The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 275 The Queen came to the rescue, and it was time for the Queen Mother to pass away.

Chapter 275 The Queen came to the rescue, and it was time for the Queen Mother to pass away.
In Bianliang Imperial City, in the palace of the Empress Dowager, the young emperor Zhao Xu glanced at Gao Taotao, the Empress Dowager who had just fallen asleep on the bed, then walked to the window and saw the Big Dipper shining in the sky.

He followed the ladle, gazed at the North Star, and murmured: "My Song army has plenty of food and a large number of people, so why should we be afraid of the Khitan? He will not go south, but I will go north to compete with him!"

"My child, what did you say? Why do you want to compete?"

Although the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao was lingering on the sickbed, her ears were still very sharp. After experiencing the big explosion that shook the imperial city last time, she had been suffering from lingering fear these days and slept very lightly. After she heard Zhao Xu's words, When even asked.

Zhao Xu walked to the sick bed and said: "Grandma, we in the Song Dynasty have ten times more people than the Liao Kingdom, and have thirty times more food and grass, right? With ten against one, can we not defeat them?"

"Fight? Why are you fighting them? My child, what did grandma always teach you: govern with benevolence and don't use weapons rashly! You must know that the war is dangerous and the lives of the people are in danger, so you must not act rashly."

"My child, it was difficult for our ancestors to start a business. Fortunately, we have great ancestry and we have today's peace. But when your father was in power, he used swords and weapons, and the whole country was in trouble. It almost led to a big mistake. If it hadn't been for grandma..."

Zhao Xu listened to the Empress Dowager talking so eloquently. Although his face still had a well-behaved expression, he felt indescribable boredom in his heart.

The Empress Dowager always regarded him as a child who was being fooled at will, and she always controlled the power. How could Zhao Xu feel comfortable in his heart when he already had his own ideas.

He was already an adult. He married the queen and took in concubines. He should have been able to rule personally for a long time. Especially after the Empress Dowager lingered on the sickbed, he should have handed over his power as a matter of course. However, Gao Taotao still maintained his hegemony and refused to let him take charge. After so many years, Zhao Xu naturally had resentment in his heart.

But now he has not yet seen the hope of power. No matter how dissatisfied he is, he can still only pretend to be submissive.

The Empress Dowager spoke eloquently, urging Zhao Xu to listen more to the conservative gentlemen, especially the knowledge of "etiquette" and "principles" contained in Sima Guang's "Zizhi Tongjian". She called Sima Guang Sima Xianggong and spoke highly of everything about him.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the palace of the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager behind the Chongsheng Temple in the palace shook. Such a shocking movement made Emperor Zhao Xu and the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao feel palpitations and fear.

"Come here, let me find out which bold traitor is causing trouble!"

Emperor Zhao Xu was extremely angry. This was not the first time that something like this had happened. Just a dozen days ago, something like this happened in the palace. Zhou Tong, the instructor of the imperial army, fought with the thieves who broke into the palace. There was a big movement that day.

It was after this time that Zhou Tong came into Zhao Xu's sight. He also knew for the first time that martial arts masters could have such terrible destructive power. No wonder those pedantic scholars wanted to restrict military attaches and arranged martial arts in various ways. A group of sour and rotten scholars always want to destroy their martial arts.

After the incident a few days ago, Zhao Xu transferred Zhou Tong, who was only slightly injured, to his side as the commander of the imperial guards. As soon as a loud noise broke out that day, Zhou Tong hurriedly came to Zhao Xu's side to protect him.

"Mr. Zhou, is it the same person from that day who broke into the palace again? What is his purpose?"

Zhao Xu quickly asked Zhou Tong, there was such a big commotion today, and he was afraid of endangering himself.

"Your Majesty, he is not the same person that day, but judging from his martial arts, I'm afraid he is not much inferior!"

Zhou Tong carefully guarded Zhao Xu.

"Little emperor, get out of here and give way to me quickly..."

An arrogant voice shouted throughout the imperial city. The first reaction of everyone who heard this was that this person was crazy!
"Hahaha... I found you, little emperor, little mouse..."

A burst of laughter resounded throughout the imperial city, and then a black light broke through the obstacles of the Imperial Guards and reached the Chongshen Temple. Along the way, he knocked down countless Imperial Guards, and no one could stop him.

"Your Majesty, please get out of the way first!" Zhou Tong felt the man's aura and direction of travel, and quickly reminded Zhao Xu to get out of the way. At the same time, he raised his gun and went out to snipe the incoming person.

"Bold maniac, stop!"

Before the Empress Dowager's chamber, Zhou Tong shouted loudly and shot out a spear like a dragon.

He stood outside the palace gate, and when his momentum reached its peak, he thrust out the most peak move in his life, a flat shot!

There was a sound like a sharp knife ripping through cloth. Zhou Tong's spear thrust out, and the invisible air was cut through by him.

However, the surging black shadow had no intention of dodging, and just crashed straight into Zhou Tong's spear.

Zhou Tong's momentum has reached its peak. At this moment, he is like a peerless general sweeping thousands of armies on the battlefield. He stands alone and proudly, as if he is standing on the battlefield of thousands of troops, in front of himself. There are vicious enemies everywhere around you.

He only had one thought now, to kill this audacious man who dared to break into the palace.


The moment the black light collided with the gun tip, the originally dark sky suddenly became as bright as day. The terrible shock wave shook most of the entire Chongsheng Temple back pavilion. Many of the imperial guards and imperial guards who came were knocked to the ground. Several nearby palaces were shaking continuously.

"Come here, help Commander Zhou quickly to take down the thugs!"

When the light dissipated, you could see that the man was standing, while Zhou Tong seemed to be outmatched, trembling and swaying beside him, and even the iron spear was directly interrupted. Zhao Xu immediately ordered the Forbidden Army to help. A few brave ones were knocked to the ground by a circle of black light just when they wanted to make a move.

"The imperial court actually has a master like you, but you still want to stop me with just this ability."

The black light dissipated, revealing Murong Fu's face. He no longer looked at Zhou Tong, but stretched out his hand towards Zhao Xu, "Little emperor, kneel down for me!"

With a sinister smile on his face, Murong Fu reached out towards the panicked Zhao Xu, and a long black dragon rolled towards Zhao Xu, pulling his figure towards Murong Fu.


A loud shout came from far away, Murong Fu's expression changed instantly, and he saw a purple light coming quickly.

"Bastard, wait for me..."

Murong Fu didn't even dare to meet Xu Xin. He decisively left Zhao Xu behind and ran into a corner of the palace to collect his breath and leave.

He never expected that his luck would be so bad. He hadn't met Xu Xin for so many days. He was just about to take action on the little emperor to try his best to succeed, when he happened to bump into Xu Xin's hand. Could it be that this man has been Staring at him?
Naturally, Xu Xin didn't know what was going on in Murong Fu's mind. At this time, he had just rescued Zhao Xu. After putting the young emperor down, he pointed at the shaking palace of the Empress Dowager and said: "Guan family, what's inside here?" I was disturbed, I'm afraid..."


Zhao Xu was shocked and ran over quickly, but Xu Xin just watched quietly, thinking about how he should accept Zhao Xu's solicitation next. He must show that he is unwilling to stay, so that others will respect and cherish you. .

Counting the days, if another incident like this happens, and Xu Xin is ready to cause trouble, the Empress Dowager will also die.

(End of this chapter)

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