The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 216: Buddha holds flowers, Kasyapa laughs, Abbot, you are finally here

Chapter 216 Buddha picked up flowers, Kasyapa smiled... Abbot, you are finally here

"Old man Xuandu, please give me help, Gang Leader Xu!"

An old monk with a red face came to Xu Xin in a few steps. He was Xuan Du, one of the eight great monks of the Xuan generation in Shaolin.

As he spoke, the middle finger and thumb of his right hand gently touched each other, as if holding a flower. The five fingers of his left hand were slightly stretched out, as if he was about to flick the "flower" on his right hand at any time. A smile appeared on his face, with a gentle expression.

"One of Shaolin's 72 special skills is finger-twisting. Please ask Master Xuandu to do it with all your strength!"

Xu Xin explained the Kungfu used by Xuandu at this moment, his expression was calm and composed.And Xuan Du's body opposite him began to be filled with green light.

The skill of holding flowers with fingers has a long history. According to the legend of Zen Buddhism, the World Honored Sakyamuni preached the sermon at the Lingshan meeting. He held the golden boluo flowers in his hand and showed them to everyone. Everyone was silent except for the Venerable Kassapa who smiled. .

Sakyamuni knew that Kassapa had understood the inner Dharma, so he said: "I have the Dharma Eye Store, the Dharma of Nirvana, which has no form in reality. It is a subtle Dharma that does not establish words and teaches it to be taught to outsiders. I give it to Maha Kassapa."

Buddha picked up the flowers and Kasyapa smiled!
The most important thing in Zen Buddhism is the transmission of enlightenment from the heart. Venerable Kasyapa is also revered as the ancestor of Zen Buddhism. He is the source of the nominal inheritance of Shaolin Temple. The finger-twisting is the representative martial art of the true meaning of Zen Buddhism. It is the first of the 72 unique skills of Shaolin. It is said that if you can Realizing the true meaning in one's mind can lead to the path and fruition of Bodhisattva.

If this unique skill is practiced to perfection, it can be used to subjugate demons without any disadvantage.If the evil demons and heretics are not enlightened, they can be pointed out and cannot be avoided. If they are enlightened and enlightened to Buddha, they will have no enemies. This is the top secret knowledge of Buddhism.

Xuandu is a contemporary Shaolin eminent monk who has mastered the flower fingering technique. He also uses Shaolin's pure internal strength to practice the Yi Jin Jing through secret methods. He is able to penetrate any governor and achieve the third level of Qing-level pagoda. , is definitely the top master of the contemporary era.


Xuandu suddenly shouted, but he saw his left hand flick three times in succession, and his fingers were extremely gentle. Every time he flicked out his left hand, it was as if he was trying to flick away the exposed beads on the flower in his right hand, but he was afraid of shaking the petals off, and his face He always smiles kindly and meaningfully.

At this moment, Xu Xin's eyes were full of Xuandu's figure, and there seemed to be a looming green Buddha shadow in his sight. His mind suddenly buzzed, and his body and mind were ethereal. It seemed that he had entered the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and had comprehended countless Zen principles. There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth. To evoke a smile.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Between the electric light and flint, three blue rays of true energy shot out from Xu Xin's left hand, accurately heading towards the three blue rays of light pointed out by Xuan Du.

Only three sounds were heard, and the fingers collided. Master Xuandu swayed, and suddenly the cassock on his chest exploded with three broken points, as if injured by a sharp blade. Under the competition between the two finger forces, Xuandu was completely helpless. Enemy Xu Xin.

"Thank you for your mercy!"

Xuan Du touched his chest. There were three circular holes on his chest, showing the character "San Cai Pin". The exposed skin was slightly red. If Xu Xin hadn't withdrawn his hand in time, there would have been three blood holes in his chest.The old monk was not an ignorant person. He immediately put his hands together and bowed respectfully to Xu Xin.

"It's strange that the fingering method used by this gang leader Xu is so similar to the one-yang finger of my Duan family in Dali, but it seems incomplete and slightly less powerful..."

Xu Xin returned the gift to Xuandu. Among the spectators, Duan Zhengchun, the "King of Guns" in Dali and Xu Xin's cheap father-in-law, had a look of surprise on his face and whispered to himself.

"Brother Abbot, this Gang Leader Xu is not a villain, but he does possess the Yi Jin Jing magical skill of our temple. His skill is profound and not inferior to you..."

Xuandu gave up decisively and returned to the group of Shaolin monks. He whispered to Xuanci that the Yi Jin Jing matter was of great importance. Xu Xin should be merciful to him. He hoped that the two sides could resolve the misunderstanding and it was best not to make things worse. out of control.

"Take my palm!" Xuan Du was discussing the Yi Jin Jing with Xuan Ci. Suddenly, an old Shaolin monk came out of the crowd, rolled in the air and stood in front of Xu Xin, turning his palms in a circle from outside to inside. , slowly pushed towards Xu Xin.

Before the force of his palm was reached, Xu Xin felt short of breath in his chest, just like that time when he faced Qiao Feng's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, giving him the illusion that he was invincible.

In an instant, the old monk's palm power surged like an angry wave.

Without thinking, Xu Xin raised his right palm and responded with the move "A proud dragon has regrets".The two palms intersected, and there was a squeaking sound. Shaolin monk Xuanji took three steps back, while Xu Xin was rare and silent for several breaths.

"Senior brother..."

Xuanci and Xuandu were unable to stop Xuanji, but they were both shocked and horrified when they saw the result of the palm power competition.The palm that Xuanji just executed was actually the accumulation of a lifetime of skills. It was the "One Clap, Two Spreading Palms" among the 72 Shaolin stunts.

The so-called "one shot and two scattered" means that when the stone is shot, the stone fragments are "scattered" and the soul is "scattered".

This palm technique is very extreme. It only takes one move. Because the palm force is so powerful, the enemy will be killed without using a second move when approaching the enemy. And this palm is based on such overwhelming internal strength. Even if you want to change your moves, it is beyond human power.

If you can't win by condensing your whole body's strength to hit one slap or two scattered palms, then you will definitely lose if you continue to fight.Just like "Daji"'s passivity, if you can't kill anyone with one set, just wait to be slapped to death by someone else's backhand!

"Amitabha, Xuanji's palm technique has only been defeated twice in my life. The last time, the leader of your gang, Qiao, also used the same trick to catch the old man's blow. I don't know what this palm technique is... What a move!"

Xuanji clasped his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name. When Xuandu went up to challenge Xu Xin, he had discussed with Xuanci to fight alone, so he had been accumulating internal strength and waiting. The moment Xuandu came down, his skill reached its peak and he struck out This "one shot and two parts".

This was the strongest blow he had ever learned in his life, but it was still easily received by Xu Xin. He used the same palm that Qiao Feng used when he broke into the Shaolin Temple at night a few years ago to block his "slap and scatter". He was defeated twice by the same blow. Under the tricks, he was naturally a little... unwilling.

"The general principle of the Dragon-Subduing Palm is "Exalt the dragon and regret it." If you were defeated by this palm, you are not unjust!"

Xu Xin's tone was not very good. He behaved openly. If you respect me, I will respect you. He was merciful to Xuan Sheng and Xuan Du.Since this Xuanji likes to make surprise attacks, it’s no wonder that the power of his palm backfired on others.

"A strong dragon has regrets, so good at subduing the dragon...poof..."

Halfway through Xuan Ji's words, a flush suddenly appeared on his face, and then he vomited out a large mouthful of blood. His palm force backfired and he suffered internal injuries. The amount of bleeding was much more serious than that of Xuan Sheng.

"Senior brother!"

Shaolin abbot Xuanci flew to Xuanji's side and helped him steady. Then Xuandu, Xuanyin and other Shaolin masters also arrived one after another. Xuanci handed Xuanji to Xuandu and the others to help him down. Then he came to Xu Xin's father-in-law and confronted him.

"Abbot Xuanci, you are finally here! I thought you would keep hiding."

When Xu Xin spoke, he glanced at Ye Erniang and Xu Zhu calmly. Although Xuan Ci's face remained unchanged, his cassock was obviously shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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