The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 202: Quan Guanqing makes plans and takes action again in the middle of the night

Chapter 202: Quan Guanqing makes plans and takes action again in the middle of the night

"Meet the Lord!"

In the Tianshan Lingjiu Palace, in the Sovereign Hall, many cave owners and island owners from Cave 36 and Island 72 knelt down and shouted to pay homage to the Lord.

Such a roaring momentum made some other people standing in the Duzun Hall have the urge to worship him.

The maids of Jiutian Jiubu followed suit and knelt down. Even Azi, Abi and Wang Yuyan, who had just received the news, couldn't help but follow the trend.

"Miss Wang!"


In the circle around the edge of the Sovereign Hall, Duan Yu and Murong Fu, who did not kneel down, looked so unique. Especially the reaction of a certain Dali prince who screamed after seeing the goddess kneeling down was even more shocking. The scene was awkward for a while.

"Get up!"

Xu Xin, who was sitting at the head of the hall, waved his sleeves, and a circle of blue light passed by. Everyone in the room couldn't help but stand up.

"His skills have actually improved again!"

Murong Fu was the master second only to Xu Xin in the Duzun Hall. He immediately noticed the changes in his sworn brother's cultivation. It was Xu Xin's deliberate intimidation that allowed him to sense it.Otherwise, Gusu Murong would not be able to figure out Xu Xin's cultivation until his death.

"The March period has passed, how are you preparing?"

On the first seat of the Sovereign Hall, Xu Xin spoke calmly, with an extraordinary intimidation.

"I'm telling you, Your Majesty, I've spent these days traveling across mountains and seas in search of rare treasures and exotic species, and we've brought them all to the Vulture Palace!"

Boss Wu knelt down to speak again and made a bring-up gesture.

"East China Sea Red Coral!"

"Hu Shou Wu!"

"Changbai Mountain Old Ginseng!"

"Red Jade Blood Antler!"

"White bear, white tiger, white ape..."


One after another, rare beasts and many rare treasures were sent up by people like 36 Cave and 72 Island. Even though these people were timid when facing the Vulture Palace, each one of them was a force that could occupy a piece of territory.For three months, they tried their best to present all kinds of treasures.

"You guys are so brave!"

Xu Xin, who was sitting in the front seat, suddenly spoke in a cold voice, and then pointed out a blue-purple light, the six-meridian divine sword, which was not inferior to Duan Yu in power, and smashed the head of a strange beast to pieces, and from that circle of flesh and blood, It can be seen from the fur that this is a so-called exotic beast with a dyed head.

"Lord, I don't know! Please have mercy, Lord, have mercy..."

One island owner quickly knelt down to beg for mercy, and other cave owners and island owners also knelt down one after another.

"Please, Lord, have mercy!"

Many island owners and cave owners kowtowed as if they were pounding garlic. Having witnessed Xu Xin's peerless martial arts, they did not dare to think of resistance at all.

"Honored Lord, please let Murong Fu say something!"

At this time, Murong Fu, who was next to him, knew that the opportunity had come, so he took the initiative to come forward, cupped his fists and saluted, and said: "The strange beast enshrined by Master Jiang Island, Murong Fu has some impression, is from a merchant from the Western Regions, it is said that it comes from the far west... "

"I still believe what Mr. Murong said, and I will forgive you this time. You haven't thanked Mr. Murong yet!"

"Thank you, Lord, for your forgiveness! Thank you, Master Murong!"

Many cave owners and island owners hurriedly kowtowed and shouted. Xu Xin's reaction was dull, but Murong Fu's smile should not be too wanton. "Honored Lord, these are the Black Jade Toad and the Far North Cold Jade. The old man Tan Gong Tan Po who died under the hands of Qiao Feng, a Khitan, once used these two materials to make a strange medicine for wounds. Unfortunately, these two people are dead. I have never found a prescription."

This is when a cave master came forward and offered two treasure boxes. When he opened them, he saw several pieces of crystal clear cold jade and two supernatural toads.

"You are very good!"

Xu Xin only took one look and determined that these two objects were full of spiritual energy. The cave master was thoughtful and could reward them later.

"It is my lifelong honor to be able to serve you as your subordinate!"

The cave master was very good at talking, which made Xu Xin very satisfied.

"To report to the Lord, nine of my subordinates went deep into the Tianshan Mountains and captured two pairs of red-eyed ice toads on the top of the extremely cold mountain, and presented them to the Lord!"

At this time, several more cave owners and island owners came out together and took out two exquisitely crafted gold treasure boxes inlaid with beads and jade.

"Ah, be careful..."

They opened the treasure box carefully, and saw several white lights trying to fly out. If one of them hadn't reacted in time, these spiritual creatures would have escaped.

Xu Xin just waved, and the two boxes came into his hands. They were wrapped in blue light and opened, revealing four snow-white toads that kept jumping, two big and two small. They were all white, but their eyes were as red as blood. Very cute.

"It is said that the Zhu Jing Ice Toad in the snowy mountains of the Western Regions, no matter how severe the internal injuries or knife wounds, as long as he does not die on the spot, the medicine will heal the injury after taking the ice toad, which is extremely miraculous. If you are poisoned, this ice toad can even remove the poison." merit."

"This Zhu-Eyed Ice Toad has magical effects whether it's dead or alive. The fact that you can catch it alive really impresses me!"

Xu Xin meant what he said sincerely. He had only heard about the treasure Zhu Jing Bingchan. It came from the era of "Blue Blood Sword" and had helped the protagonist named Yuan many times. It could detoxify and heal wounds. As long as he had a breath left, he would be able to heal. It can save people, which is really a treasure.

"Qingshuang, record their contributions. Our Lingjiu Palace will punish those who are guilty, and those who have merit will be rewarded!"

Xu Xin gave an order, and Cheng Qingshuang, the deputy chief of the Juntian tribe, stepped forward to do things. The main reason was that Xu Xin was familiar with several maids of the Juntian tribe, and this deputy chief Cheng was the most beautiful one among them.

It is normal for men to be deeply impressed by beautiful female subordinates.

"You guys should step back first!"

As soon as Xu Xin said these words, 36 Dong, 72 Island and other servants and subordinates quickly kowtowed and resigned. The noise in the huge solemn hall suddenly disappeared, leaving only the maids of Jiutianjiubu, Quan Guanqing, Duan Yuhe Murong Fu and others stayed.

"Elder Quan, Brother Murong, Brother Duan, long time no see!"

After outsiders like Cave 36 and Island 72 left, Lord Xu Xin revealed his true face.

"Gang Leader Xu, I didn't expect you to be..."

Only then did Duan Yu know that Xu Xin was the mysterious new Lord of Lingjiu Palace.

"Lingjiu Palace is originally the residence of Xiaoyao Sect, but there was some conflict between Senior Wuyazi and the one here!"

Xu Xin explained a few words casually, and then said something to a few people, asking them to stay in Lingjiu Palace for a while and thanking Yun Yun for their recent help.

Duan Yu, Murong Fu and Quan Guanqing naturally agreed.

Xu Xin asked the maids from Jiutian Jiubu to move into the guest rooms with several of them. He ignored the entangled relationship between Duan Yu, Murong Fu and Wang Yuyan, and took his Azi and Abi to... ahem, prepare for the backyard. Let them meet their future sisters.

That's right, Duan Yu is a nymphomaniac again. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Wang Yuyan wants to talk to Murong Fu, but this nymphomaniac is like a fool, following Wang Yuyan around all the time, acting as an eyesore.

Also on this night, without Xu Xin even needing a hint, Elder Quan Guanqingquan met Murong Fu for a drink again.

As a self-proclaimed confidant of the gang leader, he knew what he should do after Xu Xin visited Wang Yuyan several times, and he took action again in the middle of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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