range, near Qingshan Town, Xu Xin held an ancient scroll that he had just taken out from the arm bone of the cave's skeleton owner, and opened it to examine it carefully.

What appeared in front of Xu Xin was a piece of parchment made of unknown material. On the slightly yellowed parchment, there were some patterns that seemed to have no regular pattern.

Xu Xin slowly spread out the parchment completely and looked at it carefully. When his eyes fell on the corner of the parchment, he could see a vague mark that looked somewhat like a lotus.

This lotus-shaped thing looks faintly yellowed and a little blurry, perhaps due to the passage of time, but its general outline can still be seen clearly.

The lotus flower is black, and there seems to be a thin layer of black inflammation attached to the surface of the lotus flower. If you look seriously, the whole lotus flower actually gives people a vague feeling of monster.

The mark of the flaming lotus represents the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire, which is among the top three on the Strange Fire List.

Ranked third on the list of strange fires, the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire has the special effect of purifying all things. Anything that is touched by it will be purified into nothingness. Its power is extremely terrifying.

The top three strange fires in the world are all unique: the Emperor Flame is unique, the Void Devouring Flame is unique, and the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire is also unique.

Perhaps, only when the Void Devouring Flame or the Pure Lotus Demonic Fire that exist in the world now are destroyed, will it be possible for a brand new Pure Lotus Demonic Fire or the Void Devouring Flame to be born.

However, even such a powerful Pure Lotus Demonic Fire has been subdued by someone.

In the ancient past, the Pure Lotus Demon Fire and the Void Devouring Flame broke through the seal and were born from the Strange Fire Square Cave left by the Ancient Emperor Tushe. At that time, they were very weak and almost beaten back to their newborn state.

It was at that time that the Pure Lotus Demon Flame was subdued and refined by someone, and followed its master to roam the world and become the most powerful person of that era. That person was called the Pure Lotus Demon Saint.

The Pure Lotus Demon Saint is powerful, but also unfortunate.

His talent and ability are both strong and he had the hope of becoming the Dou Emperor. Unfortunately, he could not obtain the token left by the ancient emperor Tushe, and could not open the secret treasure to obtain the vital source energy, so naturally he could not break through to the Dou Emperor.

In fact, since the ancient emperor Tuoshe, there has been no Dou Emperor in the Douqi Continent. No matter how talented a person is, he can only stop at the level of Half Emperor.

This is true for the Pure Lotus Demon Saint, the Yellow Spring Demon Saint, the Dragon Emperor Zhu Kun, Xiao Xuan of the Xiao Clan, Gu Yuan of the Ancient Clan, and the Soul Clan's Hun Tiandi... all of these people are like this.

These people have also fought before. Zhu Kun broke into the ancient emperor's cave and was trapped. Xiao Xuan tried to break out but failed and was surrounded and killed, and his family was wiped out.

Emperor Hun Tian is the most successful. He is vicious, daring and willing to fight. He cooperates with Void Devouring Flame to continuously strengthen the Soul Clan and destroy other imperial clans. He may eventually achieve his goal.

However, for Xu Xin now, all of the above are a bit too far away. What he can really grasp is the residual soul of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint.

After studying this strange parchment, most people would only regard it as an incomplete map. But if someone knew the secret behind it, they would understand that it is a rare treasure.

The remnant soul of a half-emperor, anything that can be obtained from it, will be a treasure.

Xu Xin naturally wanted to gain something from it, so after getting it, he used the strange fire to refine it directly, but as expected, nothing was gained.

But he was not discouraged because he knew things would not be that simple.

And he did discover something.

The continuous burning of the Green Lotus Fire caused the scroll to change a little bit, a very tiny change. If Xu Xin's soul had not been sensing the subtleties, he might have missed it.

And every time Xu Xin's soul power invaded it, there would be a very strange feeling, as if it was resisting, similar to an illusion.

Such a subtle reaction is not considered a discovery. But for Xu Xin, any change is a good thing. As long as there is a change, it means that what he has done is not in vain, and he can continue to conduct exploratory research in this direction.

"I seem to have some impression of ancient maps made of this material. Someone stole such a map from a ruin in the Tagor Desert, but I seriously injured that person. He might be dead now..."

A voice sounded beside Xu Xin. It was Queen Medusa. Then, mottled colorful lights flickered, and a delicate body leaned on Xu Xin. Her head drooped slightly, and her fragrant hair hit the ancient map, making Xu Xin feel itchy on the tip of his nose.

"It should be the Ice Emperor Hai Bodong, I know where he is!"

Xu Xin naturally knew who the owner of the second ancient map was, and he had sent people to find the location, but they had not found him yet.

"He is still alive!?"

Queen Medusa obviously had some impression of Hai Bodong. When she fought with Hai Bodong in the past, she even used the sealing technique, but the opponent still escaped. The Ice Emperor was still quite powerful.

"You have such a deep impression of him, there is something going on between you..."

Xu Xin suddenly asked this.

"No, I'm talking to you about serious matters, don't..."

Queen Medusa was about to explain, but she didn't expect Xu to start doing something excessive again.

"Your Majesty, you smell so good!"

Xu Xin sniffed the hair and neck of Queen Medusa. The Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python had its own unique fragrance, and Queen Medusa also had a fragrant smell. He was now trying to distinguish the difference between them to avoid making a mistake.

"You evil fellow, I shouldn't have come out and told you this..."

The familiar fragrance suddenly changed, and Xu Xin's arms suddenly became clear. Accompanied by the shining colorful light, Queen Medusa's mature body disappeared, and only a colorful little snake was left in front of Xu Xin, looking at him with a rather innocent look.


The Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python whispered that it was hungry. Xu Xinye did not expect that Queen Medusa would be able to perform such a "snake escape" trick.

But Her Majesty the Queen cannot escape, and he, Xu, will get her sooner or later.

"Little thing, you have ruined my good deeds. You must be punished. Come and call me master obediently..."

Xu Xin caught the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python and continued to train it. The little thing became more obedient under the temptation of food and drink, and behaved more intimately with Xu Xin.

Xu Xin then looted everything in the cave on the cliff, and then he disappeared on the spot with the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python.

When he appeared again, he was already in a city called "Mocheng" on the edge of the Tagor Desert. Walking on the streets of the desert city, he came to a store called "Gutu".

"Hai Bodong, Old Man Hai, come out to receive guests."

Xu Xin walked to the door with a swagger, shouted something inside, and then walked into the store. It didn't take much effort for him to find half of the Demon Fire Map on a shelf.

(End of this chapter)

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