The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1177: Clearing Relationships, 7th Grade Assessment

Chapter 1177: Clearing Relationships, Rank Assessment
Early the next morning, Xu Xin, who had learned snake language all night, got up from Queen Medusa's fragrant body and enjoyed Xiao Qing'er's ultimate service again.

Finally, he was dressed neatly with great difficulty, and finally let go of the maid who had tidied his clothes. He laughed triumphantly and walked out of the room.

Outside the gate of Xu Xin's courtyard, what was waiting for him today was not Xiao Yixian, Zi Yan and others, but Ye Xinlan, whom even Cao Ze could not get, and her elder, Ye Zhong, the eldest elder of the Ye family.

The Cao family of Danyu once proposed to the Ye family and wanted to marry Ye Xinlan, but Ye Xinlan was unwilling to marry the "thief Cao".

The name "Cao Zei" naturally came from Xu Xin, since it was just something he found easy to call.

Mr. Xu did not have any ill feelings towards the Cao family. He heard that the most talented person of their generation was also a woman, who was called a "witch woman". It was said that the "Dan family", the oldest of the five major families in Danta, also had the most talented person of their generation. Then look at the Ye family, which also had Ye Xinlan.

It seems that among the five major families of Danta in this generation, the female is stronger than the male!

However, this situation is a good thing for Xu, who has the heart of a "Cao thief"!

The witch from the Cao family and the girl from the Dan family both have special soul talents. This kind of special physique is equivalent to a low-end version of "divine body", "holy body", "king body", etc., and is an excellent research subject for Xu Xin.

As for Ye Xinlan, she is a goddess in front of others and a fangirl in front of him. The contrast is perfect, and she can also help Mr. Xu's great cause. So let it go and let it happen one day!

Led by the great elder Ye Zhong, Xu Xin and Ye Xinlan walked side by side. After leaving Ye Courtyard, they wandered around for more than ten minutes and stopped outside an ancient stone tower outside Shengdan City.

Outside the stone tower, people were coming and going, and noisy sounds were constantly heard, making it very lively.

This stone tower is a branch tower of Dan Tower established in the outer domain, similar to the branches of the Alchemist Guilds of many empires on the Douqi Continent. The area of ​​Shengdan City is comparable to that of some small countries.

Due to certain historical reasons, entry and exit to the inner realm and the real Danta requires strict inspection.

Because Danta is famous, many alchemists come to Danta every year to take their level assessments. In order to make things easier and avoid trouble, Danta set up these branch towers in the outer areas of Shengdan City.

Xu Xin, Ye Xinlan and Ye Chong followed the crowd into the ancient tower, and saw many alchemists wearing robes of various levels.

The branch tower of Danta is divided into several areas, such as the trading area and the assessment area. You may be able to find bargains in the trading area, while only alchemists recognized by Danta are eligible to participate in some auctions in Shengdan City. Therefore, Danta's assessment and certification attracts outside alchemists.

Ye Zhong took Xu Xin to the southern area of ​​the punishment tower and saw from afar a long queue in front of the assessment gate. This situation naturally made Ye Zhong frown, so he asked Xu Xin and the other person to wait while he went to smooth things over and cut in line to get a spot.

Although the Ye family has declined and can no longer hold the position of elder of Danta, it was once one of the top five families and still has connections.

A moment later, amidst the surprised gazes of the people around them, Xu Xin and Ye Xinlan followed Ye Chong back and walked into a special passage.

After passing through a slightly dim passage, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of them. The three of them followed the light, and soon an extremely spacious room appeared in their sight.

“Mr. Xu, when I came here earlier, I heard that there were people from other families. Although I didn’t see them, they might want to find out the bottom line of my Ye family…”

Ye Zhong's worried voice came, but Xu Xin just smiled indifferently.

"Elder Ye Zhong, do you still doubt my strength?"

Xu Xin's joking words elicited a rather intense reaction from Ye Zhong.

"Mr. Xu, please don't misunderstand me. That's not what I meant..." Ye Zhong spoke hurriedly. During his days in Yecheng, he had personally experienced Xu Xin's power. Although he only got a glimpse of his aura, it was enough to make him terrified. This was definitely a terrifying person that even the Ye family could not afford to offend at their peak.

"Haha... It was just a joke, Great Elder, don't take it seriously..."

Xu Xin comforted Ye Chong casually, and then the three of them entered the rather spacious and quiet room. The noisy sounds from the outside world were also isolated at this moment.

"Brother Ye Zhong, is this the candidate that your Ye family is considering for this assessment? A handsome man and a beautiful woman, they are a perfect match..."

In the spacious room, a white-haired old man in a purple alchemist robe greeted Ye Chong with a smile. The two of them obviously had some friendship, so when teasing Xu Xin and Ye Xinlan, the old man was also very rude.

"Ahem... Elder Han Li, thank you for your help..."

Ye Zhong looked back at Xu Xin awkwardly, and seeing that the latter had no reaction, he turned back and bowed to the white-haired old man.

"Why are you and I being so polite?"

Han Li, the elder of Danta who had a bit of Han Paopao's style, smiled, pointed vaguely to a place on the second floor of the duty room, and made some small gestures. Then he turned around and led Xu Xin and the others to the doors for the assessment.

The highest level that can be assessed in this branch tower is the intermediate level of the seventh rank. The requirements for the special passage assessment in the branch tower are naturally higher, and the starting point of the assessment is the fifth rank.

"Brother Ye Zhong, what level of badges are these two from your family going to take?"

Elder Han Li pointed to several doors of Tiandi Xuanhuang and introduced them one by one, and then asked about Xu Xin and the others.

"Seventh rank, low level!"

Xu Xin replied casually that the highest level was only the intermediate seventh grade anyway, which was far from reflecting his true level, so there was no need to show off. He might as well choose the lowest level of the seventh grade, which should not take much time to pass.

"you sure?"

Elder Han Li's voice suddenly became much louder, and he looked at Ye Chong next to him. After getting the latter's nod, he nodded silently and took Xu Xin into the portal engraved with the word "天".

In a room on the second floor attic of the assessment room, several young men and women were observing Xu Xin and his group below. When they saw Xu Xin following Elder Han Li into the "天"-shaped portal, several of them suddenly changed their expressions.

"The external aid that the Ye family found actually has the strength of a seventh-grade alchemist?"

"A seventh-rank alchemist, so young and so unfamiliar, I have no impression of him at all. Is there really such a genius outside of Danta?"

"Could it be that the Ye family has been secretly cultivating a hidden trump card?"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! If the Ye family had such a trump card, then why didn't they use it in the last assessment? Everyone knows the consequences of failing the assessment. A single failure will greatly shake the position."

"A seventh-rank alchemist has the possibility of winning the assessment. If the Ye family can really get first place, they can make some arrangements. If they fail, they will have recovered. If they want to target them at that time, it will be troublesome..."

(End of this chapter)

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