The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 203 That’s my beloved cousin, I need to pay more

Chapter 203: That’s my beloved cousin, I need... more money...

"Mr. Murong, why is this person drinking alone here!"

In the stone guest room of Lingjiu Palace, Murong Fu was holding a wine jar, drinking bowl after bowl. When Quan Guanqing came to his room, he didn't need to think too much to guess that he was in a bad mood, so he It was a joke.

"Elder Quan is still not going to please your leader Xu. He is now not only the leader of the Beggar Clan, but also the leader of the Xiaoyao Sect, the Lord of Lingjiu Palace, and the consort of Princess Yinchuan of Xixia!"

"Haha... The Beggar Clan has been the enemy of the Xixia First Grade Hall many times in the past few years. Now it's good that your gang leader has become the master of the First Grade Hall. This is really... the world is impermanent!"

Murong Fu glanced at Quan Guanqing and responded with a sneer, as if he was mocking.He was indeed in a bad mood, especially after Xu Xin introduced Li Qinglu to several of them and learned Li Qinglu's identity, Murong Fu felt panicked.

Today, Xu Xin first showed off his power in the Duzun Hall. Even his cousin followed the trend and knelt down for others. This already made him very uncomfortable. Later, there was the matter of Li Qinglu and the bastard Duan Yu who kept pestering him. Looking at his cousin, how can he be in a good mood at the end of the day?
"Master Murong! I don't know how to persuade you, so I'll give you a toast first!"

Quan Guanqing smiled and poured wine across from Murong Fu. Then he drank a full glass and a blush suddenly appeared on his face.

"When the former Gang Leader Qiao was here, his favorite thing was to drink like this with Xunren. I heard that Prince Duan got to know him through this. I wasn't used to this kind of booze before, but now I think it's okay! "

Quan Guanqing's words made Murong Fu a little confused. What was this good guy doing to mention Qiao Feng?Murong Fu deliberately provoked him?Although it is said that there was a saying in the world that North Qiao Feng and South Murong were both called together, he, Murong Fu, was always worried about Qiao Feng being ranked first.

"Mr. Murong, don't blame me, it's just a matter of emotion!"

Quan Guanqing apologized to Murong Fu, and then said: "But compared to working under Gang Leader Qiao, I prefer Gang Leader Xu who does not take power. Therefore, I want to please Gang Leader Xu even more, so let He trusts me more."

"Then you are looking for me now?"

Murong Fu frowned, thinking of what happened last time, his beloved Abi had become someone else's woman.Every time he saw Abi serving Xu Xin, he couldn't get over the knot in his heart.

"Those people in Cave 36 and Island 72 are not very obedient and are suspected of betrayal. Gang Leader Xu is not willing to continue to accept them as his subordinates, but if they are all killed, it will be harmful to Tianhe!"

"This group of people have very strong martial arts and abilities, but they all have bad deeds. If they are all released into the arena without restraint, I am afraid there will be a big disturbance. Therefore, what the gang leader wants is to find someone who can refine the life and death talisman. The power of medicine..."

Quan Guanqing said similar words to last time. Even though Murong Fu had some vague guesses, he still couldn't help but breathe quickly.

Power is a poison, especially once you have it, you can't help but crave for more.

Murong Fu has commanded the people of 36 holes and 72 islands in the past three months, and he fully understands that these people are "talents". If they can be taken under his wings, it will definitely be of great help to Murong Fu's great cause of reviving Yan.

"Mr. Murong is really calm! But everyone knows that you must really want to be the new master of these people!"

Quan Guanqing laughed again, and then put forward conditions similar to last time.

"Your cousin! Miss Wang! Yunying is unmarried, and she is a perfect match for Gang Leader Xu!"

Quan Guanqing spoke directly, and the wine glass in Murong Fu's hand was placed heavily on the table, and the stone room suddenly fell into dead silence.

The two people in the room didn't speak, but they didn't notice that in another room separated by a wall, several other women who were talking quietly were all silent, and they were all listening.Wang Yuyan, Li Qinglu, Azi, Abi and others were all there. They were all pestered by Azi to come over to play and "accidentally" overheard the conversation between Murong Fu and Quan Guanqing.

And this room is quite special. You can hear the movement in the next room, but you may not be able to detect the movement in the other room.

"How could Quan Guanqing do this? Sister Wang, don't worry, I will let Meng Lang teach him a lesson!"

"That's right, I'll let Xu Lang teach him a lesson too!"

Li Qinglu and Azi were both comforting Wang Yuyan, and Abi silently took Wang Yuyan's arm, but she didn't know what to say.

"Master Murong, why should you be angry? This is not the first time we have done this kind of transaction."

Quan Guanqing's next words made the other people across the wall feel excited.

"The last time you used Miss Abi to replace the group of people from the Xingxiu Sect, you must have used it skillfully!"

"I heard that in just three months, the Murong family's properties in various places in Jiangnan have expanded a lot!"

Quan Guanqing told some information with a smile. Murong Fu didn't reply, but he felt a little anxious in his heart. How could the Beggar Clan be so well informed?He even knew all the news about his Murong family.

"These people from 36 holes and 72 islands are spread all over the country, from the East China Sea in the east to Xixia in the west, Dali in the south, and Liao in the north. They have their influence everywhere, and many of them are members of sects and gangs themselves. Lord. Such a huge force, Mr. Murong, you will not be tempted..."

Quan Guanqing's words hit Murong Fu's heart one word after another. Of course he was tempted and wished he could take over everything Xu Xin had now, but he was also able to recognize the reality.

Xu Xin's martial arts skills were higher than his, and the things he pursued all his life, power and status, seemed to be looked down upon by others, which made him extremely jealous and envious.

Murong Fu still didn't respond, but Quan Guanqing, who was in the same room, could tell that Nan Murong was already attracted.

As Quan Guanqing said, since there is a first time for some things, it doesn't matter if it happens again.If the bottom line is broken through for the first time, there will be a second one.

"Quan Guanqing, stop talking!"

Quan Guanqing was still talking, but Murong Fu couldn't help but interrupted him angrily. However, the former had no intention of stopping. One moment he talked about how a certain island owner in the East China Sea was extremely rich, and the next moment he talked about Dali Wuliang Mountain. The combined strength of the disciples made Murong Fu feel itchy.

He finally couldn't help but said angrily: "That's my beloved cousin, my childhood sweetheart, how could I give her up to someone else!"

As soon as Murong Fu said these words, Quan Guanqing smiled.These words seemed to be a decisive rejection, but they sounded meaningful.

That is my beloved cousin, my childhood sweetheart. Why do I keep emphasizing my "love" for Wang Yuyan, as if, maybe, I am asking... can I add more money?It's too vulgar to say money, maybe it's just, add some price tag!

(End of this chapter)

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