The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1151 Tianya Luo Family, Space Wormhole

Chapter 1151 Tianya Luo Family, Space Wormhole

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and another day has passed.

Early the next morning, a purple light streaked across the sky and headed towards the direction where the sun was rising.

A circle of faint purple light diffused from the body of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, completely blocking out the oncoming strong wind, so that Xu Xin and others were not affected at all.

"Senior Han Yue, please tell us about the customs and practices of Zhongzhou..."

Xu Xin rested his head on the round, white, long legs and whispered to the beautiful woman with trembling silver hair. Although Han Yue felt something strange on her legs, she still started her work diligently.

"If we want to go to Zhongzhou, we must first reach Tianya City, where we can go to Zhongzhou through the space wormhole..."

Tianya City is located in a mountain range called Tianqing, thousands of miles away from the Black Horn Region. It is the closest city to the Black Horn Region with a space wormhole leading to Zhongzhou. Relying on this space wormhole leading to Zhongzhou, this place has become the most prosperous place within a thousand miles.

The speed of the Amethyst Winged Lion King was much faster than that of ordinary magical beasts. Combined with Xu Xin's occasional space experiments, it took less than two days for them to reach the Tianqing Mountains.

Soon, they saw the space wormhole leading to Zhongzhou.

Zhongzhou Continent is extremely vast. In some large cities, most of them have "space wormholes" to slow down the travel time. The builders of these space wormholes are mostly Dou Zun seniors from the city.

The profits brought by the opening of a space wormhole every year are extremely high, enough to support the entire family of the descendants of a Dou Zun.

Therefore, in Zhongzhou, the appearance of every space wormhole will arouse the envy of countless forces, but most of the forces are just jealous.

Because building a space wormhole requires the intervention of a Dou Zun strongman, and each of the Dou Zun strongmen is at the top of the continent. In the era when Dou Sheng is not prominent, Dou Zun strongmen are the most outstanding existences in the world.

The space wormholes they left for future generations are all bound to special means. It is useless for ordinary people to choose to seize them by trickery and force.

Because space wormholes are rare, even in Zhongzhou, they symbolize wealth and strength. Those who can own space wormholes are either some well-known first-class forces, or special forces that enjoy the influence of their predecessors, and they all have a deep foundation.

In the Tianqing Mountains, there are many figures on the wide roads that lead to all directions, and you can vaguely hear some noise coming from the ground.

Xu Xin and the other two were not the only ones riding flying magical beasts. There were also many sounds of breaking wind around them. All kinds of strange-shaped flying beasts flapped their wings and flew into the mountains.

The Tianqing Mountains are extremely prosperous, even the Black Horn Region is far from it. Countless flying magical beasts appear at the same time, but most of them are just ordinary first and second level magical beasts.

The arrival of the Amethyst Winged Lion King naturally attracted a lot of attention, but when those people felt the powerful aura coming from the high-level magical beast, they all turned their eyes away and dared not look any further.

The Amethyst Winged Lion King still has the mind of a child. Seeing so many flying monsters, he couldn't help but get closer, but his behavior caused a commotion.

When an ordinary monster encounters a high-level monster of level five, it will naturally be scared and cause a lot of trouble. In the end, it was Xu Xin who patted its head and "killed it with a pat on the head" to educate it, which put an end to this farce.

The Amethyst Winged Lion King sped up under Xu Xin's instructions, and the outline of a huge city soon appeared in their sight.

Just as the Amethyst Winged Lion King was about to fall into Tianya City, suddenly a beam of light flashed up from the city gate and immediately turned into an old man in a yellow robe.

The yellow-robed old man had a rather stern expression, and a pair of fighting wings behind him fluttered slightly, as he was about to stop the Amethyst Winged Lion King. "Don't block the way!"

Xu Xin's calm voice exploded in his ears, and this strong man above the Dou Wang level suddenly froze in place. It was not until the Amethyst Winged Lion King entered the city that he regained his ability to move and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Tianya City does not allow people or monsters to fly, but this is a rule for the weak.

The weak follow the rules, the strong make the rules.

And Xu Xin, my rules are the rules.

The rules of Tianya City have no effect on him, because in Xu's opinion, the Northwest Continent and even the Douqi Continent will sooner or later submit to him, and only he can make all the rules.

"A fifth-level magical beast, suspected to be a Dou Zong? Such a strong man has come. We must inform the family as soon as possible..."

The old man in yellow was filled with shock and fear. He did not dare to delay and hurried into the city, ready to report the news of the Dou Zong expert to the ancestor of the Luo family in Tianya City.

A purple light flickered in Tianya City, naturally attracting a lot of attention. On the back of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, Xu Xin and others also looked down at Tianya City with great interest.

All kinds of shouting sounds can be heard on both sides of the bluestone paved street. A wide variety of goods are displayed in the shops on both sides, and many people are constantly shuttling back and forth among them like ants.

The entire Tianya City is filled with a sense of being extremely busy and crowded.

The target of Xu Xin and others, of course, was the square where the space wormhole was located. After strolling around for most of the day, the Amethyst Winged Lion King had a great time. Xu Xin also negotiated a few deals in the middle. They finally arrived at the space square.

After crossing half of Tianya City, they finally arrived at a huge black stone square. The dark stones were scattered all around, giving off a sense of coldness and solidity. A towering stone platform was guarded by many guards, and there was a faint and extremely powerful force of space emanating from it.

"This is a space wormhole!"

It was the first time that Xu Xin saw a space wormhole with his own eyes. He narrowed his eyes slightly. Right in the center of the stone platform, there was a huge black hole that was ten feet in size. It was slowly rotating, and astonishing spatial forces were overflowing from it.

Under Xu Xin's observation, the force of space here seemed to have some signs of disorder.

This space wormhole is very old and there are many small problems that need to be solved. If they are not solved, it will cause problems in a few years.

"Let's go there!"

Xu Xin observed for a while, then went up with a group of young and beautiful girls. Since they had enough strength, they naturally enjoyed privileges.

The Luo family's Dou Zong ancestor came forward in person and not only arranged a better position for Xu Xin and the others, but also took the initiative to send a large spaceship.

The so-called space ship is a device for sailing in space wormholes. It is usually in the form of a small wooden boat, faintly flashing with silver light and containing a very weak force of space.

With the warm farewell of the ancestor of the Luo family in Tianya City, the figures of Xu Xin and others disappeared instantly after stepping into the space wormhole. A silver light slowly spread out and finally flashed into the dark space.

(End of this chapter)

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