The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 192 You are really weak. You were restrained after just a few moves.

Chapter 192 You are really weak. You were restrained after just a few moves.

The candlelight was shining brightly, illuminating the Qingfeng Pavilion bedroom.A woman in white clothes walked into the room. She was slender and graceful, her skirt fluttered in the breeze, and she looked like a fairy. She wore the same veil as Li Qinglu on her face. She was clearly the Princess of Western Xia, Li Qiushui.

When Li Qiushui returned to Qingfeng Pavilion, she saw a scene that made her unable to suppress her anger. Her most beloved granddaughter, Princess Li Qinglu of Yinchuan, was in disheveled clothes and was being hugged lovingly by a man.

She looked at some things and traces around the room, and it was not difficult to judge that this man had lived here for a long time, and the two of them had probably been happy for a long time.

"Toffee, is that you?"

Li Qinglu in Xu Xin's arms suddenly stiffened, as if she heard Li Qiushui's voice.

Li Qiu Shui loves beauty very much and feels that words like "Royal Grandmother" sound like calling her old, so Li Qinglu usually treats her as "Toffee". Of course, in front of outsiders, she still calls her "Royal Grandmother".

"It's you?"

Li Qiu Shui had determined that the heroine on the bed was either her disguised person or her granddaughter Li Qinglu. And that man was no stranger to her. The new leader of Xiaoyao Sect who helped her good senior sister escape, that stinky man, he actually dared to...

"Toffee, imperial grandmother, Qinglu misses you so much!"

Li Qinglu boldly tried to build a relationship and nervously defended Xu Xin: "This is, Meng Lang. Grandma, Meng Lang and I are truly in love. He is not a bad person!"

After Li Qiu Shui recognized Xu Xin, they all stared at him angrily, "Xu, fortunately, you are the head of a powerful sect. He has good martial arts skills, but he only uses them to steal jade and fragrance. He relies on his martial arts to do this." Such a dirty deal?"

"Qinglu is my granddaughter and your junior. Let's not talk about whether it is against ethics for you to do this. It is an affair without a matchmaker. Have you ever considered Qinglu!"

Li Qiushui stared at Xu Xin with cold eyes. Of course she was very sad to see her beloved granddaughter being bullied by another man, but after observing for a moment, she also considered more.

First of all, judging from Li Qinglu's reaction, this young couple may really be in love.Li Qiushui, who is aware of Xu Xin's strength, is also thinking about whether he can marry them, but only if he marries a matchmaker, instead of the sneaky affair without a matchmaker.

As someone who has been through this, Li Qiu Shui is very clear about the difference between being married to a matchmaker and having an affair without a matchmaker. The status of being married to a matchmaker is unshakable, and both Li Qinglu's happiness and some of the benefits that Li Qiu Shui wants to use Xu Xin to achieve in the future can be guaranteed.

If you have sex without a matchmaker, you have to gamble with the man's conscience and risk being abandoned. She, Li Qiu Shui, knows very well the man's temperament of eating from the bowl and looking at the pot, and no longer cherishing what he gets. .

"Senior Qiushui, don't worry, I will be responsible for Qinglu."

Xu Xin's dry words were unconvincing. Although he was the leader of the Xiaoyao Sect and the Beggar Clan, the Xiaoyao Sect was now falling apart, and he had to re-conquer the Beggar Clan himself.

At least, in the eyes of outsiders, Xu Xin's status was far inferior to that of Li Qinglu, a golden princess.The only thing worthy of praise is Xu Xin's martial arts skills.

Li Qiushui didn't believe Xu Xin's promise at all. A man's words are deceptive, let alone a man from the Xiaoyao sect. She looked directly at her granddaughter and said, "Qinglu, how does grandma usually teach you."

"This stinky man has done that to you. How come you, a girl, are so shameless? Didn't you know how to resist just now?"

Li Qiushui did not argue with Xu Xin, but planned to capture his granddaughter first.She was so angry when she saw her granddaughter still lying in Xu Xin's arms with a shy look on her face.

Of course she knew that with the gap in martial arts between the two, it would be impossible for Li Qinglu to resist Xu Xin.The reason why I said this deliberately was not to blame my granddaughter, but to tell Xu Xin to take advantage of the opportunity to gain benefits.

As the leader of the Xiaoyao Sect, Xu Xin had some things that Li Qiushui wanted.There is also Li Qinglu’s future happiness, which she must also consider as a grandmother.Moreover, if Xu Xin really becomes her grandson-in-law, he will naturally be two generations shorter. It depends on how he will act like the leader in the future.

Li Qiushui pressed his palm into the void, and Xu Xin quickly turned Li Qinglu away from the spot. The curtain next to him was suddenly shaken by the sudden wind from the palm.The silent white rainbow palm power makes people unable to guard against it.Li Qiushui planned to take his granddaughter back to him first to ask about the whole matter, and also to teach the new leader of Xiaoyao Sect a lesson, who had ruined his good deeds.

Li Qiushui missed a move and immediately turned into a white shadow, like a wisp of smoke cruising towards him, and continued to attack Xu Xin.

With Xu Xin by his side, it was naturally impossible for him to escape without shaking Bilian after two hits like last time. Moreover, he had learned the secrets of Jia Zi Tu during this period, and he really wanted to find a master to compete with and prove his martial arts.

Li Qiushui's Lingbo Weibu is much better than both Duan Yu and Li Qinglu. After all, this is her special skill and she has been immersed in this skill for decades.It was only by relying on Lingbo Weibu and Xiaowuxiang Kung that she was able to fight with the Tianshan Child Elder for decades.

Xu Xin tactfully flew back to a corner of the palace, asking Li Qinglu to get behind him, and then used both palms together. First, he used the fierce and domineering Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. The two dragons took water and transformed into two golden dragons, blocking them from two directions. Li Qiushui attacked.


Li Qiushui used a light palm to disperse Xu Xin's Dragon Subduing Palm, and waved his sleeves to disperse the golden light. Both of them were restraining themselves, not using all their strength, and not making too much noise. Until now, the people outside have been fighting each other. The eunuchs, guards and maids were not aware of anything unusual inside.


Xu Xin waved his hand and pointed, and the drinks on the table next to him flew out immediately. His palm movements changed from the most powerful Dragon Subduing Palm to the Tianshan Six Yang Palm, which combines yin and yang.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The wine floating in the air flowed towards Xu Xin, turned into ice crystals between his palms and flew out, flying towards Li Qiushui from multiple directions.

Li Qiushui has been fighting with the Tianshan Child Elder for a lifetime, how could she not recognize this enemy's trump card?

It is extremely difficult to dissolve the life and death talisman once it enters the body, even if one has extremely powerful skills and it is difficult to force it out.When the life and death talisman is activated, you can neither survive nor die. Both life and death are under the control of the opponent.

Li Qiu Shui had seen the Life and Death Talisman attack before. She dared to resist other things with her profound skills, but she didn't dare to take risks with this Life and Death Talisman.

So when faced with the ice crystals of the life and death talisman that blocked all routes, she gave up the attack without hesitation, stopped and destroyed all the life and death talismans with several palms.

Li Qiushui was tied down for such a moment, which was enough for Xu Xin to fight back. For masters like them, they could walk back and forth in the spacious dormitory without even taking a breath. He opened his face and sent out a palm with feminine force.

Li Qiu Shui didn't realize it until it was already too late. She hurriedly stepped back, but finally took a step slower. She felt that her breath was blocked. If Xu Xin hadn't been merciful, the soft energy that penetrated her body would have damaged her meridians. .

Xu Xin showed mercy, but Li Qiushui immediately counterattacked, hitting Xu Xin with a palm, but the next moment he felt that he was hit by a familiar palm force, which turned out to be her white rainbow palm force.

"White Rainbow Palm Power? Gusu Murong's turbulent times..."

Li Qiushui had never been caught off guard by such a sudden move. She had always been the only one to use the power of Baihong Palm to plot against others, but this was the first time she had suffered such a loss.

Before she could continue to fight back, Xu Xin pointed at her from a distance, and the force of the finger penetrated her body, making her feel... hot and weak all over.

"Little bitch, you are really weak. You were restrained after just a few moves!"

The words "One Yang Finger" flashed through Li Qiushui's mind. She quickly mobilized her inner energy to hit her acupoints, but at this moment, the proud sneer of her old enemy rang out from beside her.The Tianshan Child Elder who was making such a big mockery looked completely different from her usual appearance, which made Xu Xin feel unbearable to look at her.

(End of this chapter)

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