The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 239 is actually just Xu Xin’s puppet!

Chapter 239 is actually just Xu Xin’s puppet!
"Ding Ding! Ding..."

The fierce sound of gold and iron was mixed with the howling wind, and several figures were fighting each other. The old man in the middle was dressed in a green robe, with a long beard hanging down his chest, and his roots were dark.

His body was mutilated in many places, his face and muscles were stiff, and he showed no emotion of joy, anger, sorrow, or joy. He looked like a pair of iron rods, and it was none other than Duan Yanqing, the "man-made evil man."

Duan Yanqing's opponents were Murong Fu and several of his generals.After the battle at Shaoshi Mountain, Murong Fu's morale was greatly damaged. Although his skills were still there, the strength he could display was just that. Duan Yanqing fell into a disadvantage after fighting alone for only a few rounds.

As the strong wind howled, Duan Yanqing's left stick rested on the ground, and his right stick swept out horizontally. He pointed at Murong's generals Deng Baichuan and Gong Yeqian, whooshed a few times, and delivered seven killer blows in an instant.Deng Baichuan tried his best to deal with it, but Gongyeqian couldn't support it and took two steps back.

Bao BuTong and Feng BoE fought with weapons, but Duan Yanqing was able to defeat four of them with one, but he still had the upper hand with ease.

At this time, Murong Fu also attacked again. His long sword exaggerated his true energy, and Leng Sensen flashed a ball of blue light and stabbed at Duan Yanqing.Duan Yanqing was besieged by five people. Murong Fu was a master with similar skills to him, but the shadow of his staff was fluttering and his attacks were still extremely powerful.

A moment later, Feng Boxie was seen lying on the ground having been beaten. Duan Yanqing's steel staff in his right hand was scratching a foot away from him, but it did not hit his vitals.

Murong Fu, Deng Baichuan and others handed their weapons to Duan Yanqing, but they all pushed them away with his steel staff.This situation is very obvious. If Duan Yanqing wants to kill Feng Bo, it will be easy, so he can only show mercy for the time being.

"Stay on!"

Murong Fu jumped back and shouted, and Deng Baichuan, Gong Yeqian, and Bao Bubu jumped away at the same time.

Murong Fu continued: "Mr. Duan, thank you for your kindness. You and I have no grudges in the first place. From now on, the Murong family in Gusu will be willing to bow to you."

Feng Bo evil shouted: "If the person named Feng is not good at learning, what's the big deal with his life? Young Master, you must not give up for the sake of the person named Feng."

Duan Yanqing chuckled in his throat and said, "The man named Feng is a good man!"

He said and withdrew the steel staff. Feng BoEi straightened up the carp and was about to make a move when he was stopped by Murong Fu who arrived at his side in time.

"Murong Fu, you are looking for someone to come to me. What's the matter?"

Such a sound came from Duan Yanqing's throat. This was his refined ventriloquism. Combined with the use of advanced internal skills, it could captivate the mind and make people die. However, the disadvantage is that those with higher skills are easily backlashed. His disciples Tan Qing, the soul-chasing staff, was roared to death by Qiao Feng.

"Mr. Duan, I know you want to deal with Duan Zhengchun, but now that Duan Zhengchun and Duan Yu are together, you can't deal with them both by yourself, so we can join forces!"

Murong Fu said: "It would be of great benefit if you and I could work together to conspire. Prince Yanqing, you are the direct crown prince of Dali. Your throne as emperor has been taken away from you. Why don't you find a way to get it back?"

"Of course, I have my own plans to help you become the Emperor of Dali."

"First of all, I hate that boy Duan Yu to death. He forced me to almost commit suicide in Shaoshi Mountain, leaving the Murong family with almost no place in the martial arts world. I will take that boy Duan Yu's life to vent my evil spirit."

"Secondly, after you become the emperor of Dali Kingdom, I need your help in important matters."

When Duan Yanqing heard Murong Fu speak so frankly, he believed [-]% to [-]% of it.That day on Shaoshi Mountain, Duan Yu used the Six Meridians Divine Sword to force Murong Fu into a panic, which Duan Yanqing witnessed with his own eyes.He followed Duan Zhengchun all the way but didn't make a move, just because he was afraid of Duan Yu.

He thought that his strength was far superior to Duan Zhengchun, but if he faced the Six Meridians Divine Sword, he would be killed by Duan Yu's invisible sword energy.

Duan Yanqing asked: "Your Excellency is not Duan Yu's opponent, but how can you control him?" Murong Fu's face turned slightly red and he said: "If you can't defeat him, you should outwit him."

Duan Yanqing was overjoyed, but he was afraid that Murong Fu would only talk big words, so he continued to ask: "You said you can capture Duan Yu, don't you know that it is useless to dream and talk without foundation?"

"Mr. Duan, please rest assured. I want Duan Yu's life more than you do. If I'm not completely sure, why would Murong Fu seek your cooperation?"

Murong Fu's words were so categorical that Duan Yanqing believed him and nodded in agreement to join forces.

However, he still had doubts and felt that this matter had come too easily. He was afraid that there was fraud in it, so he asked ventriloquist: "Mr. Murong, you said that after I ascend the throne, you will ask me for help with big things, but I don't know if I am within my ability." , please make it clear in advance, so as not to be unable to do it in the future and become a dishonest villain."

When Murong Fu heard what Duan Yanqing said, he simply confessed that he was a descendant of the Yan Dynasty. He said that after Duan Yanqing succeeded to the throne, he would borrow [-] troops and adequate food and pay from the leader of the Dali Kingdom in order to revive the country. The use of swallow.

Now that the four generals are around, and Duan Zhengchun and Duan Yu have not been captured yet, Murong Fu cannot kneel down to worship his adopted father, so he pretends to discuss it first. At the same time, his words are also to test Duan Yanqing. Look at this Whether people are worth cooperating with.

Duan Yanqing's answer was also very formulaic. After some bargaining, he said that he didn't have ten thousand troops, but five thousand would be fine. He hoped that it would be done and Dayan and Dali would always be the country of brotherly marriage.

"If Murong Fu can restore his ancestral heritage and serve as the Dali Ping Fan for generations to come, he will never dare to forget His Majesty's great kindness."

Murong Fu deeply bowed down and bowed his eyes in salute. Duan Yanqing couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard that he actually changed his name to "Your Majesty". He also heard that he said that later, with sobs in his words, he was so moved that he cried with emotion and hurriedly extended his hand to him. Help up.

Both of them had tears in their eyes, and they really had the atmosphere of a scene of recognizing their adoptive father. If Xu Xin in the distance had not been listening to their conversation, he would have thought that the scene of recognizing his adoptive father had already begun!

On the mountain trails in winter, there are more than ten horses passing slowly through the withered yellow forest. However, these are Duan Zhengchun, the king of Zhennan, and his party, who are returning to Dali from a sightseeing trip.

Duan Yu, who was distracted, pressed the bridle on his horse and walked slowly. On both sides were Zhong Ling and another girl.This girl is wearing a black skirt and a black gauze veil. Her face cannot be seen, her back is slender, and she is dressed like a girl with a mess of black hair.

Every time Duan Yu looks at her, his eyes are extremely complicated. She is his first love Mu Wanqing. They once promised each other for life, but later they became lovers and became brother and sister. Things are really unpredictable.

As for why Mu Wanqing appeared in the Central Plains, it has to do with Duan Yu and Zhong Ling.

After the news of the battle of Shaoshi Mountain spread, the princess Dao Baifeng and the princess Mu Wanqing in the Dali Zhennan Palace got the news, and then Duan Zhengchun's two other good friends, Shura Dao Qin Hongmian and Qiaoyaksha Gan Baobao Also got the news.

Dao Baifeng is worried about his son Duan Yu, Gan Baobao is worried about the safety of his daughter Zhong Ling, and Qin Hongmian and Gan Baobao are junior sisters. Mu Wanqing is Qin Hongmian's daughter, Zhong Ling's best friend and biological sister. Anyway, she doesn't know what to do. Yes, several women came over to Zhongyuan on their backs.

When they found Duan Zhengchun, Duan Yu and his party, they had just arrived in Jiangnan.It is said that King Zhennan traveled all the way to enjoy the mountains and rivers, but it was winter, so it can only be said that King Zhennan knew how to play.

The princess came to the door with her mistress, mistress, fourth daughter, and another daughter. Although Duan Zhengchun was embarrassed, he didn't panic at all. On the contrary, he was even happier. He hugged and hugged several beautiful women every day, and lived a very happy life.

This is a bit difficult for Duan Yu. Every day when he is on the road, he is accompanied by two good girls. It is not right for him to be close to them, but it is also wrong for him not to be close to them.When Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling saw his timid and evasive attitude, the two women also felt sad.

"The show is about to begin!"

Somewhere in the mountains, Xu Xinyin was secretly helping Murong Fu, Duan Yanqing and Mrs. Wang's alliance grasp the specific situation. Anyway, if they made a mistake, Xu Xin would take care of it, and he would definitely put Duan Yu down and let the plan proceed smoothly. .

Of course, no one else knows all this. Mrs. Wang and others think they control everything, but in fact they are just Xu Xin's puppets!
(End of this chapter)

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