The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1175 Spirit Realm Masters, the Three Giants of Danta

Chapter 1175 Spirit Realm Masters, the Three Giants of Danta

The Three Thousand Flames, also known as the Three Thousand Starry Sky Flames, is ranked ninth on the Strange Fire List. It is considered to be one of the most elusive and elusive fires among the many Strange Fires on the list, because it does not exist in the earth, but is formed in the distant starry sky.

It has been recorded in ancient books that three thousand flaming fires took shape, and silver fire fell from the sky. The land thousands of miles away was like a desert, with no distinction between day and night, stars did not appear, and the shining sun did not rise.

This powerful strange fire can bring its owner an extremely special ability, which is the rumored "Three Thousand Stars Physique", also known as "Immortal Body".

No matter how fierce the attack is, he can recover quickly by bathing in the starlight. When fighting against a person with an "immortal body", unless he can be killed directly in one go, as long as he has a breath left, he can quickly become full of energy and can torture his opponent greatly.

Therefore, few people are willing to become mortal enemies with the strong ones who possess the "Three Thousand Flames". After all, no matter who it is, if they have an enemy with vitality as tenacious as that of a monster, they will be unable to sleep or eat.

Since the Three Thousand Flames were nurtured in the depths of the starry sky and are beyond the reach of ordinary people, the Three Thousand Flames will generally exist longer in the wild than other strange fires. The Three Thousand Flames that have evolved for a longer time will be more spiritual.

Most of the Three Thousand Flames that have been discovered have extremely intelligent fire spirits. Even if they are found, it is difficult to capture, subdue and refine them.

For example, the Three Thousand Flames sealed in Danta, when it was first formed, perhaps thousands or even tens of thousands of years ago, this strange fire was first discovered by a strong man from the Taixu Ancient Dragon clan and left a blood mark, so its fire spirit takes the form of a dragon.

The Purple Dragon Fire Spirit was extremely powerful. Even after it was discovered and sealed by the strong men of Danta, it refused to be tamed. Instead, it made the three giants of Danta, who were at the peak of the Dou Zun level, miserable.

To be honest, this Purple Dragon Fire Spirit is not weaker than the Netherworld Poison Fire Nine-headed Bird Fire Spirit that is about to transform into a saint. The reason why Xiao Yan in the original time and space was able to successfully refine it is purely due to the Dragon Emperor's Blood Mark given by Zi Yan.

And now, Xu Xin has Zi Yan by his side, but she has not yet returned to the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, so she naturally doesn't understand things like the dragon blood mark.

However, Xu Xin was not so anxious. After all, the alchemy conference would still last for a few years. This trip to Shengdan City was just to start the layout and he did not intend to complete it all at once.

Although Xu Xin coveted the Three Thousand Flames very much, and if he could obtain another such exotic fire, he would be able to truly upgrade the Burning Technique to a Heaven-level technique, but the current situation did not support it, and he was helpless!
Xu Xin retreated in the Ye family's Yanghuo Ancient Altar to break through to the Dou Zun level, and also obtained the split fire of the Netherworld Poison Fire and the Black Flame of the Sky Demon Phoenix Clan. Using these two powerful flames that were almost comparable to the strange fires, he evolved his technique. In fact, the Burning Decree was already on the verge of being promoted.

If he was a little greedy and completely refined the Netherworld Poison Fire, perhaps he could evolve the Burning Technique into a quasi-heavenly or even heavenly level technique, but for the sake of a better future, he chose to seal the body of the Netherworld Poison Fire to Little Medical Fairy.

Xu Xin is not short of time and opportunities now. The heavenly grade skills are an extremely desired fortune for him, but for Xu Xin who possesses countless magical skills, he just wants to gain insights from the process of evolving his skills.

"Three Thousand Flames are moving again?"

"No, who dares to spy on the Dancheng star region!"

A loud shout was heard in the star field of Dancheng, and Xu Xin, who was peering at the starry sky, was naturally affected.


Xu Xin, whose eyes were filled with starlight and seemed lifeless, curled up the corners of his mouth and let out a light laugh. The soul power brought by that fierce shout did not hurt him, but his soul power also suddenly dissipated in the gray and strange starry sky.

As Xu Xin's soul dissipated, a faint spirituality remained in the original place.

A moment later, a figure appeared in the mysterious star field filled with starlight and purple flames. As if sensing Xu Xin's remaining soul energy, a subtle sound of surprise rang out in the void.
"Hey, it's actually the breath of a spirit realm soul? A strange spirit realm soul, could it be someone from the Soul Palace?"

An old man in white appeared in this mysterious starry sky. His appearance was quite abrupt, and there was not a trace of aura emanating from his body. He was just like an ordinary old man. However, if a strong person sensed it with his soul, they would find that he was empty and extremely weird.

"Three Thousand Flames? Alas..." The old man looked around carefully but found nothing. In the end, he could only look at the Three Thousand Flames helplessly. After a sigh, the old man's voice echoed in the starry sky.

The next moment, the old man appeared in a void space in the center of the inner area of ​​Shengdan City. There were many powerful soul auras flowing here, exchanging information.

"Xuan Kongzi, you went to the Star Region again? Have you not given up on conquering the Three Thousand Flames?"

A dark-skinned old man appeared, also with an ethereal aura.

In another place in another pavilion, a beautiful woman with a pretty face was busy with her own affairs.

"Tian Lei Zi, someone spied on the star field before, but fortunately, they did not wake up the Three Thousand Flames, otherwise, there would be trouble again."

Xuan Kongzi's voice rang out in the hall. The dark-skinned old man's joking smile faded and turned serious. The beautiful woman who was busy with her own affairs also looked up at them.

“Who can be detected?”

"No, but this person has a very strong soul power. According to my guess, he is a strong man in the spiritual realm, and he is not a beginner in the spiritual realm. I fought with him briefly, but I didn't gain any advantage."

"You were unable to suppress him in a soul battle? Could it be someone from the Soul Palace? According to some intelligence, they are also very interested in the Three Thousand Flames..."

"I don't know if he is from the Soul Palace. I couldn't track down that soul. I even had a feeling that he discovered me early on, but I didn't discover him in the first place."

"Is it so weird? Could it really be the Soul Palace? What on earth are these guys trying to do? They captured so many souls... It is said that even Yao Chen fell into the hands of the Soul Palace."

"Yao there any definite news about him?"

A gentle voice with a hint of vicissitudes sounded in the hall. It was the beautiful woman who was originally busy. After hearing the other two people mention Yao Chen, she finally couldn't help but speak.

"I'm still not sure, but judging from the news passed down by Venerable Feng in the past, Yao Chen's disappearance may be related to the Soul Palace."

"It is said that after Yao Chen disappeared, his disciple Han Feng's behavior was very strange, as if he had contact with the Soul Palace. Later, he also disappeared..."

"This is Xingyun Pavilion's business. It's not our turn to worry about it. Xuanyi, if you want to get information, you can send some people to go..."

"Forget it, it's been so long..."

The beautiful woman Xuanyi finally rejected the proposal, and the hall was silent for a long time.

"Well, forget it. We in Danta should just mind our own business."


As these words fell, the conversation between the three giants of Danta also came to an end in this hall.

(End of this chapter)

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