The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 279 Secret Meeting with the Queen and Conceiving a Dragon Seed

Chapter 279 A secret meeting with the queen...pregnant with dragon seed

"Master Qingfeng, please send this pastry here!"

Eunuch Zhao Xu took Xu Xin all the way to a palace behind the Chongsheng Temple, and carefully took the cakes brought by the queen and put them aside.

With Xu Xin's keen sense, he could clearly hear the movement inside.

The empress dowager's bones were still cold, and her good grandson couldn't wait to take back his power, and at night he and his concubine... performed great deeds.

Xu Xin could tell from some of Zhao Xu's wanton words that he had been grudged against Gao Taotao for a long time. In addition, he was frightened by Murong Fu last night. It was understandable that he felt depressed and wanted to vent. It's no wonder that those eunuchs stopped the queen.

The emperor favored his concubines at night. At other times, it would have been an extremely correct thing. The succession of the Tian family's heirs was a big deal. But the Empress Dowager Gao Taotao had just passed away, and she did such a thing during her filial piety... Once people outside knew about it, it would be a stain on the emperor's life.

So today the innermost circle of the palace is guarded by eunuchs. The guards are all outside the Chongsheng Temple. Xu Xin is also very far away. If his martial arts were not so high as to be inhuman, he would not be able to hear that sound. The movements and sounds in the bedroom.

Practitioners who are above the innate world can no longer be regarded as human beings.

"Liu Zhao Xu's second queen? She is planning to depose the queen. It's interesting, really interesting. The young emperor Zhao Xu actually has such a big grudge against Queen Meng. If this matter can be used well..."

Xu Xin heard many secrets outside the palace. Zhao Xu behaved at this time... quite absurdly and wantonly, saying everything to the outside world. After all, he and Liu were the only ones in the huge palace.

The eunuchs and eunuchs just formed a circle around the edge of the palace to guard, and basically couldn't hear what was going on inside. Even if they heard it, they didn't dare to say nonsense. Even if the eunuch dared to say nonsense, no one dared to take the eunuch's word for it. Attack and accuse the emperor.

Eunuchs are just the emperor's domestic slaves, they cannot be considered human beings in this era. If a domestic slave dares to discuss his master's privacy, it will be considered lightly to kill him.

It is because the little emperor Zhao Xu has made strict arrangements and does not have to worry about the things here being leaked, so he behaves so wantonly.

"Eunuch, if nothing happens for the time being, Pindao will go into meditation to rest his mind..."

After listening to it for a while, Xu Xin lost interest in what was going on inside. He couldn't listen to the live broadcast and he couldn't...find people to mess around with. Wasn't this just trying to stifle his anger out of thin air? Plus, he was already a relatively strong man in that area. Besides, If you continue to listen blindly, you are the one who will be fooled.

"Master, I will take you to the side hall!"

The little eunuch next to him smiled at Xu Xin in a flattering way, and then took him to a side hall a little further away to rest.

When Xu Xin entered the side hall, he immediately focused on his luck and began to practice the golden elixir he just obtained today. At his level, there are not many useful things, but if he exercises his skills every day and perseveres, he can gain more or less. . Moreover, practicing calming the mind can also alleviate distracting thoughts.

Xu Xin's first night on the job was calm and nothing happened.

A peaceful night passed, and in the early morning of the next day, the little emperor came out of the palace, preparing to preside over the funeral of the Empress Dowager and other important events.

Xu Xin, a Taoist priest, could have accompanied him, but someone came to take over, so he chose to fish.

During the day, Zhou Tong led a group of elite soldiers to protect the emperor. These people joined forces and Murong Fu came back to kill him. They were able to stop him for a while, which was enough for Xu Xin to come to rescue him.

This was also the condition Xu Xin put forward after he "reluctantly" agreed. The emperor wanted to give him free time, and he could freely enter and leave the palace, browse the royal collection, and a series of conditions that did not involve power. For his own safety, the little emperor Zhao Xu of course agreed.

From then on until the empress dowager was buried, there was no disturbance.

Murong Fu was frightened by Xu Xin that time, and he never came to harass him after that. Xu Xin had sensed his aura and knew that he was heading north, probably to trouble Qiao Feng in Liao Kingdom. Naturally, Xu Xin would not tell Zhao Xu this news. The young emperor might burn bridges across the river. After all, Xu Xin's martial arts skills were too high and there was no external threat. One day, the little emperor might take action if he felt that Xu Xin might be harmful to him.

Don't think that the emperor is a good person. The most ungrateful person is the emperor. It is common for the emperor to be mean and ungrateful. Although Zhao and Song's group... call themselves officials, they are all the same.

Including Xu Xin himself, if he finds someone or something that is a threat and has no good countermeasures, he will find a way to destroy it directly.

On this day, Xu Xin left the inner palace in front of everyone, but he sneaked back into a deserted corner. During the days when he was listening to music in Goulan in Bianliang, he had used his martial arts skills to sneak into the palace many times, and he was actually familiar with every place.

I saw him walking around and came to a harem bedroom, which belonged to the queen. At this time, the queen Meng was wearing a white dress and sitting alone in front of the window in a daze.

During the recent period, the emperor and the empress were attending the funeral of the empress dowager, and there were supposed to be many opportunities for contact. However, even though she arranged everything in an orderly manner, the little emperor's attitude towards her became worse. She couldn't figure it out. What did you do wrong?
  "Is the Queen worried?"

A voice suddenly rang in her ears. Listening to the familiar voice, Meng woke up instantly and looked around to find traces of that person.

"I want to rest, you go down first!"

Queen Meng quickly regained her composure and ordered the maids and eunuchs to go down. Xu Xin came out from nowhere.

"Master Qingfeng, you sneak into the harem like this, you don't look like a serious Taoist!"

"Whether I'm serious or not, the queen doesn't know the best. I can just sit back and relax!"

Meng's face turned red at Xu Xin's words. She didn't know why she chose to reject the people around her and secretly agreed to meet the person in front of her.

"The Queen knows she is in danger."

Xu Xin started with threats, and then told Zhao Xu that he had visited Mei Liu in the palace these days and was preparing to abdicate the queen. Queen Meng was immediately shocked.

"It's impossible, it's impossible. How can the official family be so ridiculous? The Queen Mother..."

Queen Meng's first reaction was that she didn't believe it, but thinking about the little emperor's attitude towards her during this period, and the increasingly domineering Liu Meiren, she already believed it in her heart.

"Why are you telling me this?"

Meng turned to look at Xu Xin.

"There is more or less... a period between us... I don't want to see you suffer!"

Xu Xin's words made Meng's frightened pale face turn red again. This was the first time she felt a man's care after being in the palace for so long. It's a pity that this man is not her husband.

"What can you do if you tell me this? The official insists on deposing the queen... What can I do? Do I want to make the ridiculous things he did public?"

Meng said this, her heart full of bitterness.

"There is one last way that may change the emperor's mind, and that is... to become pregnant with a dragon!"

(End of this chapter)

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