The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 276: Protecting the country and worshiping, goodbye to the sea

Chapter 276: Protecting the country and worshiping, goodbye to the sea

"The Empress Dowager, the dragon controls the sky..."

The shrill voice of the eunuch came from the palace of the Queen Mother. The eunuchs and maids who came after hearing the commotion fell to their knees one after another. The concubines in the harem all showed sadness.

On the bluestone road outside Chongsheng Temple, Xu Xin vaguely heard Zhao Xu's laughter coming from the palace. He shouted in a low voice: "Great, great! I am the emperor, I am the emperor!"

He has actually been the emperor for nine years, but for these nine years the emperor has been in name only, and all power lies in the hands of the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao. Until now, when Gao Taotao died and he could personally manage the affairs of the state, he could be regarded as the real emperor.


"It's okay!"

Xu Xin just glanced twice and lost interest in Zhao Xu and the dead Gao Taotao. He walked to Zhou Tong and asked.

"Why did you suddenly appear in the palace? Who was that person just now?"

Zhou Tong supported his body with half an iron spear and looked at Xu Xin with vigilance.

"Come to think of it, this incident was caused by your master Jintai. That person was Murong Fu, and I came after him..."

Xu Xin roughly told Zhou Tong what happened in Shaoshi Mountain, but concealed most of what he had done. He only said that after Murong Fu attacked his family, he went to investigate on his own and accidentally went to Shaoshi Mountain to discover everything. , and chased Murong Fu all the way.

I don’t know whether Zhou Tong believed what he said, but Xu Xin believed it.

"Master, he passed the true energy of the Black Buddha to Murong Fu and passed into nirvana... Why, why is this happening..."

Zhou Tong couldn't believe this, but when he fought Murong Fu just now, the familiar energy was unmistakable. It was indeed the power of the black-level pagoda, so what Xu Xin said was most likely true.

Lies will be exposed sooner or later, but the truth will not.

Everything Xu Xin said is true, he just concealed some things!

"Mr. Zhou, who is this gentleman?"

At this time, Zhao Xu walked out of the Empress Dowager's palace. Seeing that Zhou Tong and Xu Xin seemed to be chatting, he came closer.

"Xu Qingfeng of Taoist Xiaoyao Sect has met the official family!"

Xu Xin did not reveal his identity as the leader of the Beggar Clan, which was too out of style. Since ancient times, people with high authority have believed in gods and Buddhas. It is much more useful to use the skin of Taoism or Buddhism than the generals.

"It turns out that Mr. Xu is a true Taoist cultivator and a master of Taoism! Zhao Xu has met Mr. Xu!"

As soon as Xu Xin revealed his identity as a Taoist master, Zhao Xu was immediately in awe. The little emperor still had some connections with the city. After a while of testing, he proposed to let Xu Xin stay in the court as a real protector of the country. His main responsibility was... to protect him. Safety.

Murong Fu forced his way into the palace and almost hurt him, which really scared the little emperor. It is really possible for a warrior to come and go like this. If Xu Xin had come a little later, he might have fallen behind Murong Fu. Hands suffer humiliation.

The little emperor couldn't imagine the scene of him being humiliated. When he thought about that guy still being at large, he felt even more uneasy. No matter what, he wanted to keep Xu Xin, a guy who could beat Murong Fu, by his side.

Moreover, Xu Xin played the Taoist card, which also made Zhao Xu have other thoughts. Since ancient times, apart from power and beauty, the emperor's greatest pursuit is to live, prolong life, or even live forever.

Faced with Zhao Xu's request, Xu Xin was naturally "unwilling" at first. Later, unable to withstand the emperor's repeated entreaties, Xu Xin reluctantly agreed to stay in the imperial city and became a protector of the imperial court. He could enter and exit the imperial city at will. It's just that if you enter the palace, you mostly need to be with the emperor.

Xu Xin was established in the Song Dynasty that day, and his status was respected and he had great power. After casually finding a reason to leave and retreat, Xu Xin started walking around the palace again.

The spring was bright, the grass was growing, and warblers were flying. In a corner of a garden in the palace, Xu Xin was walking on a path paved with bluestones and saw a beautiful figure in white among the flowers.

"It's you again? Did you make the noise just now? You are really brave! Even though the Song Dynasty court does not have many masters, there are many masters who are willing to serve the royal family." Li Canghai turned his head and glanced at Xu Xin , said: "Jintai's apprentice Zhou Tong banned the army. He himself also obeyed the previous emperor's order to protect Wang Anshi who was reforming. Although your martial arts are high, compared with Jintai, it is still a bit..."

"Jintai is dead!"

Xu Xin's words left Li Canghai speechless for a long time, whether it was shock or something else.

"You killed it?"

Li Canghai turned to Xu Xin, eager to get an answer.

"Although I didn't kill him, I watched him disappear into the mortal world and he passed into nirvana. Jintai is dead, so I have no choice but to be invincible in the world."

Xu Xin walked to Li Canghai carelessly and looked at the face that was very similar to Li Qiushui.

Li Canghai, whose pure white underskirt touches the floor, could be considered a great-grandmother. Her body is plump and moist, with the temperament of a girl and the figure of a married woman. Although she has never had a man, she has a strong sense of being a young woman.

"You are really arrogant. You are not afraid that the master will come out and teach you, an unscrupulous disciple. Wu Yazi accepts disciples on behalf of his master, it's a shame he can think of it!"

Li Canghai glanced at Xu Xin, and it was clear from his words that Li Qiushui should have met her.

She is only slightly younger than Li Qiu Shui. At this age, she is more than seventy years old, and she is old enough to be a great-grandmother. But with proper maintenance, a delicate and charming face, and a graceful figure, no matter what posture, there is a unique flavor.

"Am I arrogant?"

Xu Xin asked her back, and Li Canghai just snorted coldly.

Time didn't seem to leave many marks on her cheeks, but instead gave her some charm. The only thing that didn't match her beautiful face was the chill on her face that could not be seen from thousands of miles away.

"Do you remember what I said last time!"

"Why did you come to me again? Head Xu Da of Xiaoyao Sect!"

Li Canghai glanced at Xu Xin a few times, his almond-shaped eyes did not change much, and he said with an indifferent expression.

In fact, after experiencing the forced kiss last time, she was able to maintain such an indifferent attitude, which was already very good.

A few days after Xu Xin left last time, her sister Li Qiushui came over. The sisters got to know each other and reminisced about old times, and she also learned Xu Xin's identity from her sister.

The current head of the Xiaoyao Sect, who is Wu Yazi's disciple, is the key... the relationship between this man and the woman from their Xiaoyao sect is chaotic.

His sister Li Qiushui's biological granddaughter and granddaughter are both married to him. These men and women are of similar age, but that doesn't matter.

But the elder sister Wu Xingyun actually slept with him. When Li Canghai heard the news, his whole body exploded.

She also deduced from the information revealed by her sister Li Qiushui that her sister had seduced this man before, but failed... Well, she was even kissed by him. Li Canghai almost felt that his brain was running out.

"Well... why are you..."

Li Canghai was stunned by Xu Xin's sudden attack. She didn't realize what happened until someone let her go.

"Didn't I tell you when I left last time. If you still don't obey me, I will kiss you once when we see you again."

(End of this chapter)

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