The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 191 Women will only affect the speed of my practice, but rich women will not

Chapter 191 Women will only affect the speed of my practice, but rich women will not (please vote for me)

"your Highness!"

In the Qingfeng Pavilion of the Xixia Palace, Li Qinglu was awakened by the maid. She woke up slowly and everything last night suddenly seemed like a dream.

"Xiao Lei, I..."

Li Qinglu looked at the green-shirted maid next to her and wanted to say something. In the past, she would tell Xiaolei, her personal maid, about anything. Although one was a princess and the other was a maid, they had a very good relationship and could be said to know everything. Yan's best friend.

"Your Highness, what's the matter?"

Xiaolei, the maid in green shirt, raised her head, with doubts in her beautiful eyes. She felt that there was something different about the princess today, but she couldn't tell which aspect it was.It seems to be more beautiful and moving.

Li Qinglu shook her head and said: "It's nothing! I, Xiaolei, I want to rest for a while today, and I won't go out later..."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!"

Xiaolei, the girl in green shirt, nodded. She didn't ask any questions. After serving Princess Yinchuan, she left the palace and closed the door.

"Dream, the husband in the dream..."

After the maid Xiaolei left, Li Qinglu slowly closed her eyes and sat on the bedside, quietly waiting for something.Quietly, a figure appeared in front of him.

"Menglang, is that you?"

Asphalt Road only felt a warm big hand touching her cheek. The familiar temperature and gentle movements made her heart tremble. She opened her mouth nervously, and her delicate jade hand subconsciously reached out.

"it's me!"

Xu Xin sat on Princess Yinchuan's bed and whispered softly in her ear.Her soft and delicate hands traced from his wrist to his face, gently distinguishing his facial features and other aspects in detail.

"Menglang, I'm so happy!"

Li Qinglu gently leaned her head into Xu Xin's arms, snuggling her little face close to his chest, like a pet that had finally found its owner.

Xu Xin gently comforted Li Qinglu. Feeling that her mood had calmed down a little, he said, "Why don't you open your eyes and look at me!"

Li Qinglu whispered: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid that as soon as you open your eyes, you will disappear..."

Xu Xin raised Li Qinglu's little head and asked her to face him, and said, "I'm just afraid that Your Highness the Princess will look down on me, an ordinary and vulgar martial artist like me!"

"No, you are my dream man, my dream man!"

Li Qinglu said seriously, but her heartbeat fluctuated rapidly and unconsciously. After a while, her dark eyebrows trembled slightly, her eyelids slowly turned up, and there was an extra reflection in her beautiful eyes, one that made her move. The young man who doesn't open his eyes.

"Meng Lang!"

Li Qinglu called out affectionately. Xu Xin's appearance was not very handsome, a little worse than that of Duan Yu and Murong Fu. But as his martial arts became more and more powerful, a special temperament affected his whole appearance. The appearance is ordinary yet perfect.The transformation of a person's cultivation is an overall evolutionary process, constantly making up for one's own shortcomings, including some shortcomings in appearance. When one's cultivation reaches a certain level, even if the original appearance is poor, it will become excellent, but basically It cannot reach the level of overwhelming the country and the city.

Of course, there are some exceptions, that is, those who have poor physical appearance and have to practice some evil techniques, and then... their strength can be improved, but their appearance will be even more indescribable and bizarre.

Xu Xin has always been well-dressed and well-educated in his life. Before his awakening, he was a little ordinary at most. Compared with the ordinary Louis Koo, he is indeed a little worse, but he is not the kind of person who cannot be taken out to see.

He has made great progress in martial arts after practicing for several months, and the Xiaoyao sect's kung fu can make his temperament and appearance even better, so his current appearance is naturally not bad.In addition, Li Qinglu saw Xu Xin's own filter. In her eyes, Xu Xin's advantages were magnified countless times, and she was naturally...even more happy.

"Menglang, what happened last night..."

"Menglang, I don't blame you. I also want to thank God for allowing me to meet you."

Just when Xu Xin wanted to explain what happened last night, Li Qinglu took the initiative to cover his mouth. A sense of guilt grew in his heart. He fell more and more in love with the well-behaved and sensible person in front of him. This is really a man who can make a man fall in love. Girls.

After that day, Xu Xin stayed in the princess's palace in Qingfeng Pavilion. During the day, he and Princess Yinchuan played chess and played the piano, talked about poetry and painting, read and drank tea, and practiced martial arts. At night, they were naturally affectionate and endlessly happy.

During the day, Li Qinglu became much more lively. The maid Xiaolei and all the maids who served her found that the recent princess liked to laugh and became more bright and charming. This was naturally due to the fact that Xu Xin accompanied her day and night. With his martial arts skills, entering and leaving the palace was like playing for fun.

In the entire Xixia, Li Qiu Shui might be the only one who has the ability to detect his traces, but now the Xixia Princess has not returned from a long journey, and the so-called Yipintang master does not dare to enter the inner garden of the harem without legitimate reasons.

There was just a group of maids and maids, Xu Xin was within ten steps of them, and they couldn't find him.

In this way, Xu Xin and Li Qinglu stayed together day and night, and occasionally went into Li Qiu Shui's secret room to study martial arts together. Xu Xin even taught the Jade Girl Heart Sutra to his "fairy sister".

The yin and yang combined version of the Jade Girl's Heart Sutra not only makes rapid progress, but is also a god before humans, before lovers... ahem, that kind of thing really makes someone want to stop. Living like this kind of god, he almost walks away holding on to the wall every day. .

Xu Xin lived a happy life here, but Child Lao, who drank blood and practiced martial arts every day, became increasingly frustrated.

She looked at how loving and affectionate this little couple was every day, and she couldn't help but think of the time when Wu Yazi abandoned her and chose Li Qiu Shui at Tianshan Miao Miao Peak, and the "dog man and woman" were also so loving. In the end, she Angrily, he drove them away and took over the Vulture Palace himself.

Many years later, she once again saw Li Qinglu's face that looked like Li Qiu Shui's, filled with a happy smile, but the initiator of all this was actually herself, which was... very complicated.

If she hadn't been wary of Xu Xin's martial arts, and Xu Xin had asked her to practice some other things besides practicing the Immortality Kung Fu during this period, which had made her temperament less irritable than before, she might have developed internal demons and would target Li Qinglu Do something bad.

Xu Xin lived in Qingfeng Pavilion for more than a month. Every day, Li Qinglu brought in various rare and exotic objects and old medicinal materials collected by the Xixia royal family.

Relying on the collection of the imperial palace and studying the Jiazitu secret books in Li Qiushui's palace, his cultivation seemed to have not changed much, but his inner foundation was reshaped.

What does that sentence say? Women will only affect the speed of my practice, but rich women will not.

Such a fairy life made Xu Xin so happy that he no longer thought about Lingjiu Palace.Late that night, he stayed at Qingfeng Pavilion again, but suddenly he noticed a somewhat... unfamiliar footsteps.

It looks like... it's Li Qiushui.

(End of this chapter)

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