The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 240 Shuimu Qinghua, Wanxi Qingyang

Chapter 240 Shuimu Qinghua, Wanxi Qingyang

"Buzz! Buzz..."

Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound in the winter mountains, and a large black cloud suddenly came in, surrounding more than ten people who were resting in a pavilion.

Black clouds covered the sun, and the buzzing sound became louder and louder, as if there were thousands of bees flying in from all directions.Bees are not scary in the first place, but such a loud noise made by an unknown number of bees is like countless demons and monsters roaring and flying to bite people.

"Be careful……"

Suddenly a gust of wind blew in, and with a buzzing sound, thousands of bees rushed into the pavilion.

Duan Yu, Duan Zhengchun and others each warned, but they were all surrounded by swarms of bees. Everyone was stung by bees and the pain was unbearable.

Duan Yu's body was full of energy and he was separated from a field of bees. Several people who were traveling with him cut the ropes that tied the horses and wanted to get on their horses and escape. Suddenly, several masked black figures appeared and attacked them.But for some reason, these bees did not sting the people who attacked them.

Duan Yu, Duan Zhengchun and others were all in a tough fight. In this swarm of bees, it was difficult for them to show their strength. Although Duan Yu's Qi was very strong, he didn't know how to use it!It doesn't know how to use group moves at all, and the Six Meridians Divine Sword has very limited effect against swarms.

"Come on, let's each go in one direction..."

Duan Zhengchun quickly made a decision, and several people broke out in various directions. His old lover and daughter could not care about it at this time. They only followed his son all the way, but were besieged by many people as they walked away. It was natural for the father and son to He is the main force being stared at.

Duan Zhengchun and Duan Yu went in the same direction. The others dispersed and wanted to go away. One of them, a black figure, reluctantly rode his horse. He walked the fastest, but he quickly attracted attention. Several people immediately chased him. .


On a mountain road, a girl in a black dress was dangling on a horse, as if she had been drugged, and her state was quite wrong.

"Girl, are you okay!"

Suddenly a voice sounded in front of her, and Mu Wanqing felt as if there was an extra person in front of her. Just as she was about to respond, she felt her body soften and she fell off the horse uncontrollably.


Xu Xin hurriedly stepped forward to catch Mu Wanqing who fell upside down, and took a closer look at this beauty. The black veil on Mu Wanqing's face had fallen off on the way, and someone could see her overwhelming appearance.

I saw that her face was as beautiful as the new moon, like flowers and trees piled with snow. Her slender and delicate chin, matched with her thin and dexterous cherry mouth, was indescribably beautiful and delicate.

"Girl, you seem to be poisoned!"

Xu Xin spent a bit of energy, which made Mu Wanqing wake up a little.


Mu Wanqing wanted to ask him to save people. Although she didn't know why she suddenly met someone in the mountains, she was also in a hurry and sought medical treatment.

"Girl, do you want me to save you? But you are injured and offended..."

Xu Xin decisively chose to save people, and with a flick of his fingers, Mu Wanqing's dress was loosened, exposing a large area of ​​snow-white skin.


Mu Wanqing's eyes widened, her face full of horror, and she just lamented her bad fate, why she often encountered such flower pickers.

But soon she realized that Xu Xin was indeed saving her, just like some people sucking snake venom.Xu Xin untied her clothes in order to remove the bee sting and extract the bee venom. Of course, there is no need to elaborate on the specific method of extracting the bee venom.

"Girl, please forgive me for being rude!"

After a while, Mu Wanqing, who felt slightly clear-headed, pushed Xu Xin slightly, and then someone took his eyes away from the large piece of snow-white skin and turned his back on his own initiative.

"I'm ready!"

A rustling sound came from behind, and not long after, the voice of the beauty in black skirt rang out. Xu Xin turned around and saw that Mu Wanqing had already closed her blouse and tied her belt.The mountain wind howled, causing her hair to fly all over the sky. The graceful and slender girl in black had a rosy complexion and was really pretty.

"Thank you son for saving me!"

Mu Wanqing thanked Xu Xin. The mountain breeze brought the delicate fragrance of the girl, a unique fragrance that was like orchid but not orchid, like musk but not musk deer.

"Girl, you don't have to be polite. It's just a simple effort. I just asked you to forgive me for the... abruptness!"

Xu Xin mentioned what had just happened again, and the blush that had just subsided on Mu Wanqing's face floated across her face again, as beautiful and delicate as the spring flowers in March.

"Master, Wanqing, Wanqing has something to ask of me!"

Mu Wanqing probably rarely asks for help, which can be seen from her words.

Xu Xin was surprised and said: "The girl is actually the daughter of the King of Zhennan. The girl's maiden name is Duan Wanqing. She is graceful and clear. What a good name!"

"No, my surname is not Duan!"

"The girl took her mother's surname?"

"It's not..."

Mu Wanqing didn't know what to say at this point. Zhong Ling had an adoptive father named Zhong Wanchou, but she didn't even have an adoptive father.

Although her biological mother Qin Hongmian raised her since she was a child, she asked her to call her master and taught her martial arts but asked her to kill people, including her father and several other women.

"Girl, you just said something happened? Could it be that something happened to King Zhennan!"

Xu Xin dropped the topic at the right moment.

"Master, do you know my father? My father and I were ambushed on our way back to Dali. I don't know how my mother and father are doing now..."

Mu Wanqing quickly explained the matter in general.

"Miss Wanqing, my name is Xu Qingfeng. I don't know if King Zhennan has mentioned it to you. Without further ado, let's go back and have a look soon..."

Xu Xin said and stretched out his hand to Mu Wanqing.

"You are the leader of the Beggar Clan, Xu!"

Mu Wanqing had obviously heard of Xu Xin, and after only hesitating for a moment, she placed the catkins on Xu Xin's hand.

"excuse me!"

Xu Xin said with an offended tone, then he grabbed Mu Wanqing's little hand and put it in his arms, wrapped his slender waist around it and moved with his body skills, and in an instant he rushed towards the direction where the horse's hooves came from.

The mountain wind in winter was biting and cold, but Mu Wanqing in Xu Xin's arms only felt warm and comfortable. Although she was walking quickly, she didn't feel a bit of cold wind.

Xu Xin's meticulousness and thoughtfulness, coupled with the previous skin-to-skin contact, made her feel an inexplicable good feeling in her heart.

Of course, this is also because Xu Xin has become more and more... temperamental after he has advanced in cultivation, and will not be annoying. Otherwise, if it were Mu Wanqing's personality before being unveiled by Duan Yu, what happened just now would not be a fight with him. Life or death means choosing to commit yourself to each other.

But Mu Wanqing's previous commitment to love with her body, well... was to only love her.It's not that Xu Xin is unwilling to agree, it's his golden finger. Anyway, he can find reasons for himself no matter what...

"Duan Lang and I are brothers and sisters. We will never be together again in this life. It's better to break up early. I heard that Gang Leader Xu is a first-class hero, but he just prefers women... Oh, Mu Wanqing, daddy Mom and others are still in danger, what are you thinking..."

Mu Wanqing didn't know why she was so distracted. Naturally, she didn't notice the strange expression on someone's face.

(End of this chapter)

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