The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1176 Nothing to do tonight, singing and dancing

Chapter 1176 Nothing to do tonight, singing and dancing

"The peak of Dou Zun, the soul realm of the spiritual realm, should be an eighth-grade peak alchemist, a giant in Danta, very strong."

In a courtyard somewhere in Yeyuan, Xu Xin woke up from his lifeless state, and the starlight that originally filled his pupils gradually faded away.

He paced in the yard, recalling the brief soul confrontation with that man, and gained a lot from it.

The man who had fought with him before had reached an extremely high level in soul realm and utilization of soul power. He was much more powerful than Yao Chen, who had not yet recovered to his peak, and was also one of the strongest among the spiritual realm masters.

The so-called spiritual realm refers to the second realm of the soul level in the Douqi Continent. Among the four realms of the Mortal Spirit Emperor, most of the strong people in the world, even the low-level Dou Zun and the seventh-grade alchemist, are basically just souls in the mortal realm.

A Dou Zun strongman can touch the level of the spiritual realm. Some seventh-grade alchemists, if by chance, can also vaguely touch the spiritual realm. If the soul power reaches this level, it will have an effect, which is to endow the elixir with spirituality.

Most of the eighth-grade elixirs possess extraordinary spirituality, and it is precisely because of this spirituality that they are able to reach the eighth grade.

An ordinary alchemist, no matter how excellent his alchemy skills are, if he cannot give the elixir spirituality, then the elixir he refines will never reach the eighth grade.

In addition to alchemists who are born with powerful soul power, some masters who specialize in soul training or have extraordinary talents can also reach the spiritual realm before breaking through to the Dou Zun realm. The strong people who have broken through to the Dou Zun realm basically have spiritual souls, and their souls will gradually transform as their cultivation increases, and eventually they will be promoted to the spiritual realm.

When one reaches the pinnacle of spiritual practice, it is possible to reach the next level of soul realm, the heavenly realm.

If an alchemist at this level is able to refine ninth-grade elixirs, his intelligence is no different from that of ordinary humans. This is almost equivalent to a creation, the creation of a living being.

The ninth-grade elixir not only needs to be endowed with spirituality, but also needs the power of heaven and earth. However, in order to achieve this, one needs to reach the heavenly realm.

The soul in the heavenly realm possesses the power to reach the sky and can control and manipulate the gathering of spiritual energy within a certain range. This is also the basis for becoming a saint through the nine transformations.

In the realm of saints above Dou Zun, as long as one has the word "saint" on them, even if they are only half-saints, they are all souls of the heavenly realm.

After all, those who have been able to reach the stage of becoming a saint through the Nine Revolutions, even if they are from the imperial family that relies on bloodline, have good talents themselves. They are all geniuses of their generation, far surpassing their peers. In all aspects, they have no shortcomings.

The cultivation of the soul in the heavenly realm is also divided into four levels: the early, middle, late and the final great perfection. The state of great perfection in the heavenly realm, relying solely on the soul power, has a combat power that is not inferior to that of a two-star Douluo, and is infinitely close to the legendary "Emperor Realm".

In addition, a soul that has reached this realm is no different from a physical body. When fighting with others, the soul can be separated to form a soul clone that is stronger than the highest realm of the Three Thousand Thunder Illusion Bodies. It possesses many magical powers and can fight together with the physical body.

Before the soul reaches the great perfection of the heavenly realm, generally no strong person will take the initiative to summon it out. After all, if the soul is damaged, the harm to a person will be too great.

But once the soul reaches the Heaven Realm, it becomes another form of entity, and its power is no less than that of the body. When fighting together with the body, its power is naturally extremely strong. Although the Heaven Realm is still at the Heaven Realm level, it is completely different from the three levels of the Heaven Realm, and it can be said to be another level.

After reaching the Great Perfection of the Heavenly Realm, one will reach the legendary Emperor Realm soul. Even in the ancient times when the Fighting Emperor was rampant, very few people could cultivate successfully.

Later, the powerful Dou Di disappeared from the world one after another. After the ancient emperor Tuoshe, most of the powerful people on the Dou Qi Continent who could reach the "Emperor Realm" soul were at the peak of their respective eras, such as the Pure Lotus Demon Saint and the Yellow Spring Demon Saint, the so-called "Half Emperors".

It is said that the soul of this emperor level is very difficult to kill and is indestructible. Even if it is forcibly broken up, the remaining soul factors can still gradually condense and finally be reborn again.

Just like Xiao Xuan of the Xiao clan, even if he was killed and resurrected after being buried in the Heavenly Tomb, he still possessed strength in the Heavenly Tomb that was no less than that in his lifetime, and later he even died against the will of the Heavenly Tomb.

The will of Tianmu, to some extent, is the consciousness of heaven and earth in this magical world of Tianmu, a castrated version of the Heavenly Dao. In the home field controlled by it, this "Heavenly Dao" was forcibly killed by Xiao Xuan. The fighting power displayed by Xiao Xuan in that battle was terrifying.

According to Xu Xin's estimation, although both were half-emperors, Xiao Xuan should be stronger than Emperor Hun Tian and Gu Yuan in all aspects. This was also the fundamental reason why the Soul Clan besieged and killed him when he was alive.

Originally, the Xiao clan went crazy and gathered the last of the emperor's blood into one person to create a Xiao Xuan who tried to forcibly break through to the Dou Emperor. The other emperor clans were watching the joke, after all, they all knew that without the "source energy", it was impossible to break through to the Dou Emperor.

But the terrifying fighting power displayed by Xiao Xuan, coupled with the fact that he had won over the Nine-Star Douluo from Fenyan Valley, made people very uneasy.

In fact, if the Soul Clan had not taken the initiative, it is possible that Xiao Xuan would have started the war to seize the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade. After all, the Xiao Clan at that time could only gamble everything on it. If they succeeded, they would continue the emperor's bloodline, and if they failed, they would fall into the mortal world.

"Fanling Tiandi, based on my understanding of the soul, as long as the cultivation level is improved, these should not be a problem, so... what exactly is Yuanqi? What is Doudi? Why is it necessary to have Yuanqi to break through to Doudi?"

In the shabby courtyard of the Ye family, Xu Xin, a newly promoted Dou Zun, is trying to explore the essence of the relationship between "Source Energy" and "Dou Emperor", just like Xiao Xuan who wanted to break through by force. This is the greatest mystery of this world.

"The various planes in the universe may have a plane embryo, which is the greatest opportunity for the lower plane. It is closely related to the plane consciousness, that is, the "Heavenly Way". The so-called breakthrough of the "ancestral realm" is also related to the plane consciousness. Could it be that the source energy is also a different kind of..."

Xu Xin recalled more key information about the Douqi Continent and even the universe, trying to sort out more useful intelligence from it.

But in the end, he shook his head and gave up. His current cultivation level was too low, and there were many things he couldn't figure out. This made him upset and unable to calm down. He really needed to find some fun.

So, Xu, who couldn't fall asleep, had nothing to do tonight. Although he couldn't go to the brothel to listen to music, he could still enjoy the singing and dancing of orioles and sisters flying together. Medusa and Qing'er both had the blood of the snake people, so he could see the legendary snake dance tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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