The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1152: Zhongzhou Danyu Luoshen Gorge, Glacier Valley and Burning Flame Valley

Chapter 1152: Zhongzhou Danyu Luoshen Gorge, Glacier Valley and Burning Flame Valley (missed yesterday and supplemented today)
"The space channel of the space wormhole, turns out to be this principle!"

When Xu Xin's vision returned to normal, he found himself in a strange passage. The faint silver space barrier formed a passage of about ten feet. It seemed that there was no end in front or behind, and there was only a deep darkness.

The upper and lower directions of this space channel were also filled with a kind of darkness that made people feel a little uneasy. There were faint strong spatial fluctuations seeping out from it. The entire channel was extremely silent, without any strange sounds at all.

After observing and analyzing for a while, Xu Xin roughly understood the operating principle of the space wormhole channel. For him now, it might be a little troublesome to build such a stable space channel for people to pass through, but if he wanted to "cross the channel", it would not be too difficult.

Xu Xin casually took out the spaceship given by the Luo family. As soon as this little thing appeared, it swelled up in the wind like a fish entering the water. In just a few breaths, it turned into a large ship that was more than ten meters long and nearly ten meters wide.

On the surface of the ship, traces of light silver spatial force were moving back and forth, looking extremely mysterious.

Xu Xin brought Medusa, Xiao Yixian, Qing'er, Zi Yan, Han Yue and other beauties on board. The little Amethyst Winged Lion King also shrunk his body and became a plush pet shaped like a milk ball, following Xu Xin.

Xu Xin came to the bow, and a force of space surged into it. The whole ship trembled slightly, and with a whoosh, the space ship turned into a silver light, crossing the space as fast as lightning and shooting into the empty darkness.

Generally, strong men use their fighting spirit to propel the spaceship, but a Dou Zong like Xu Xin uses the force of space as the source of energy, so the speed is naturally more than twice as fast.

In the space channel, the speed of the spaceship was extremely terrifying, it could almost be described as chasing the moon under the stars. Xu Xin and his companions were sitting on the ship, they could only see the silver space walls on both sides retreating with a whoosh, which was dazzling.

In the silent and dark space channel, a silver light flashed silently, and after a moment, it disappeared at the end of the darkness. It looked like a lone traveler in the space.

The principle of space wormholes is similar to the hypothesis of cosmic wormholes and black holes proposed by some people in modern theories. That is, the space collapses at the wormhole, causing the space nodes of two places to be connected, and the distance is infinitely shortened.

If you travel in reality, it will take at least half a year to reach Zhongzhou from Tianya City.

And through the space wormhole, it will take at most one month to reach Zhongzhou.

The journey inside the space wormhole is very boring. After all, you have to face the same scenery for a long time, which is dazzling.

Among the crowd, even the most lively little Zi Yan and the little darling Amethyst Winged Lion King became listless and listless.

The Amethyst Winged Lion King squatted behind Xu Xin, leaning sideways to support him, and Zi Yan was even more excessive. She leaned her little head on Xu Xin's thigh, used the Amethyst Winged Lion King's furry body as a quilt, and fell asleep.

Xu Xin could bear it, after all, with so many beauties crowded in a boat around him, it was impossible for him to be lonely. Even the most unpredictable Zi Yan could turn into the big and white Dragon Emperor. At this moment, the loli posture he could manipulate at will was also quite entertaining.

Most people would not dare to be careless when driving a spaceship, but for Xu Xin, these are not a problem. Who says you can't drive fast... Driving the Ferrari with one hand and sliding the other hand around, shouldn't this be the basic operation of an experienced driver!
Waves of spatial force emanated from the pale ring on his finger, wrapping the spaceship and making it run at an even faster speed. After all, Venerable Tianhuo was once a powerful Dou Zun, and his control over the spatial force was far beyond that of ordinary people.

That's right, Venerable Skyfire once again became Xu Xin's employee, and the evil capitalist Xu, while enjoying the guilt-ridden services of several beauties, also used the power of space to distort Venerable Skyfire's perception of the outside world, preventing some inappropriate scenes from leaking out.

If Venerable Tianhuo knew about some of the modern photo and video scandals, he would definitely scream in his heart, what a damn evil coding technology.

Time is like the water of the Milky Way, passing away with the wind of space. The boring spaceship journey finally ended. As the silver lightship rushed out of the darkness, light once again came into view. This is a vast and lush plain. In the middle of the plain, there is a gravel square. On the ground in the center of the square, there are many mysterious symbols painted. These symbols all emit a faint silver light, and faintly reveal a trace of space fluctuations.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew in the silent square, and soon a silver halo appeared in the center of the square. A boat shadow flashed out and then quickly became smaller. Several figures landed gently on the ground, and the silver halo behind them slowly dissipated.

This is a space square in the northern region of Zhongzhou, which is quite some distance away from Danyu, the destination of Xu Xin and his team.

However, Xu Xin and others were no longer interested in another long-distance space journey, so they rode the Amethyst Winged Lion King and flew south under the guidance of Han Yue.

The Northern Region of Zhongzhou was not unfamiliar to Han Yue. She was born in a small city called Tianbei City in the Northern Region of Zhongzhou. It was one of the four pavilions and was within the sphere of influence of Fenglei Pavilion.

There are two major families in Tianbei City, the Han and the Hong families, both of which have Dou Zong ancestors in charge. Originally, the two families were of similar strength and were wary of each other. With the mediation of Fenglei Pavilion, they were able to live in peace.

However, in the past few years, as the young master of the Hong family joined Fenglei North Pavilion and emerged, the situation seemed to have changed a little.

But for the time being, it is still a two-legged race.

Tianbei City is just a very common small city in Zhongzhou, but the two major families in the city have Dou Zong masters in charge. If it were in the northwest continent, it would be the controller of an empire, or at least a second-rate force. In Zhongzhou, it is just a small force that is not worth mentioning.

There are many large and small forces in Zhongzhou, with a mixture of monsters and humans. Among them, there are thirteen top-notch human forces, all of which have at least a Dou Zun in charge. They are divided into one palace and one tower, two sects and three valleys, and four square pavilions.

One palace and one tower, naturally they are the Soul Palace and the Dan Tower.

The two sects are the Tianming Sect and the Hua Sect.

The three valleys are the Glacier Valley, the Sound Valley, and the Burning Flame Valley.

These forces are all very old forces in Zhongzhou, and they are more or less related to the legendary Dou Sheng. Among the remaining four square pavilions, some are also very old, while others have only risen for more than a hundred years, but the hidden strength behind them is not weak.

The four pavilions are Xingyun Pavilion, Huangquan Pavilion, Fenglei Pavilion and Wanjian Pavilion. Among them, Xingyun Pavilion was established the shortest time but has the strongest strength.

However, it is said that the mysterious leader of the Xingyun Pavilion has not appeared for many years. The one who is in charge of the Xingyun Pavilion now is his good friend, Master Feng, who is also a top powerhouse renowned in the continent. Among the four most famous masters of the Sifang Pavilion, he ranks first.

The power of the Sifang Pavilion is located in the four corners of Zhongzhou.

The destination that Xu Xin and his team planned to visit first was Luoshenjian, which was located in the north of Zhongzhou Danyu. It was a fringe area where the forces of Glacier Valley and Fenyan Valley intersected, and it was also a chaotic place.

(End of this chapter)

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