The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 1193 Wan Da Shan, Ancient Relics

Chapter 1193: Shiwan Mountains, Ancient Relics

On the southern edge of Zhongzhou, close to the wilderness, there is a place called the Ten Thousand Mountains of the Beast Domain. The mountains are endless and there are many magical beasts. This is a paradise for magical beasts. Many magical beast families and more low- and middle-level magical beasts take root and reproduce here. It is also one of the most dangerous places on the continent.

The Savage Beast Territory is a paradise for Warcraft. Although there are humans living there as well, in general, it is controlled by numerous Warcraft families, among which the three most supreme sacred beast races are the Taixu Ancient Dragon, the Sky Demon Phoenix and the Nine Nether Earth Python.

The sky is blue and cloudless.

Suddenly, a purple rainbow streaked across the sky. The Amethyst Winged Lion King was one of the coolest mounts no matter where it was.

On the spacious lion's back, Xu Xin leaned lazily among a bunch of beautiful girls, enjoying the personal service of Xiao Yixiang and Qing'er.

As for the Queen and the Dragon Emperor, these two are not good at serving people, but they are very good at being passive.

The situation changed rapidly, and Xu Xin and others soon arrived at the territory of the Nine Netherworld Python Clan.

The three major races of Warcraft all have a Fighting Saint in charge. Among them, the most powerful and with the most subordinate tribes is the Nine Netherworld Python Clan.

Of course, the consequence of the sudden increase in numbers is that the ancient bloodline of the Nine Nether Earth Python is becoming less and less pure, and it has always been ranked last among the three major clans.

Although they are at the bottom of the three major races, they are, after all, a race of supreme demon beasts that originated from ancient bloodlines, and have a certain resistance to the Green Snake's Three Flower Pupils.

And superior snake monsters like this certainly wouldn't have any favorable impression of the Green Snake Three-Flower Eyes, which is the natural nemesis of the snake clan.

Therefore, Xu Xin and his companions must act with caution when entering the Nine Netherworld Python's territory.

There are many mountains in the Beast Domain, which is known as the Hundred Thousand Mountains, but this is just a metaphor. If you really count, the number of mountains in this domain must be far more than 100,000.

These mountains in the Beast Realm extend to places far beyond the reach of human power. The passage of time has left countless treasures in these endless mountains, waiting for the right person to open them.

The Skeleton Mountain Range is quite famous in the Beast Realm. It is said that this mountain range was a battlefield of ancient wild beasts and has a terrifying sea of ​​bones.

Countless animal bones were thrown here, and as time passed, some of the strange animal power contained in these bones evaporated.

This energy has no effect on humans, but it is a good tonic for monsters.

Therefore, this Skeleton Mountain Range has become a favorite gathering place for many magical beasts.

Among the endless hundreds of thousands of mountains, there suddenly appears a mountain range covered with snow-white skeletons. With such obvious features, the Skeleton Mountain is very easy to find.

Just near the center of the Skeleton Mountain Range, there are many towering peaks. The arrival of the Amethyst Winged Lion King immediately caused countless monsters below to roar.

Xu Xin sat on the back of the Amethyst Winged Lion King. Looking around, the ground was covered in snow, with bones scattered everywhere. There were also bursts of beast roars coming from the outskirts. These were magical beasts attracted by the strange power and did not live here all year round.

This mountain range is really too desolate. There is no grass growing on it, and no natural treasures are produced. No magical beasts are willing to stay here for a long time.

"Zi Yan, have you sensed the location of the spatial fluctuations?"

Xu Xin looked down at the huge mountain range below and locked his eyes on a huge basin, which was filled with bones. From afar, it looked like a sea of ​​white bones, which was so dazzling that it made people feel creepy.

"Yes! That's it..."

Zi Yan nodded and pointed to a certain location in the basin. There was a slight distortion in the sunlight. The spatial fluctuation was very subtle and could not be detected without careful observation. This was probably the reason why this ancient relic had not been discovered for so many years. "Let's get ready to go in!"

Xu Xin reached out and touched Zi Yan's little head. The feeling would be different if he touched it again when the little Loli grew up, so he would touch her a few more times while she was still young so that he could have more memories in the future.

"You stinky bastard, you only know how to bully others..."

Zi Yan called Xu Xin a bad guy, but she rubbed her little head in his palm. This is probably what a tsundere is!
They arrived at the place where the space was fluctuating. Xu Xin and Zi Yan worked together and spent a lot of effort to finally open up a space vortex that only humans could pass through.


The space twisted violently, making a sound like flowing water, and as the sound spread, the fluctuations in space became more and more violent. This vortex seemed like a strange wormhole in space, and it was hazy inside and the specific situation inside could not be seen clearly.

Xu Xin observed the distorted space in front of him. He felt an extremely terrifying energy fluctuation. Because they opened up a space channel, the originally problematic restrictions on the ruins seemed to have accelerated their collapse. This relic might be about to come out ahead of time.

The discovery of the ancient ruins caused a huge commotion. Once exposed, it would inevitably attract the attention of many forces. This was not good news for Xu Xin, who wanted to make a fortune in silence.

However, Xu Xin was prepared for this situation. After exploring the space, he would find a way to get rid of the entire ruins.


There was another strange rustling sound, and the twisted space vortex seemed to stabilize a little, and Xu Xin's movements became certain.

"Everyone hurry up and go in."

As Xu Xin's voice fell, the others also acted quickly, standing up and rushing towards the space vortex. After passing through a hazy white mist, they appeared in another sea of ​​bones.

This bone sea is extremely vast, and in the distance the outline of an ancient palace appeared. Xu Xin and others walked over and saw a thousand-foot-high palace that was comparable to a towering mountain.

The giant, scarlet palace looked like it was bursting with flames from afar, and it was particularly eye-catching in this sea of ​​white bones.

This is the relic left behind by the ancient Fighting Saint. Just looking at it is shocking enough. One can only say that the resources in ancient times were truly abundant, and people were not short of money!


The arrival of Xu Xin and the others seemed to have triggered some mechanism, and the land suddenly began to tremble slightly. With a loud rumbling sound, a red stone door that weighed thousands of pounds slowly rose up in the huge palace in the distance, revealing a dark passage behind it.

"let's go!"

Xu Xin led everyone forward. The first level of the ruins was a maze of fire, a maze of passages that stretched to an unknown end. The real key to breaking the dead end lay in the fire that seemed to be a dead end.

Xu Xin and others passed the maze fire passage and soon came to a square from the passage. An extremely heavy stone door stood at the end of the square.

In front of the stone gate, ten figures as straight as guns stood there unchanged for thousands of years.

These ten figures are all puppets. Their skin is a bright silver, their eyes are empty, and their faces are expressionless, like ancient corpses. These are ten earth demon puppets that can devour thunder and evolve.

(End of this chapter)

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