The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 250 Chunmeng Wuhen, 6-vein Divine Sword

Chapter 250 Chunmeng Wuhen, Six Meridians Divine Sword

"Duan Yanqing's Yiyang Finger attainment is close to the third level. He created the original method of using a steel rod to hit the Yiyang Finger, and he also has this wonderful secret martial arts. Ventriloquism, Duan's mental skills are also good, and he created the Six Meridians Divine Sword. Duan Siping is also a strange person..."

Outside Tianlong Temple in the middle of the night, Xu Xin pointed out, and a bright yellow finger shot out and instantly penetrated a certain Bodhi tree in front of him.

He tested what he had gained tonight, and then walked all the way in the direction of Dali City. He climbed over the wall and jumped into the south gate of Dali City. After avoiding the night guard, he walked on the bluestone-paved street.

He passed several streets in succession, walked along a large stone road, then turned back to the east, and finally stopped in front of a brightly lit mansion.

There are two large flags erected in front of the palace. The two characters "Zhennan" and "Baoguo" are embroidered on the flags respectively. The four gold characters on the forehead of the palace read "Zhennan Prince's Palace".

After Xu Xin was sure that he was looking for the right place, he jumped up the wall to avoid the guards of Zhennan Palace, and then found an unoccupied guest room to rest.

In the next few days, Xu Xin rested at the Zhennan Palace. With his martial arts skills, his whereabouts would not be discovered.

At dusk that day, Xu Xin was enjoying delicious food in a deserted warehouse when he suddenly heard noise coming from the gate of the palace.He concealed himself to inquire about the news, and found out that mother and son Dao Baifeng and Duan Yu had returned before Duan Zhengchun.


Late at night in the palace, Dao Baifeng, who had freshened up, was preparing to rest in his room when he suddenly heard movement outside the door.


Xu Xin's voice sounded, and then he saw the door open and close softly. His figure had appeared behind Dao Baifeng, and he put his arms around the princess's slender waist with ease.

"Why did you come to Zhennan Prince's Mansion? Could it be that he has been given to you..."

Dao Baifeng was startled by Xu Xin's sudden appearance, but his body couldn't help but cooperate.

Xu Xin blew into the princess's ear and said, "Duan Yanqing died a few days ago. He died in the Bodhi Forest outside Tianlong Temple. Abbot Benyin of Tianlong Temple collected his body for him. You can go Let’s ask about the mutilated beggar who died outside Tianlong Temple.”

"伱, you are so awesome!"

Dao Baifeng's heart trembled when she heard his words, and a big stone fell to the ground in her heart. The expression on her face became charming. She turned around and faced Xu Xin actively. She gently pulled the ribbon around her waist with her delicate hands and put on a luxurious skirt. Touching her white and tender shoulders, she slid to the ground.

Although Dao Baifeng is a little older, she has been practicing hard in the Taoist temple for a long time, and her grace is still the same as before.After years of precipitation, it is very interesting to take the initiative.The combination of the coldness of the Taoist nun and the charm of the mature woman is really irresistible.

"Where is what I want?"

Xu Xin did not lose his mind due to the temptation of beauty. Instead, he was a little disappointed when he saw that there was nothing under Dao Baifeng's dress.

"You brat, you were so anxious when you wanted someone else. Now that you have it, you don't know how to cherish it, right?"

Dao Baifeng glanced at him, leaned into his arms, and said softly: "I have asked Yu'er to write down the secret book of the Six Meridians Divine Sword, and I will give it to you tomorrow. As for the Yiyang Finger, I will only learn from the prince. I got some formulas here and I will pass them on to you later."

"What are you going to do about it, Princess?"

Xu Xin smiled quite ambiguously. When a man and a woman learn acupuncture skills, skin contact is inevitable, and it is easy to fall in love with them, just like the old naughty boy and Ying Gu back then.

"How do you want others to teach you? The slave family is yours anyway, so you can do whatever you want!" Dao Baifeng is indeed very good at coaxing men. He breathed into Xu Xin's ear and said: "Here, But it was the place where the slave family and the prince used to have their bridal chamber decorated with flowers and candles."

The night was very long, probably to repay Xu Xin for helping her solve a major hidden danger. The princess took the initiative and allowed Xu Xin to experience something that even the King of Zhennan had never enjoyed in the wedding ceremony with Duan Zhengchun. All kinds of services.

"Mom, are you awake?"

Early in the morning of the next day, Dao Baifeng was awakened by Duan Yu's greeting outside the door. After she woke up, she recalled what happened last night in her mind. She quickly pulled up the quilt and looked to the side, only to find that it was empty. Late things are like a sweet dream.

"Yu'er, just wait!"

Dao Baifeng breathed a sigh of relief. After saying something back to Duan Yu, she quickly dressed and got up. After simply tying her hair, she opened the door and walked out.When she saw Duan Yu again, she felt very guilty because she stole a man last night, and her eyes were a little dodgey.

"Yu'er, what happened?"

Dao Baifeng asked about Duan Yu.

"Mom, it's Mr. Xu who is here to visit me! My son didn't expect you to be up so late today, so I'll go and entertain you first while you freshen up a little..."

When Duan Yu saw Dao Baifeng's dress, he realized that he might have been a little anxious just now, so he apologized to his mother and went to the front hall.It's just that he vaguely felt that there was something different about his mother today. Although she was naked, she was exceptionally beautiful.

"I don't know when this little enemy left."

When Dao Baifeng heard that Duan Yu said it was Xu Xin who came to visit, her heart dropped again, and then she couldn't help but recall the scene last night in her mind. She blamed him in her heart, but her steps were much lighter, facing Tong Tong. Jing carefully groomed herself.

"Princess, please forgive me for taking the liberty of visiting!"

When Xu Xin saw Princess Zhennan again, a light flashed in his eyes. It seemed that the princess was very satisfied with the nourishment last night!
"Yu'er, please finish your homework first!"

After Dao Baifeng sent Duan Yu away, he asked the maids and servants who were waiting around him to leave. Then he took out a few pictures from his clothes and gave them to Xu Xin.

"This is the sword manual drawn by Yu'er. The original sword manual has a detailed map of the meridians. It only records the general acupuncture points and methods for moving qi. I don't know if it will be useful to you. For a more detailed sword manual, I I’ve asked Yu’er to remember and paint…”

Dao Baifeng unfolded the simple version of the sword manual drawn by Duan Yu in front of Xu Xin. It was indeed a very simple version, with only the names of various acupoints and the sequential routes for moving Qi.

For example, the Guan Chong Sword on the ring finger specializes in the 'Shaoyang Triple Burner Meridians of the Hand'. The true energy flows from the Dantian to the acupoints on the shoulders and arms, from Qinglengyuan to the patio in the crook of the elbow, and further down to the Sidu, Sanyang Luo, Hui. Zong, Waiguan, Yangchi, Zhongzhu, and Liquid Gate condense the true energy and shoot it out from the 'Guanchong' point on the ring finger.

This sequence of exercises is not complicated, but if ordinary people want to practice the Six Meridians Divine Sword by relying on such a paragraph, it is absolutely impossible.

The Six Meridians Divine Sword is a system of kung fu inherited from the Duan family. Without the cooperation of Duan's mental skills, it would be quite difficult to directly practice the Six Meridians Divine Sword. However, after absorbing Duan Yanqing's kung fu, Xu Xin already had the foundation for practicing this magical skill.


Xu Xin moved his true qi according to the qi path recorded in the sword manual. Wherever his ring finger pointed, there were constant hissing sounds, and six sword qi shot out from the five fingers of his right hand and the little finger of his left hand.

(End of this chapter)

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