The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 217 The abbot has been participating in Huanxi Zen for the past three years, probably 3 year

Chapter 217 The abbot has been participating in Huanxi Zen for the past three years, probably 30 years! (Ask for monthly ticket)
"Amitabha, Junior Brother Xuanji committed an act of anger and overestimated his ability to confront Gang Leader Xu, but it was his fault. I am here to apologize to Gang Leader Xu for my junior brother!"

Xuan Ci politely proclaimed the Buddha's name to Xu Xin first, put his hands together in a salute, and then said loudly: "Next, I will teach Gang Leader Xu the secret skills of the Beggar Clan, the Dragon Subduing Palm Technique and the Dog Beating Stick Technique."

The abbot is worthy of being an abbot, and his ability to speak like a lotus flower is absolutely at the top level. He talks beautifully every time he opens his mouth, making it clear that he needs to learn the secret skills of the Beggar Clan.

Xuanci went on to say: "I should use my sect's Great Vajra Fist to receive the Dragon Subduing Palm of Gang Leader Xu one after another, and use the Demon Subduing Zen Staff to receive the Dog Beating Stick from the Gang Leader one after another."

"Well, the Shaolin sect and the Gui Gang have been friends for generations, and I have also had a close relationship with the Wang Gang of the previous generation. I have always studied and studied these kinds of martial arts, and have never used them against each other. Today, I am unethical, but I am ashamed of myself. The successive leaders of the Beggar Clan and the successive heads of the Shaolin Sect.”

Xuanci's words were so beautiful. He first talked about the long-standing friendship between the Beggar Clan and Shaolin. Overtly and secretly, he said that the Beggar Clan was provoking trouble. He ignored the friendship between Shaolin and the Beggar Clan and accused Xu Xin of provoking trouble.

After the old monk finished speaking his beautiful words, he then clasped his palms together, which was the starting position of the Great Vajra Palm, "Homage to the Tathagata." Although the look on his face was kind and approachable, there was a flash of blue light, and the belt of the monk's robe was facing the Tathagata. Xu Xin's straight shot definitely contained extremely strong energy.

Xu Xin didn't talk to the sanctimonious old monk at all. He just slashed out with his left hand in the air, coming first and pushing the old monk's robe back.


The two forces intertwined, and it was extremely strange. The palms of Xuanci and Xu Xin met halfway. They canceled each other out with a sound of waves, but two chissing sounds were heard. The two ends of the belt around Xuanci's waist simultaneously Cut off and fly out to the left and right for about ten feet.

Xu Xin's palm force was used to neutralize the defense of "Homage to the Tathagata", but Xuan Ci's belt floating in front of him was broken by his palm force.

The two of them seemed to have no victory or defeat, but they fought many games in a row, one was waiting for work, and even used verbal means. In the end, even the belt was broken, which actually showed that they were superior and inferior.

"Amitabha, sin, sin!"

Xuanci suddenly spoke again, and as soon as he said these eight characters, he suddenly flew up and slapped Xu Xin in the face with a palm.This monk looks old and decrepit, but he hits whenever he wants, and his palm strikes are swift and powerful.Even Xu Xin felt short of breath and had shortness of breath in his chest.

The abbot of Shaolin, Fuhu Arhat Xuanci, possesses the blue-level pagoda of the Yi Jin Jing and the Great Vajra Palm Kungfu. He is a strong man who emerges from Shaolin only once in a century. He is indeed an extraordinary figure.


Xu Xin's palm "seeing a dragon in the field" without thinking, hit Xuanci's Vajra Palm head-on.

Great Vajra Palm, this unique skill is very difficult to practice, and its power is naturally very great. The power of the Vajra Palm can be shaken at will. If you can't catch it, you may be shocked to death.

The secrets of practicing this unique skill are recorded in detail in the martial arts scriptures by Shaolin monks of all generations. However, sometimes no one in the entire temple can master it. It often takes more than a hundred years for a special prodigy to master this skill. Palm technique.

Among the eight contemporary Shaolin monks, Xuan Cheng, who possesses thirteen unique skills, is definitely an extraordinary person. He is known as the number one master in Shaolin in the past 200 years. If it were not for the fact that he had mastered many special skills and became obsessed when trying to reach higher levels, there would be many today. Shaolin under his command will be more prosperous.

But under Xuan Cheng, Xuan Ci is the only top one among the eight great monks, because he is a rare genius in Shaolin who can only be seen in a hundred years. If he had not met the unreasonable Xuan Cheng, he would have been the best in this century. It was the era when Xuanci dominated Shaolin.

Xuanci has practiced the Yi Jin Jing to the level of blue-level pagoda, mastered the Great Vajra Palm, and also practiced the Prajna Palm Kungfu to the point of "empty to the end". His martial arts background is not much worse than that of Xuan Cheng before he went crazy and became a demon.


When Xu Xin faced Xuanci's contemporary Vajra Palm Power, he just slapped it with a simple palm, and the power of the Dragon Subduing Palm turned into a blue real dragon and crashed directly towards Xuanci.

From the moment Xuanci retreated and released his palm, to Xu Xin's counterattack with the power of the Dragon Subduing Palm, all of this happened in the blink of an eye, and at this time Xuanci had already struck out with another Great Vajra Palm.

"You..." Xuanci suddenly felt his vision blur, Xu Xin's figure had appeared in front of him, and his Vajra Palm hit the real spot, colliding hard with Xu Xin's Dragon Subduing Palm.Xuanci had no time to change his tactics, so he had to quickly gather his inner strength and try to suppress Xu Xin.


Xu Xin and Xuanci's palms met, but the internal force that Xuanci had imagined did not occur. The old monk only felt that his powerful palm force was like a mud cow sinking into the sea, as if it was turned into nothingness. Before he could be frightened, he felt An overwhelming force came from the palm of his hand.

"Dong dong..."

Xuanci's two feet staggered on the ground for two steps. With each step, a big hole was left on the ground. It was obvious that he was using his strength to relieve his strength.

After Xuanci stood still, he continued to exert force with his right palm in an attempt to counterattack. At the same time, his left hand also moved, grabbing Xu Xin's shoulder point with a wisp of strong wind.

This is not the Great Vajra Palm Kung Fu, but the "Cloud Holding Style" of the Shaolin Dragon Claw Hands. Monk Xuanci had previously tried to convince Xu Xin that he would use the Great Vajra Palm to teach the Dragon Subduing Palm technique, but now he used other stunts first.

"Abbott, this is not the Great Vajra Palm of yours!"

Xu Xin's shoulder moved and it slipped greatly, making Xuanci's dragon claw hand miss. At the same time, he mocked the abbot for not following the rules.

"The benefactor's skill just now was not the Beggar Clan's Dragon Subduing Palm technique, right?"

Xuanci replied with a smile on his face, a warm smile on his face, and he struck harder than anyone else. His left hand turned into a claw and stabbed Xu Xin in the heart.

Xu Xin lowered his head slightly and saw that Xuanci's finger was as white as jade, with a faint layer of crystal color flowing. He suddenly thought of a legendary secret skill in Shaolin Temple, and asked doubtfully: "One-finger Zen?"

One-finger Zen in Shaolin Temple is an extremely advanced martial art. It is difficult for ordinary monks to grasp the basic skills without decades of practice. Since the creation of Shaolin Temple, only a handful of people have mastered this unique skill.

It is said that after practicing this skill, one's fingers can be indestructible and can pick people's acupoints from a distance without any disadvantage. The power is not inferior to that of Dali Duan Shi Yiyang Zhi. However, because there are too few people who have mastered it, their reputation in the world is not as prominent as that of Yiyang Zhi. .

"The poor monk has been practicing Zen and enlightening the Buddha for 30 years, and he has gained a little bit from Zen!"

Xuanci responded with a smile, but Xu Xin's next words made him unable to laugh anymore.

"That bastard Xu Zhu is just 25 this year. Abbot, in the past 30 years, I'm afraid he has been participating in Huanxi Zen for 25 of the past [-] years!"

Xuanci was struck into the soul by Xu Xin's soul-searching method of sound transmission. He was stunned by the low-pitched sound transmission. He was in a trance and was speechless for a moment.

"As soon as it's empty...poof..."

Xuanci lost his mind for only a moment, and soon his head became clear. However, the masters were fighting for just this moment. Seeing Xu Xin's palm power coming, he quickly transformed the Vajra Palm into the highest secret of Prajna Palm, "empty to the end", but he His success failed, blood spurted from his mouth and he continued to fall back.

Prajna Buddhism pays attention to emptiness, so that when the last move is "empty to the end", it is neither empty nor non-empty. The palm power becomes invisible, there is no form, no feelings, thoughts, and consciousness. The form is empty, and the sound, fragrance and smell are empty. The contact method is also empty, the palm force is empty, and emptiness is the palm force.

If Xuan Ci successfully uses "empty to the end", he can "empty" all Xu Xin's palm power, making the palm power that can break mountains and crack rocks disappear into the invisible.But it was a pity that his Zen mind had long been in chaos, and his mind was stagnant when he used the palm. In the end, the power of the palm backfired, and he was instantly defeated and vomited blood.

(End of this chapter)

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