The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1174: Shengdan City, 3 Flames

Chapter 1174: Shengdan City, Three Thousand Flames

At the Ye Family Manor, in the Ancient Yang Fire Altar, Xu Xin was holding the Little Medical Fairy in his arms, and the aura of the two had some subtle changes.

Xiao Yixiang's progress in cultivation in the past few months has been amazing. Her cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds. First, she refined the poison pill and broke through to the Dou Zun level. And not just a one-star Dou Zun, but close to a three-star Dou Zun.

Cooperating with Xu Xin in refining and sealing the Netherworld Poison Fire in her body, her cultivation reached the level of a five-star Dou Zun, and she could be called a "Tian Zun" by some forces.

The fact that Little Medical Fairy had made such great progress was naturally closely related to Xu Xin's diligent training. The method of making poison pills and sealing the Netherworld Poison Fire gave her the possibility of quickly breaking through to the level of a Douluo Saint.

If Xiao Yixiang can really break through to the Dou Sheng level in a very short period of time and evolve the Netherworld Poison Fire into the Netherworld Holy Fire, then Xu Xin will also be able to gain greater benefits, for example through dual cultivation or something.

While Xu Xin was thinking about good things, the people in the Ye family's front yard had already been frightened by the noise they had made, and were all being extremely respectful.

After staying in the Ye family for a while, Xu Xin and others finally decided to set off again and head towards the center of the Dan domain, Shengdan City where the Dan Tower is located.

Shengdan City is the headquarters of Danta, also known as Dan City.

On this day, countless people from the Ye family came to the Space Wormhole Square in Ye City to bid farewell.

Although the Ye family is now in decline, its influence still remains. At least in Ye City, no force can challenge the status of the Ye family. Therefore, this rather coveted space wormhole is also controlled by the Ye family.

The great elder Ye Zhong had already made arrangements, and when Xu Xin and the others arrived at the square, it was just in a window period.

The space wormhole in Yecheng also looks quite majestic and obviously has a lot of history.

However, some chaotic space fluctuations are also emitted within this space wormhole. It is obvious that this space wormhole has not been maintained for many years.

In the silent space channel, Xu Xin and others entered one after another, followed by the Ye family's elders Ye Chong and Ye Xinlan.

A huge space ship appeared, and a circle of energy shield extended out, surrounding the hull. Then the ship shook and suddenly accelerated, flying away into the distance with a whoosh.

The journey in the space channel was boring and silent, but it did not cause any trouble to Xu Xin and his companions. During the journey, Xu Xin, Ye Chong and others discussed what to do when they arrived in Shengdan City.

The first one was to get a badge of alchemist of his own level in Danta. The other one was to help the Ye family complete the assessment, and then use the Ye family's connections to get a suitable position in Danta and wait for an opportunity to get more.

There are still a few years before Danta's alchemy meeting, which is enough time for Xu to make arrangements calmly.

Inside the space wormhole, it was as boring as ever. On a spacious space channel, countless space ships flashed by, and noisy sounds filled the space channel.

This is a space wormhole leading to Shengdan City. As the core of Dan Domain, Shengdan City is extremely prosperous, with people coming and going every day. The space ships in the space wormhole are crowded with people.

I don’t know how long it took, but in the distance of the space wormhole, a circle of silver light appeared faintly, emitting astonishing space fluctuations.

At this moment, accompanied by the noise coming from countless space ships, figures appeared one after another.

Spaceships flashed past like meteors across the dark sky, swarming into the huge silver light circle. The violent space fluctuations caused the entire spaceship to shake violently, but this shaking only lasted for a few seconds before slowly dissipating.

When Xu Xin walked out of the spaceship, a huge square made entirely of red rocks appeared in his sight. There was no end in sight, and the red color that extended to the end of his sight seemed to be thousands of feet long.

This red square was almost packed with people, it could be described as a sea of ​​people. The noise gathered together and rushed into the sky, and even the clouds in the sky were visibly faded.

The clouds in the sky have become much lighter in this sky.

Shengdan City is a city directly controlled by Danta, the core of Danyu, which is divided into inner and outer domains. What is in front of us is just a space square in the outer domain.

Although Shengdan City is called a city, its actual territory far exceeds the normal concept of a city. In terms of area alone, it is not much smaller than the Black Horn Region. Dozens of Ye Cities cannot catch up with one Shengdan City. Even if a Dou Zong powerhouse flies across, it will take half a day.

Xu Xin and his group followed Ye Chong and wandered around the outer area of ​​Shengdan City for about half an hour. They finally stopped in an area near the south and came to a relatively spacious courtyard.

Although the courtyard looked spacious, it was obviously quite old and dilapidated, as if it had not been visited by humans for many years. In front of the courtyard, there was a wooden plaque with two faintly discernible characters on it: Ye Yuan.

"Alas! Without the successors, even the inheritance left by our ancestors has been abandoned..."

The great elder Ye Zhong sighed and introduced this courtyard. It was the Ye family’s property in Shengdan City. Later, with the defeat of the Ye family, no one took care of it anymore, but it could still be used as a temporary resting place.

Xu Xin was not a person who could not endure hardship. Besides, Xu Xin was always surrounded by a group of beautiful women, so naturally he had no shortage of people to take care of him. They had no objections at the moment. Everyone tidied up the yard casually, and it looked presentable. Except for the lack of people, everything else was good.

By the time Xu Xin and the others had finished packing, night had fallen, wrapping the entire Shengdan City in a charming night.

In a small courtyard in Yeyuan, Xu Xin stood with his hands behind his back, looking up at the bright stars in the sky, his eyes slightly narrowed.

Xu Xin's gaze turned to the hazy starry sky in the inner area of ​​Shengdan City. Three Thousand Flames of Fire took shape above the starry sky. If nothing unexpected happened, it should be in the starry sky in the inner area of ​​Shengdan City.

Xu Xin's eyes narrowed and then closed, and the majestic soul power spread out from his brows like a tide and extended towards the bright starry sky.

Xu Xin's soul power spread across the sky like water waves. A unique spirituality, along with the spread of soul power, was also gradually growing, like a magical brand.

Xu Xin's body, with his eyes closed, was illuminated by the starlight, and there seemed to be some magical spiritual fluctuations on his body, which were invisible to ordinary people with the naked eye, but an alchemist at a high level might be able to get a glimpse of it with the power of the soul.

The courtyard where Xu Xin was located had some yellowed grass leaves. However, under the faint spiritual light, the yellowness gradually faded away, and green buds quietly grew, making the courtyard look full of spiritual energy.

In Xu Xin's soul vision, a giant dragon that seemed to have almost no end was coiling and squatting. The dragon's pupils were closed, and a strange purple-black flame was lingering on its body.

This is... Three Thousand Flames.

(End of this chapter)

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