The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 252 Your Majesty will be leaving tomorrow. Madam, would you like to dine with me tonight?

Chapter 252 The prince will return tomorrow... I wonder, madam, would you like to sit at the table with me tonight?

"This is a brand new sword technique, my own innate body-breaking invisible sword energy!"

Xu Xin fell slowly in the bamboo forest, and the purple light under his feet gradually dissipated. There were fine beads of sweat on his forehead. He used his true energy to induce changes in spiritual energy to lift himself up and achieve a float similar to flying. Such an action is naturally The consumption is huge.

But Xu Xin likes this feeling very much. Flying is the innate dream of land creatures, and it looks so cool. Didn’t you see that the eyes of Princess Zhennan next to her are all his shadow?
"Has your martial arts improved again? This doesn't seem like the Six Meridians Divine Sword anymore?"

Dao Baifeng's soft voice came from the side. As she spoke, she reached out and gently wiped the sweat from Xu Xin's forehead with a brocade handkerchief. She was very considerate and gentle.

These days, Xu Xin is retreating in the Garden Villa here. Princess Zhennan has always taken care of his food and daily life, avoiding the interference of outsiders. The relationship between the two of them is getting better and better.

Although Xu Xin doesn't have as many sweet words as Duan Zhengchun, he is considerate to women.In other words, most men in modern society are not bad in ancient times. At least they treat women with equality and respect, rather than treating them as tradable goods.

The details revealed by Xu Xin's unintentional actions made Dao Baifeng feel the warmth she had not seen for a long time. In addition, the relationship between the two became closer, so she regarded Xu Xin as an irresponsible pretty boy.What's wrong with a noble lady like her having such a handsome face?

And compared to Duan Zhengchun, who likes to look for flowers and beauties, and is so romantic that he can forget about himself, the real princess, Xu Xin performs better.

Although he also has many women, Xu Xin is younger than Dao Baifeng, and he is the "young grass".Between men and women, the older one always feels that something is owed and will be more tolerant.

Of course, this is also based on comparison.Duan Zhengchun has indeed been very aggressive towards Dao Baifeng in recent years.

Dao Baifeng ran away angrily and lived in Qingxuguan, but Duan Zhengchun only sent people to invite her back many times and never came to persuade her, leaving Dao Baifeng to suffer the pain of loneliness in the mountains and betrayal again and again. There is a contrast. After that, the princess naturally gave up on him.

And after a few days of skin-to-skin contact, Dao Baifeng found that after having sex with Xu Xin, her complexion was better, and her internal strength had even improved, which naturally showed that this partner was of greater value.

"The prince has received news that they have arrived in Dali and will be back tomorrow."

When Dao Baifeng talked about the news, she felt a little depressed. She was not very willing for Duan Zhengchun and the others to come back now, because it meant that the little man beside her would no longer be hers alone.

Xu Xin smiled and walked closer and said: "Princess, don't worry, with my martial arts, there is no place in the world that I cannot go to. If I have time, I will naturally go to find you..."

Dao Baifeng's jade face was slightly red and she didn't respond, but her body softened unknowingly.

"Since the prince will be back tomorrow, we must hurry up today!"

Xu Xin came close to Dao Baifeng's ear, gently bit the delicate earlobe, and said softly: "I wonder, madam, would you like to share the table with me tonight?"

"Bah! You stinky man, if you don't learn from the good ones, just learn these bad-hearted words, what a mess the good Three Kingdoms have been made by him..."

This was not the first time that Dao Baifeng heard him say such things, and he also heard someone specifically explain the reason.There were also stories about the Three Kingdoms in this era, but they were not as comprehensive and exciting as the later ones, and the image of the thief Cao had not yet been fully established and condemned.

"Now, it's still daytime!"

Dao Baifeng's delicate body trembled slightly as she replied.

"In the daytime, wouldn't it be clearer?"

Xu Xin's smile became even more disgusting. It seems that he had not been with the princess during the day... Today, I can see it clearly. I need to check the princess's health carefully and don't leave any bad traces!
"I don't know Ma'am, would you like to sleep with me at the table tonight?"

Xu Xin asked again. When he saw this line for the first time in the past, his blood boiled and he wished he could replace it.

It would be great to be able to try it now, he urged again.

"Princess, it's time for you to answer!" "I..."

The princess's face was like red clouds, she lowered her head slightly, and said in a voice like a mosquito gnat, "I am in the shape of a willow tree, and I am lucky enough to be able to serve the general. I hope you... have mercy... have mercy on me."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Amidst the proud laughter, the white clothes fell to the ground, and the beauty shed tears.Day and night, it is destined to be sleepless.

Xu Xin once again experienced the princess's service. Because he knew that Duan Zhengchun would be back tomorrow, Dao Baifeng was particularly obsessed with her that night. They didn't fall asleep until the horizon was almost dawn.


In the morning of the next day, the whole city of Dali became lively. Twenty or thirty miles away from Dali city, dust started to rise. Thousands of cavalry were galloping in formation, surrounding Duan Zhengchun and his party.

Two apricot-yellow flags fluttered in the wind. One flag was embroidered with the two red characters "Zhennan", and the other flag was embroidered with the two black characters "Bao Guo".

Duan Zhengchun was galloping on a big white horse. Today, he was wearing a royal purple robe, looking majestic.

Surrounding him were elite guards with bright armor and polished weapons. The 20 people in front held guards of honor. On one side of the red lacquer sign was the six characters "Dali Town Nanwang Duan" and on the other side was the tiger head sign "Baoguo". The six characters "General Duan".

"Prince Zhennan is a thousand years old!"

"Chitose, the great general who protects the country!"

Duan Zhengchun and his party entered Dali City. Wherever the two banners of "Zhennan" and "Baoguo" were displayed, all the people cheered loudly, and Duan Zhengchun waved in reply.


In front of the Zhennan Prince's Mansion, Duan Yu waved his arms to greet Duan Zhengchun from a distance. When Duan Zhengchun saw his son again, he also quickly rode forward.


The first thing Duan Zhengchun paid attention to was naturally his only son Duan Yu. He had not seen his precious son for many days, and his face was full of excitement and smiles.

"Phoenix! Xu, Mr. Xu!"

Duan Zhengchun reined in his horse before approaching the gate of the mansion, and the smile on his face gradually faded. Next to his princess Dao Baifeng, he saw an unexpected person. It turned out to be Xu Xin, who had said goodbye to go to work first that day. This It's strange, why did he come to Dali suddenly?

"Is Mr. Xu's matter finished?"

After Duan Zhengchun dismounted, he greeted Duan Yu and Dao Baifeng successively. When it was Xu Xin's turn, he couldn't help but ask one more question.

"Your Majesty, I have already told the princess everything about that matter."

Xu Xin's answer made Duan Zhengchun feel a little bad, but now in public, surrounded by outsiders, he could only suppress his curiosity and continue to go through the ceremony of entering the mansion.

After arranging for everyone to attend the banquet, he found an opportunity to spend time alone with Dao Baifeng. There were some things he wanted to know now and was unwilling to wait until later.

(End of this chapter)

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