The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1173: Dragon and Phoenix, Holy Fire of the Netherworld

Chapter 1173: Dragon and Phoenix, Holy Fire of the Netherworld

Five-colored flames flowed, and five fire spirits climbed around Xu Xin. Hot flames continuously poured out from their bodies. The high temperature was so high that even the space was distorted.

"Five-round fire-living method, form a formation!"

As Xu Xin's hand seal changed, the five fire spirits beside him rushed out with a whoosh, forming a pentagonal shape and covering the entire space within a hundred meters.


The five fire spirits roared like beasts that shook the void, and then five pillars of fire with completely different colors shot out from their mouths, and then shot straight into each other's bodies, forming a perfect pentagonal light shape.


The fire pillars entered the body, and the surface of the five fire spirits' bodies also burst into a brilliant light. Pillars of light shot out from the fire spirits' bodies, then crossed and swept out, turning into rays of light, outlining a series of mysterious formation trajectories.

The rays of light intersected and formed an extremely intricate and complex light array in the sky. A dazzling curtain of fire swept down violently, directly covering the entire sky and earth within a hundred feet in radius, and countless fire energies surged.

Xu Xin's hand seals changed again and again, and the surrounding fire curtain fluctuated. Then, streams of gorgeous flames with five colors intertwined poured out continuously, and then turned into a raging sea of ​​fire, filling the light array.

The five-colored flames are extremely gorgeous. There are four kinds of strange fires and one kind of beast fire. The five flames blend and stimulate each other, and the energy finally formed is so terrifying.

"Lihuo Fentian!"

The extremely terrifying five-colored flame, like a ferocious beast, created a distorted space and rolled all the flame energy towards Xu Xin.

The gorgeous five-colored flames swept over like an overwhelming force. Even a Dou Zun would be frightened by the violent destructive power in the face of such a beautiful scene.

Brilliant five-colored flames swept across the sky, and the terrifying high temperature caused the space to constantly distort. Xiao Yixiang and Zi Yan, who were a little far away, felt that the space was a little blurry.

In Yecheng, countless people were panicking at this moment. Even those who were far away could feel the terrifying and violent force that made their hearts frightened.


Countless five-colored flames gathered on Xu Xin. The five-colored flames squirmed and wrapped around Xu Xin. From a distance, it looked like a fire god coming to the world, possessing the unparalleled power to destroy the world.


Two rays of divine light suddenly burst out from Xu Xin's eyes, and the five-colored flames covering his body also suddenly expanded at this time.

The five-colored flames surged like a volcanic eruption. Between heaven and earth, another hundred-foot-long fire spirit appeared in the world. It looked like a real dragon with phoenix wings and surrounded by five-colored divine light. It was incomparably magical, as if the legendary dragon and phoenix had come into the world.

The five-colored dragon and phoenix coiled in the void, and their huge bodies completely covered the sky. At this moment, the sun in the sky was robbed of its luster. The pressure brought by the voice of the dragon and phoenix spread, causing many people in Yecheng to bow their bodies in submission.


Another mighty roar of a dragon and phoenix was heard, and countless people in Yecheng looked up at the sky. They saw that the space in the sky was distorted, and a huge five-colored light column rushed towards the sky.

The vast power of heaven and earth penetrated the blue sky and the underworld, and the hundred-foot dragon phoenix moved in the center. That huge body suddenly burst out with a bright and strong light, and a vast aura spread out.

The five-colored divine light was so bright and dazzling that many people closed their eyes slightly. Only Xiao Yixian and Zi Yan, who were closest to it, could see the final scene clearly. Above the head of the five-colored dragon and phoenix, a figure quickly devoured all the energy, and the vast aura emanated from this person's body.

"Young Master has achieved a breakthrough to Dou Zun!"

Little Medical Fairy had already broken through to the Dou Zun level when she was condensing the poison pill, so naturally she was able to detect the changes in Xu Xin's cultivation at the first moment.

In the sky, Xu Xin stretched lazily, and his skin began to move. The bones in his body seemed to have turned on a mechanism, and crisp sounds of bones rubbing and colliding were heard.

He felt the sense of comfort spreading throughout his body, exhaled a breath of hot air, and felt refreshed. This was the realm of Dou Zun.

Xu Xin clenched his palms slightly, feeling the vast ocean-like fighting spirit in his body. This kind of power has a crazy temptation. Countless people have fought for this kind of power all their lives.

He simply stretched out his palm and clenched it suddenly. The space in front of him was directly twisted into a strange angle. If this grip was aimed at a human, even a Dou Zong would not be able to resist it, and his body would disintegrate into a pool of flesh and blood on the spot.

He spread out his five fingers again, and the originally distorted space suddenly dispersed. Dark ripples tore from the void, forming a special passage that was wide enough for passage.

Xu Xin felt the vast power that was enough to distort space with just a wave of his hand, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Such a wonderful thing should be applauded, and the Netherworld Poison Fire has not been refined much. When Xu Xin thought of this, he cast his eyes towards the earth. He saw a fair figure in white, and the little Lolita in purple, whose lotus roots were just beginning to emerge. Although he wanted to have both, the river crab beast would not allow him to do so.

"He has become a Dou Zun so quickly, but I haven't even grown up yet... bad guy..."

The five-colored dragon and phoenix in the sky gradually dissipated, but the mighty dragon power still permeated the space. Zi Yan looked up at the sky and murmured to herself. Suddenly, a sound of breaking wind sounded beside her. Realizing what happened, little Zi Yan's face suddenly turned red and she couldn't help covering her face.

"Master, it's still white..."

It seemed that the voice of the Little Medical Fairy rang out in the Jiuzhou Divine Cauldron, which was amplified countless times. The dark green flame grew stronger. Xiao Ziyan, who was covering her face, couldn't help but open her fingers. Unfortunately, she couldn't see much of the spring scenery inside. She could only vaguely hear some noises and couldn't help but reprimand a certain guy for his behavior.

"This guy is really too much. How could he do this? He asked everyone to come but only let Sister Xian'er..."

Xiao Ziyan felt a little indignant. When she was growing up, that bad guy couldn't help himself... but now...

Another day and night passed like this. When Xu Xin and Xiao Yixian appeared again, the faint green flame in the Jiuzhou Divine Cauldron had disappeared. On Xiao Yixian's originally white and translucent belly, there was a special tattoo formed by a faint green flame.

"Xian'er, the young master has great expectations for you. I hope you can combine the power of the evil poison body to transform this netherworld poisonous fire..."

Xu Xin held the Little Medical Fairy in his arms, feeling the sealed hidden power in her body, and couldn't help but kiss the girl's smooth forehead.

"Master, Xian'er won't let you down..."

The rather tired Little Medical Fairy woke up, murmured with her beautiful eyes dazed, but quickly closed her eyes again, as if she had started a new transformation.

Xu Xin refined part of the Netherworld Poison Fire, and a seed of this strange fire appeared in his body. The real body of the Fire Spirit Dao Fruit, which was nine thousand years old, was sealed in the body of the Little Medical Fairy by Xu Xin, hoping that she could slowly refine and improve it, combine it with the origin of the evil poison body, and transform it into a new holy-level strange fire, the Netherworld Holy Fire.

(End of this chapter)

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