The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 198: Dual Cultivation by Combination of Citizenship, Blue Level Pagoda

Chapter 198: Dual Cultivation by Combination of Citizenship, Blue Level Pagoda


Li Qiushui used the soul-searching method of sound transmission to deliberately stimulate Wu Xingyun who was on the bed and couldn't help but curse.

But her body, which had just grown, was instinctively entangled with Xu Xin, and the same was true for Xu Xin... But she heard Li Qiu Shui's soft words kept coming, all of which were words of love to others.

Xu Xin couldn't help but feel lustful. Hot blood flowed all over his body and his skin became hot.Wu Xingyun breathed heavily and cursed: "You bitch, my junior brother has never really liked you. You seduced him so shamelessly, so shameless!"

"Senior sister, junior sister is shameless, but she still has the ability to seduce men. Unlike you, you will never be able to seduce a man in your life. Junior sister has sent men to the bed, but they still dislike you for being short and crippled. You can't even touch it. I don’t want to touch it…”

Li Qiushui's words were simply shocking, especially in the situation where there were two people on the bed. They were so hurt and humiliated that Wu Xingyun could not bear this kind of anger.

"Calm down, you..."

Just as Xu Xin wanted to remind her to calm down, he felt his body sink, and there was only one thought left in his mind, "A man was born between heaven and earth, how can he live in depression under a human..."

Wu Xingyun was completely stimulated by Li Qiushui, and let go of his instincts towards Xu Xin... Xu Xin looked at the messy hair, and vaguely saw the white snow on her shoulders. How could a man endure this situation?

"Wushan clouds and rain, Wu Xingyun? Wushan... Xingyun makes rain..."

Xu Xin's mind was filled with all kinds of wild thoughts, and at the same time, the energy in his body was also churning and changing, in various senses.

The Beiming, Wuxiang and Immortal Changchun Kung of the Xiaoyao sect have the same origin and complement each other. Similar to how Xu Xin did with Tong Lao and Li Qiu Shui before, operating the formation of the three talents to promote complementation is one of the cultivation methods.

There is another method, which is the Taoist secret technique of superior yin and yang cultivation, where the true energy fuses and promotes each other when water and milk blend together. This method can only be practiced by men and women together, and the higher the skill, the better the effect.

Xiaoyaozi only accepted Wu Yazi as a male disciple at first, and made him the leader. His actual intention was very obvious, and he cared for this disciple the most.

As the leader of the Xiaoyao Sect, Wu Yazi naturally knew some of its secrets, so he initially pursued his senior sister Wu Xingyun. He thought that after Wu Xingyun had first achieved the Immortality Eternal Spring Skill and his body had regenerated, he would first cultivate with his senior sister to promote Beiming. Transformation, and I will be with my junior sister again in the future...

But he didn't expect that his fish farming skills were not good enough, and the fish pond eventually exploded.

Wu Xingyun was obsessed with Li Qiushui when he was 26 years old. Since then, Changchun Gong has left hidden dangers. His body cannot continue to grow, exposing the figure of an eight or nine-year-old girl.Even if Wu Yazi thought about the beast again, he still couldn't do it.

At this time, he could only change his target and fall in love with his junior sister Li Qiushui. Later, he was kicked out of Lingjiu Palace by Wu Xingyun and married Li Qiushui.

However, when Li Qiushui gave birth to Li Qingluo, Wu Yazi accidentally met Li Canghai, a younger junior sister who came to see her sister. This was also a disciple of her Xiaoyao sect. She had not opened her eyes when she was young, but by then she was like a fairy. Her brother-in-law was naturally I was thinking about my sister-in-law.

Wu Yazi missed her sister-in-law, carving jade statues and painting, obviously using Li Qiu Shui as the model, but what she carved and painted was the Li Canghai she imagined in her heart, creating a "fairy sister".Li Qiushui never knew about this, but she could sense that something was wrong with Wu Yazi's obsession with jade carvings. Her husband seemed to have moved on, so she naturally... In the end, it was a tragedy of internal fighting among the Xiaoyao sect.

Wu Yazi failed to reap the fruit of Wu Xingyun back then, but ended up taking advantage of Xu Xin, although he didn't seem to be very willing.

The zhenqi of Bahuang Liuhe's Sovereign Art and Beiming Shenqi blended with each other, and Xu Xin could feel that the auras of both of them had changed significantly.

A hazy blue light began to overflow from his body. The green light became more and more intense, and eventually it transformed into a bright blue. It seemed that there was a hazy purple light nurturing it. The light blue and almost purple brilliance, in this dark place, It is particularly eye-catching in the room.

After Xu Xin came to this world, although he gained a lot of powerful skills, in addition to the suction method, he majored in the Yijin Jing Shen Gong.

According to the information he knew, the sweeping monk in the Shaolin Sutra Pavilion practiced the Yi Jin Jing and reached the realm of the sixth-level black-level pagoda.

A three-foot Qi wall can block thousands of troops. According to Xu Xin's speculation, it is definitely a realm above the innate, and it is suspected to be an extremely powerful innate Qi.

Xu Xin spent more than half a year practicing the Yi Jin Jing with the help of various spiritual objects. Due to the perfect fit between his physical talent and the Yi Jin Jing, as well as various resources and opportunities, he reached the Qing level pagoda in just a few months. Shaolin Baidu There are only a few people who can reach this level in the past few years.

But this time, with the help of Wu Xingyun's virgin Yuanyin and Zhenqi cultivation, Xu Xin could easily break through to the blue-level pagoda, and even vaguely touched the mysterious realm of the purple-level pagoda. And he also had a feeling that if he could make another breakthrough, he would be able to set foot on it again. The realm of innateness.

The blue-level pagoda emphasizes both hardness and softness, complements each other with yin and yang, and can control Qi freely. It can hurt people invisible. Those who have mastered it are already rare top masters in the world.

Shaolin internal skills practiced to a high level can also penetrate some mysterious mental states, which are barely suitable for practicing the Yi Jin Jing. Therefore, among the Shaolin eminent monks in the past generations, there are many strong ones who have practiced the Yi Jin Jing. For example, there are several Shaolin Xuanzi generations in this generation. People practice Yi Jin Jing.

The contemporary abbot of Shaolin, Xuanci, known as the Crouching Tiger Arhat, is famous for his Diamond Boxing, but his strongest strength is actually his internal strength. He has cultivated the Yi Jin Jing magic skill to the level of blue-level pagoda, which is absolutely the best in the contemporary era.

However, Shaolin's method of using Shaolin internal skills to practice the Yi Jin Jing is still a bit tricky after all. The true energy produced will be relatively weak and not as good as those who directly practice the Yi Jin Jing magical skill.

Xuanci and You Tanzhi are both blue-level pagodas, so he would be at a disadvantage when competing for internal strength.Apart from the influence of Ice Silkworm's cold poison, it was actually the lack of quality of Xuanci's Yi Jin Jing internal energy that made him unable to withstand it.

Xu Xin was feeling the changes in the true energy in his body, while Wu Xingyun, who had regained consciousness, was burying her head in him and pretending to be dead. After what had happened, and her mind gradually clearing up, she really wanted to hit her to death.I didn't expect that I would actually take the initiative in the end...

At this time, footsteps sounded again in the room. Wu Xingyun wanted to pretend to be asleep, but Li Qiu Shui did not let her go. He walked to the bed and said with a smile: "Oh, my senior sister, you look so slutty. How different is the little sister!

Normally, men are like ants in your eyes, but now they are like little birds begging for love and affection.

Tsk, tsk, tsk... Aren’t you as protective as a jade?I really should let Senior Brother Wuyazi see what you look like now. "

(End of this chapter)

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