The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 251 Invisible and formless, the yin and yang of the universe, the innate body-breaking invis

Chapter 251 Invisible and formless, the yin and yang of the universe, the innate body-breaking invisible sword energy (please subscribe)

In the living room of the Zhennan Palace, Xu Xin performed the changes of the Six Meridians Divine Sword in front of Dao Baifeng.

The thumb of the right hand, the Taiyin Lung Meridian of the hand, Shaoshang's sword technique, the sword path is vigorous, quite earth-shattering, and the potential of a storm.

The index finger of the right hand, Yangming's large intestine meridian, Shangyang's sword technique is clever, flexible and elusive.

The middle finger of the right hand, the Jueyin Pericardium Meridian of the hand, is used for the sword technique of Zhongchong, which is wide open and wide closed, with a majestic momentum.

The ring finger of the right hand, the Shaoyang Triple Burner Meridian of the hand, Guanchong sword technique, wins with clumsiness and simplicity.

The little finger of the right hand has the Shaoyin Heart Meridian on the hand, and the Shaochong sword technique is agile and quick.

The little finger of the left hand, the Taiyang Small Intestine Meridian of the hand, Shaoze's sword technique, come and go with subtle changes.

The martial art of Six Meridian Divine Sword is a profound method of using true energy. It is based on strong internal strength and supplemented by Duan's mental skills. It can transform true energy into a highly lethal Six Meridian Qi Sword. Inspire from the air through your fingertips.

Duan's mind method sounds very ordinary, and it has not been named as a magic skill or a true scripture. However, it is an extremely good magic skill and mind method. gas.

When Duan Yu absorbed too many people's skills and the foreign energy got out of control in his body, he used this skill to guide the energy back to the void and incorporate it into the internal organs for refining.From this point, it can be seen that Duan's mental method is much more powerful than the Zixia magical power in "The Swordsman".

The Zixia magic skill must be practiced in advance to dissolve the alien energy, but Duan's mind method can directly dissolve it and introduce it into the internal organs to refine and accumulate internal energy.

There are very few exercises in the world that can internally refine the internal organs, but this mental method has such a wonderful effect. This shows the exquisiteness of Duan's mental method.

"This Six Meridians Divine Sword is really extraordinary, seems that it still has the potential to succeed..."

After Xu Xin performed all the interpretations of the Six Meridians Divine Sword, he understood in his mind that the set of Six Meridians Divine Sword passed down by the Duan family seemed to have some variations, involving the wonders of the meridians of the human body. He also had a profound realm. Only when you understand the human body well enough can you have some understanding.

The main meridians of the human body include twelve regular meridians and eight extraordinary meridians. The Six Meridians Divine Sword mainly travels through the twelve regular meridians.

There are twelve meridians, the back of the hand is yang, the palm is yin, the six internal organs are yin, and the six internal organs are yang.

Six on the hands, six on the feet.

The six main meridians of the human hand are called six meridians, and they are symmetrical. The five fingers of the right hand plus the little finger of the left hand form a set of six meridians, and the five fingers of the left hand plus the little finger of the right hand form another set of six meridians.

The sword manual recorded by Duan Yu only has a set based on the right hand. The left-hand Shaoshang sword only has momentum, but does not have the flexibility of the right-hand sword. This may be because ordinary people are right-handed and are not suitable for the left hand.

But according to Xu Xin's deduction, theoretically speaking, there should be a set of six-meridian divine swords based on the five fingers of the left hand, which in total should be twelve sword techniques.

However, the meridians of the two sets of sword techniques may conflict, and they should not be used at the same time, so there is only six-finger sword energy instead of ten-finger sword energy.

"I have nothing to do anyway, so I can try something..."

Xu Xinxin moved in his mind and stuck out his left thumb. Waves of buzzing sounds sounded in the hall, and the air seemed to vibrate slightly.

"Sure enough, it's possible..."

Although he failed to activate the sword energy from his left thumb, Xu Xin was sure after trying that his ideas were correct.

"Princess, can you arrange a secluded place for me? I want to retreat for a while."

Xu Xin looked up at Dao Baifeng. Although they could be called closer due to their relationship, wouldn't it be more exciting to call her Princess?

"The back garden of the palace is rarely visited by people."

Dao Baifeng seemed to have misunderstood something, his face was unusually rosy and shiny.Xu Xin didn't explain, he just made mistakes, and he wouldn't suffer any loss anyway.


In the back garden of Zhennan Palace, a purple light emerged among the bamboo forest, and the figure floated in mid-air.

The surrounding air was heavy, and suddenly there was a strong wind. The dead branches on the ground kept shaking, and the swaying green bamboos scattered large leaves.

"This is?"

Dao Baifeng next to her was the only one to witness this scene. She was shocked when she saw Xu Xin floating up from the spot, but what she saw now made her even more horrified.

The air around Xu Xin changed, as if it was no longer air, but a kind of crystal clear and viscous "qi", infinitely sharp and powerful.


The next moment, the stagnant air exploded instantly. Xu Xin's ten fingers linked together, and twelve sword energy shot out from his fingertips, moving rapidly around his body.

Dali Duan's Six Meridians Divine Sword was used by Xu Xin, and he also used his left hand at the same time.

As soon as the sword energy came out, the void was cut open. Xu Xin's ten fingers continued to point out, and the sword energy was all over the place.The invisible sword energy intertwined together and turned into a large airtight net, constantly destroying the surroundings.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

Large tracts of green bamboo were broken by the sword energy, and broken bamboo and branches and leaves continued to fall in the bamboo forest.

Dao Baifeng looked at this scene with crazy eyes.

"Duan Siping may have deliberately left only a set of sword techniques on his right hand. The Gein people are more accustomed to fighting enemies with their right hand."

"When your cultivation reaches a certain level, you will be able to discover that there is a second level of left-hand changes in the sword formula. You can use the right-hand Six Meridians Sword Technique to explore the changes in the left hand, and your understanding of this Six-meridian Divine Sword can be improved to a higher level. .”

"Senior, you really have good intentions!"

Xu Xinzhong became more interested in Duan Siping, the ancestor of the Duan family. These strange people who were able to create top magical skills and unique skills, their exploration and insights into martial arts were beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"The real top inheritance of Duan's martial arts seems to be in Tianlong Temple. It seems that we have to find a way to explore Tianlong Temple."

Xu Xin is eyeing the inheritance of Tianlong Temple, but there is no need to worry about this matter. We can wait until Duan Zhengchun and the others come back to discuss it.

"Six meridians of sword energy are formless and formless, the universe moves, and yin and yang reverse. It seems that... we can try it..."

After Xu Xin finished performing the Twelve Meridians Sword Qi, he changed his gestures again. This time, all he could hear was a constant banging sound, and the sound of the sword whistling was almost inaudible.

After mastering the Six Meridians Divine Sword, not only is the sword energy powerful, but the sword energy is invisible. Unless you are face to face, you will not be able to sense it at all.

In the battle at Shaoshi Mountain, Murong Fu was beaten by Duan Yu and was unable to fight back. A large part of the reason was because the Six Meridians Sword Qi was difficult to detect and it was difficult for ordinary people to guard against and avoid it.

But the invisible sword energy that Xu Xin is currently displaying is even more terrifying than Duan Yu's. Not only is it invisible and formless, but it also only appears abnormally after being hit, making it even more difficult to defend against.

This is beyond the scope of Duan's Six Meridians Divine Sword, but he combined the Great Shift of the Universe and the Divine Sword of the Six Meridians, using the profound method of the Six Meridians Divine Sword to hit the target, and using the Great Shift of the Universe to reverse Yin and Yang.

This sword energy is invisible and has no form. It only activates after being hit, and it is extremely powerful.It can be said to be: Innate body-breaking invisible sword energy.

(End of this chapter)

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