The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1192: The Ambition of Unification, the Fighting Saint's Preparation

Chapter 1192: The Ambition of Unification, the Fighting Saint Prepares
"Master? What's wrong?"

Xu Xin suddenly stopped his actions. Qing'er, who was blushing on the bed, couldn't help but turn her head. Her bright little face was full of charm and was extremely moving.

"Qing'er, where have you been all this time? How did you get the soul of the nine-headed celestial snake?"

Xu Xin looked at the nine-headed serpent tattoo with fear, and gently placed his hand on Qing'er's snow-white back, but he was not in a hurry to eat this little girl.

He also discovered that this girl had made great progress recently and had even broken through to the Dou Zun level.

"Master, are you talking about this guy on his back? It was a while ago!"

"Master, you and Zi Yan went to the Dragon Clan, and the rest of us stayed to practice. In the middle, we went to Tianbei City. When we came back, I felt something in a certain mountain range and found an ancient relic."

"That was an ancient mountain range. We encountered the skeleton of an ancient celestial snake there. Out of curiosity, I used the Green Snake Three-Flower Pupil. Unexpectedly, I summoned a soul from the skeleton, and then it stayed with me."

"Oh, Master, we have collected all the things in the ancient mountains, including the skeleton of the nine-headed sky snake. Qing'er will give it to you later..."

Xu Xin likes to collect ancient objects for research. Qing'er and the others all know this, so they are also paying attention to this aspect.

If it weren't for the special circumstances now, the little maid was thinking of taking the throne today, and might have already taken out the ancient sky snake skeleton and given it to Xu Xin.

"Girl, don't take risks in the future..."

After listening to Qing'er's story, Xu Xin couldn't help but pinch the little maid's cheek to teach her a lesson. The soul of the nine-headed sky snake possessed Qing'er, so this little girl had no chance of getting promoted today.

"Master, I have actually prepared for this a long time ago...ah..."

Qing'er looked at Xu Xin with a red face. Suddenly, she screamed, and a strange eye the size of a head appeared out of thin air. In the pupil filled with emerald green, three small dots quickly enlarged and finally turned into three enchanting emerald green flowers, which rotated rapidly around the pupil.

"Green Snake Three Flower Pupils!"

Xu Xin reacted the moment the demonic pupil appeared and suddenly retreated.


A huge figure suddenly jumped up from the bed and pounced towards Xu Xin like lightning.

This is a giant snake with nine ferocious heads. Its entire body is dark red, as if it was formed by blood that has been deposited for countless years. At first glance, an indescribable murderous aura permeates the air.

The nine-headed serpent, a mutant species of the ancient serpent, can also be said to be the royal family among them.

The ancient sky snakes are a powerful race comparable to the ancient sky phoenixes and the Taixu ancient dragons. Every ancient sky snake with pure blood that grows to the peak is no weaker than a true Douluo.

At this moment, the nine-headed sky snake revived, shaking its nine ferocious snake heads. Its eighteen demon pupils all turned blood red. The most bizarre thing was that the inside of these blood red pupils were exactly the same as when Qing'er used the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils.

"Qing'er, calm down and concentrate..."

Xu Xin's voice echoed in the room like a huge bell. The next moment, countless Xu Xins attacked together, and with their hands they pressed down the huge body of the Nine-headed Sky Snake.

As Xu Xin's voice echoed, a look of struggle suddenly appeared in the blood-red eyes of the Nine-headed Sky Snake. After a moment, the blood-red color quickly faded away, and the emerald green color slowly returned.

"Swish!" Along with the emergence of the emerald green light, the huge body of the Nine-headed Sky Snake suddenly burst into light, and its body quickly shrank, and finally turned into a petite body and was caught by Xu Xin.

Xu Xin put his arms around the smooth and soft waist. The soft touch made his heart flutter. He almost couldn't help but want to kill this little girl on the spot.

But after what happened just now, it is not a good idea to attack her again. There is no guarantee that the nine-headed sky snake will not jump out and cause trouble when doing things.

"Master, Qing'er is useless."

In Xu Xin's arms, Qing'er's face was red and full of guilt.

Originally, she wanted to take this opportunity to give her body to the young master, but she didn't expect that the nine-headed sky snake suddenly caused trouble and almost hurt the young master.

"Little girl, stop imagining things. The thing on your back is not a problem. Once it is solved, the young master will eat you into his stomach..."

Xu Xin hugged the little maid and comforted her carefully. Although he was a little disappointed that he could not taste the little maid for the time being, it was also a good thing that Qing'er's strength increased.

Moreover, the soul of the nine-headed serpent is a good thing. Donglong Island has a way to solve the hidden danger.

After this hidden danger is resolved, they will go to the Nine Netherworld Python Clan's territory in the Beast Realm and find the ancient ruins of the Skeleton Mountain Range. Xu Xin and his confidante will surely be able to get further improvement.

After they all break through to the Douluo Saint level, it will be time for them to really stir up the situation in the Douluo Continent.

Xu Xin has thought of many plans in his mind, but his current strength seems not enough. It’s not that his strength is improving slowly, but that there are not many people around him who can keep up with him in cultivation.

Xiao Yixiang, Qing'er, Medusa, and Zi Yan, these four are the most likely to break through to the Dou Sheng level as soon as possible, but it requires time and opportunities.

Xu Xin has no shortage of time for the time being, but opportunities require timing, so he has to lie low for now.

Xu Xin had made up his mind, and everything went smoothly afterwards.

Hei Qing brought Xu Xin to Danta again, bringing the goodwill of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, which also made Xu Xin's status in Danta rise.

Although he is not a direct alchemist trained by Danta, he has a relationship with the Ye family. In addition, with the management of this period of time and the background of the Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, as long as he wins the championship in the alchemy conference in a few years, he may be able to become a giant in Danta.

That's right, Xu Xin has set his sights on the position of Danta giant. The champion of each Dan Conference is a candidate for Danta giant, and Danta, the holy land of alchemists, has an influence in the Douqi Continent that exceeds that of the ancient imperial clan. For Xu Xin, who has the ambition to unify the continent, it is a great help.

After giving instructions on the deployment of Danta, Tianbei City, Yecheng and other places in Zhongzhou, Xu Xin and Hei Qing set out for Donglong Island again with their close friends Qing'er, Xiao Yixian, Medusa and others. With the consent of Elder Zhuli, there were no setbacks along the way.

With the special holy environment of Donglong Island and the abundant resources, their cultivation has increased rapidly, especially Qing'er. With the help of Elder Zhuli, she has truly controlled the Nine-headed Sky Snake, and her strength has improved only to the Little Medical Fairy who is resonating and improving with the Netherworld Poison Fire every moment. Both are close to the mid-level Dou Zun.

Medusa and Zi Yan, the former's progress is the slowest, but she is already a high-level Dou Zong, and it is only a matter of time before she breaks through to the Dou Zun level.

As for the latter, he has already accepted part of the dragon clan's inheritance and only needs to break through to the Dou Zun level. Then he will be able to obtain the consent of Elder Zhuli and temporarily leave the Ancient Dragon Island to go out and travel with Xu Xin.

After an unknown amount of time of such boring and fast-paced training, Zi Yan finally couldn't resist the urge to run out and have fun.

(End of this chapter)

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