The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 197 It turned out to be Tong Lao’s soul-searching method

Chapter 197 It turned out to be Tong Lao... The soul-searching method of sound transmission

"Prince Consort, Your Highness the Princess, please, please go and have a good sleep!"

After Xu Xin sent away Princess Yinchuan's maid Xiaolei, half an hour later, another maid came. He had some small expectations in his heart. There were so many arrangements tonight, and it looked like there would be a "fierce battle" "ah!

Xu Xin couldn't help but reveal a wanton smile. He circulated his true energy to dissolve the strength of the deer blood wine and felt his own state.

Um!The little palace maid who was leading the way blushed with embarrassment when she saw him.

Under the guidance of the palace maid, Xu Xin went to another part of Qingfeng Pavilion, a palace pavilion with extremely exquisite decoration.

Along the way, he could hear the maids whispering about the Prince Consort, Sister Xiaolei, and Her Royal Highness, which made him look forward to it more and more.

The interior of the palace is elegant, with various flowers placed on both sides and inside and outside the front room. The rich floral fragrance is astounding, subtly forming a special taste. The refreshing aroma gives people a somewhat ambiguous feeling, which makes people feel physically and mentally. Comfortable.

Xu Xin finally arrived at a room under the guidance of the palace maid. Elegant vases were placed everywhere with blooming flowers in them. The rich floral fragrance spread in every corner of the room. The charming and charming atmosphere made people feel... Dazzled.

Xu Xin came to the bed in a few steps. He could see that the brocade quilt was slightly bulged. It was obvious that there was a beauty waiting for him inside. A familiar lake green came into view on the edge of the bed. It was this color, but wasn't it the same color he had seen before? I have personally touched the palace skirt worn on Xiaolei.

At this time, the lights around the room were extinguished one after another, and Xu Xinxin laughed secretly. It seemed that Miss Xiaolei was a little shy for the first time!
Xu Xin reached out and gently lifted the brocade quilt, and found that it seemed to be a little tight, and only a small head was quickly opened at the head of the bed.It was vaguely visible in the darkness, with scattered clouds on the temples and half exposed shoulders, but it was a pity that the face could not be seen clearly.

Xu Xin leaned over and continued to work. The fragrant fragrance entered his nose, and it seemed a little familiar, but he didn't think too much for a while. The deer blood wine still had some effect, and he was a little less calm than usual.

As soon as Xu Xin's palm touched this little beauty, he felt a wave of hot heat. Not only did he feel hot, but she was also very hot!

Before he could think about it, the little head came close to Xu Xin's face, breathing like orchid, and kept asking for sweet kisses.

No man can withstand this kind of test, not even cadres!
He responded naturally, and with a low voice, an arm as white as jade wrapped around his neck. She leaned over and hugged Xu Xin tightly as if she had found a savior.

Xu Xin smelled a sweet fragrance and knew that it was the body fragrance emanating from the beauty. It was very familiar. It didn't seem to be Xiaolei?He couldn't help but frown slightly, and held the soft and slender shoulders with his palms. The soft and warm feeling made it difficult for him to control.

Xu Xin couldn't help but get involved, but his head was still a little clear. He felt that something was wrong about today's matter, but he couldn't explain it.

In the days after Li Qiushui returned to Qingfeng Pavilion, he often arranged late-night activities like this for Xu Xin and Li Qinglu. I have to say that the concubine really knows how to play, but she didn't play like this a few times before?

His mind was somewhat clear, but his body still followed the instinctive reaction. The clothes on his body had come apart, and the warm quilt was also open to him. The beauty on the bed was confused and infatuated, and she moved closer to him.

Xu Xin has fallen into the tenderness of the beauty, and has no place to put his hands. No matter where he wants to push, the place where he starts is soft and warm. The little beauty in the bed is not naked, and seems to have taken something like deer blood wine. , driven by an instinctive impulse.

Xu Xin is not a saint, he also has seven emotions and six desires. Although his mind is still thinking, his physical reaction is quite useful.

The little beauty with disheveled temples and dripping with sweat continued to ask for sweet kisses, and murmured: "It's so warm here..." "Tong, Tong Lao..."

When she spoke, Xu Xin was stunned.

This was the voice of a child grandmother, not the usual majestic voice, but the milky voice of a girl that he had heard occasionally, so he didn't recognize it at first, but after all, he checked his body every day. I finally recognized it.

On the dark bed, Xu Xin's eyes shimmered, and he could see a little more clearly. He saw that it was still the familiar girl whom he had checked during the day. Although she was shorter than the average girl, she had grown up after all, and was no longer The appearance of the eight or nine-year-old virgin in the past.

"What's the matter with you?"

Xu Xin spent his energy, and Child Lao also regained some clarity. The previous scenes echoed in her mind. Her face was red at the moment, and she didn't know whether it was from embarrassment or anger.

She had just been practicing on it, and suddenly felt something was wrong after taking the evening meal. Then she saw her good junior sister Li Qiu Shui appear, take off her clothes, and play with her everywhere... Anyway, she still feels it when she thinks about it. To shame.

After Tong Lao was restrained, her first reaction was that she had been poisoned by a poison such as the Broken Muscle and Bone Erosion Pills, but they had sworn poison in front of Xu Xin before, and their physical reactions later proved that it was not poison.

After a while, Child Lao showed no signs of poisoning, but her body became increasingly hot.

Li Qiu Shui looked at her with an extraordinarily strange and playful smile, and said: "Senior sister, you said that you would protect your body like a jade for your senior brother for the rest of your life, but what's the use? He doesn't know how good you are. As a junior sister, I'm considerate of you. Tonight I just wanted to give you a taste of what it’s like to be a man.”

I don’t know whether Li Qiushui was stimulated by some of Child Elder’s words during the day, or whether it was a long-planned revenge. Child Elder fell into the trap after he was restrained.

Then she was carried to this place by a maid in a lake-green palace skirt. The maid left the palace skirt behind and wrapped her around her before leaving.

After that, Xu Xin arrived.

At that time, she was suffering from a drug-induced attack, and she fell into a half-dream and half-awake state, leaving only some instinctive reactions, and she became extra proactive.

Now that Xu Xindu was infuriating, she had a hint of clarity, but her body's instinct was still the same. Their naked limbs were intertwined, and Wu Xingyun almost wanted to die, wishing that there was a crack in the ground to get through.

Xu Xin recalled the quarrel between Wu Xingyun and Li Qiu Shui during the day. Could it be that Li Qiu Shui couldn't stand Wu Xingyun's taunting?

She deeply hated her senior sister for showing off her virginity in front of her all day long, so she wanted to find ways to destroy her virginity so that she could use it to laugh at her afterwards?
"Good senior brother, hug me, um, um, um, hold me tighter, kiss me, kiss me here..."

Suddenly, there was a faint sound in the room. It was Li Qiushui. She was using the soul-searching method of sound transmission, and she was deliberately passing certain sounds into the ears of the two of them.I have to say, this sound... is very moving...

(End of this chapter)

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