The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 190 There is something wrong with this child grandmother

Chapter 190 There is something wrong with this child grandmother
On the dark warehouse bed, Xu Xin felt a slight itch on the tip of his nose. When he opened his eyes, the moving little thing had stopped moving again.

He opened his eyes and lowered his head. What he saw was a waterfall of black hair, holding the girl's soft body, smelling the inexplicably alluring sweet fragrance, and he couldn't hold it back.

The sound of yelling was ended before it could be heard, and the two were entangled again. After more than half an hour, the girl spoke, with a soft and graceful voice: "Good brother, who are you?"

Princess Li Qinglu of Yinchuan woke up early. She was indeed in a daze last night, but in the morning, she woke up and found that she was so entangled with the man that she almost fainted.

Naturally, her first reaction was to get up, but she felt weak and had no strength. Then she recalled some details of last night, and gradually... Then someone helped her remember, and she was addicted to this sweetness. middle.

Xu Xin, the male protagonist, is naturally aware of Li Qinglu's change from sobriety to addiction. The little beauty never resists but becomes more and more enthusiastic. This seems to be a bit... Stockholm syndrome?In this case, things will be much easier to solve.

"Good brother, who are you?"

Xu Xin fell into silence, and Li Qinglu asked sweetly again, groping around with her restless little hands.The warehouse they were in was very dark. Xu Xin's ability to see at night was a sign of great skill, but Li Qinglu did not have this ability.

She touched randomly and felt that the husband in her dream should be a handsome young man, and he seemed a little familiar. Was it a good match sent by God?

Li Qinglu sighed leisurely and said: "Is it possible that I am dreaming, but how could I have such a strange dream? It really makes me scared, and...and..."

Xu Xin asked curiously: "So what?"

Li Qinglu held his head and neck and said softly: "Happy again."

As she spoke, she pressed her warm cheek against his. This kind of extremely gentle and lovely person really made people feel pity for her. Xu Xin's arms tightened and he reached out to hug her slender waist. .

Li Qinglu said again: "Good brother, am I dreaming? If it is a dream, why do I clearly know that you are holding me? I can touch your face, your chest, and your arms. "

As she spoke, she gently stroked Xu Xin, and then said: "If it wasn't a dream, how could I be so good? Suddenly... I would be here, with no clothes on my body, in this cold and dark place? But? There is another you, there is a you here, waiting for me, taking pity on me, cherishing me?"

Xu Xinxin's softness was touched, and he couldn't help but hug her tightly, caressing her delicate body to comfort her.

Li Qinglu said softly again: "Good brother, I usually don't pay attention to men when I see them. As soon as I get to this place, I... I feel excited and can't help myself? Alas, it's a dream, but it doesn't matter. It's like a dream, but it doesn't look like a dream, but it also looks like a dream..."

Xu Xinxin thought that this confused little girl was inexperienced and had been drugged by Child Elder, so she would naturally become distracted and involuntarily.I have to protect her from now on. There will never be another such a good baby in the world.


Just as Xu Xin was about to organize his words to say something, Li Qinglu suddenly reached out her hand, pressed his mouth, and whispered: "Don't tell me, I... I'm scared."

Xu Xin tightened his arms around her body and asked, "What are you afraid of?"

The girl said: "I'm afraid that as soon as you say it, I will wake up from this dream. You are the man of my dreams..."

"But I don't want to just be your dream lover!"

Xu Xin held her little hand in his palm, intertwined his fingers, and bowed his head. The two were loving and enjoying themselves.

"You brat, it's three o'clock in the morning now..." Xu Xin and Li Qinglu were enjoying the paradise world. Suddenly, the door of the warehouse next to them was opened. Listening to the sound of male and female love, Child Elder felt angry and annoyed. With emotions reverberating in her heart, she cursed and prepared to make Li Qinglu faint and take her away, but she never expected to be hit by Xu Xinyi's finger.

"What a voice!"

Whispering innocently, the little thing wanted to poke its head out, but someone continued to suppress it.

"It's okay, let's continue..."

Xu Xin was "very dissatisfied" with Tong Lao's decision and deliberately wanted to punish her severely.After another moment of lovemaking, the beauty, who had just experienced the rain and dew, closed her beautiful eyes and curled up in Xu Xin's arms again. Then he stretched out his hand and untied the acupuncture points of the child in front of him.

Xu Xin took the lead and asked Tong Lao directly, "Did I say you are crazy? I'm afraid that Li Qiu Shui didn't know that you were hiding in the palace and actually gave Qinglu to..."

"You brat, didn't you say you wanted a woman? And if grandma is not mistaken, it was you who found this little, little girl first. You were all smelling of her the night before. Grandma is just helping you realize your dream and letting you enjoy it. Although you are so blessed in this world, I didn’t expect you, a brat like you, to be ignorant of your good intentions and cross the river and burn the bridge..."

Child Elder puffed out her chest and argued that she was naturally not doing this to help Xu Xin realize his dream, but purely to take revenge on Li Qiushui.

Although she had only been in the palace for a few days, she had already found out a lot about Li Qiushui and her descendants.

This Princess of Yinchuan, Li Qinglu, was Li Qiu Shui's most favored descendant. She had learned Xiao Wu Xiang Gong and Ling Bo Wei Bu, and was probably trained by Li Qiu Shui as a successor.

Child Elder was forced into such a panic by Li Qiu Shui this time, and naturally there was a fire in her heart. Last night, she had evil thoughts and she was kidnapped.

She actually thought about completely destroying the Yinchuan princess and finding a random man to defile her, but in the end, by some strange combination of circumstances, she was sent to Xu Xin.

"You are enough!"

Xu Xin glared at her, and Wu Xingyun suddenly stopped. She also knew that what she did was not honest, but... her brain got hot last night.

Xu Xin got off the bed and covered himself with the quilt again. Wu Xingyun's face was a little rosy. Although she was older, she had less experience.This was the first time I saw a live broadcast, and now I was facing Xu Xin, who was naked from the waist up, and I was a little confused.

Xu Xin found some clothes and put them on, and naturally noticed something strange about Wu Xingyun. There was something wrong with this child grandmother.

Tong Lao has great hidden dangers since she practiced the Changchun Kung of Immortality and became a demon. She is kind-hearted by nature, but has a bad temper. This has been the case for decades. As a top master, it is difficult to control her emotions and distracting thoughts. This It is no longer a simple character issue.

"Are you having trouble with your immortality skill?"

Xu Xin couldn't help but ask, and Wu Xingyun naturally denied it. She didn't think there was a problem with her, it was just a small trouble during the exercise process.

Xu Xin did not interfere too much. He held the unconscious Li Qinglu in his arms and carried her out of the warehouse, preparing to send her back to Qingfeng Pavilion.

The sky outside has become slightly brighter. Although it is not the sunrise as Tong Lao said, it is already late. If we delay for a little longer, someone might discover the disappearance of the princess.

Xu Xin was elusive all the way, and soon arrived at the princess's bedroom in Qingfeng Pavilion. After putting Li Qinglu on the bed, he did not leave in a hurry, but stayed.

(End of this chapter)

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