The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 280 Since the little emperor doesn’t know how to cherish, let someone Xu come and help

Chapter 280 Since the little emperor doesn’t know how to cherish, let someone Xu come and help (please vote)
  "Pregnant with a dragon? What you said is a solution... But no official wanted to spend the night at my place. He never even touched me. The red handkerchief on the wedding day was all... I originally wanted to wait. The Empress Dowager was in better health and went to ask for a favor, but she didn’t expect..."

In the queen's palace, Meng listened to Xu Xin's words with disappointment in her eyes.

Now that the little emperor Zhao Xu wants to depose the queen, how can he favor her again? If the little emperor doesn't want to favor her, how can she be pregnant with a dragon seed. Could it be that just finding a man...but it doesn't match the emperor's daily life record? Once this kind of thing is exposed, it will be a disaster.

"Although the Empress Dowager passed away, the officials are still wary of her. He will definitely pay attention to some things that the Empress Dowager left behind during her lifetime. As long as the Queen summons the officials, you have something given by the Empress Dowager. Tell the emperor... to use some medicine at night..."

"Is this okay?"

"Queen, do you still have a choice? Either follow my method, or just accept the stigma imposed on you by the officials and be abolished."

Queen Meng's expression changed again and again, but she finally nodded.


At night, the little emperor Zhao Xu made a rare visit to the queen's palace.

After he entered the palace, he found that the queen had already ordered some snacks to be served. Her makeup and clothes were bolder and more beautiful than before. She looked particularly beautiful under the candlelight.

"Queen, where are the things left by the Queen Mother?"

The young emperor Zhao Xu was not tempted by Meng's beauty. He was never satisfied with the queen the Empress Dowager personally selected for him, and he was always wary of her.

"The officials have been busy for a day, so they must be a little sleepy and hungry! You can rest here for a while and eat something. I will fetch the things later!"

Queen Meng personally delivered the supper to Zhao Xu. Looking at Meng who looked a little pleading, Zhao Xu couldn't hold it back in the end, took the supper and tasted it carefully, and then took a rest under Gong E's service.

"Official, official..."

Zhao Xu's breathing gradually calmed down. Queen Meng called him twice after approaching him. Seeing that Zhao Xu had no response, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiaodie, go and tell the eunuchs outside that the eunuchs are resting in the queen's palace tonight and are visiting me!"

Queen Meng's eyes became firm. After carrying Zhao Xu onto the dragon bed together with the palace maids, she asked the personal palace maid to tell the eunuch that the emperor would visit the queen tonight and rest in the queen's palace.

"You are not really planning to have sex with the emperor tonight!"

A sudden voice sounded in the palace, and Meng was startled, but she saw Xu Xin walked in at some point, and none of the eunuchs outside the palace noticed.

"The emperor was knocked down by medicine tonight. If you have sex with him now, you are pregnant by chance. There is a high probability that the child will have problems. It is best not to take risks."

"I have done some research on the way of Xinglin. When I give the injection to the emperor, who will have backache tomorrow, he will think that I have blessed you."

Xu Xin started to take action as he spoke. Under the watchful eyes of Queen Meng, she started to move against her husband, the young emperor Zhao Xu.

Early the next morning, Zhao Xu woke up in the queen's palace.

"Mengshi, you dare to steal the dragon seed, I underestimated you, what a trick!"

Zhao Xu, who was on the dragon bed, stared coldly at Meng who was kneeling on the ground in front of him, and said in a cold voice: "You must listen clearly to me. If this doesn't happen next time, I will never come to your palace again, and you don't need to give me any more help." Come and say hello. You are acting recklessly, how can you look like the mother of the country..."

Zhao Xu's words were harsh, like sharp knives piercing Meng's heart. She had hopes before, and Zhao Xu might change his mind after being "lucky" to her. Now it seems that she is still naive.

"Why don't the officials check the red handkerchief on my body?"

Zhao Xu got off the dragon bed, and Meng suddenly said this.

"I believe that the descendants of Meng Sheng are people who know etiquette and abide by etiquette, so they are naturally loyal daughters. Also, on the night you and I got married, you were already red. How could you have a second red handkerchief? Don't pass it on. Such misleading news..."

Zhao Xu said coldly, then walked straight out of the palace and drove to the Chongshen Temple to handle matters, leaving the queen alone to grieve.


In the queen's palace, Meng was sitting alone on the bedside. She had just experienced her husband's disgust and even hostility.

After Zhao Xu left the palace, he randomly found a reason to deal with her clan members. A military attache who was close to her and served in the palace was not dismissed, but he was severely punished and slapped dozens of times.

It was a very inexplicable thing, but Meng knew that the emperor was taking revenge on her, and at the same time he was warning her not to do such a thing again.


Xu Xin's voice sounded in the palace, and Meng looked up at him blankly.

Xu boldly walked over and sat on the dragon bed this time. Before Meng could react, he put his arm around the queen's waist and said in her ear: "I wanted to have sex with her last night." You said that Zhao Xu is only hostile to you and he will never change his mind. "

"You, you are brave, let me go quickly... If you continue to be rude like this, I will call someone over..."

Meng tried to push Xu Xin away, but how could she, a weak woman, fight against a real person in the innate realm?

"Queen, if you call someone over and reveal today's events, do you think the emperor will take the opportunity to find a reason to destroy you? I am very powerful in martial arts. Even if I am wanted by the emperor, I can still live well. But you Meng family , it will happen because of you..."

"Stop talking, what do you want?"

The Queen's delicate body trembled, and she did not dare to think about the consequences.

"What I want is of course you, the most noble woman in the Song Dynasty!"

Xu Xin stretched out his hand and pushed gently, and Meng fell weakly on the dragon bed.

"You know! That day in the bath, I wanted you. But you are the queen of the world, and I can't offend... If Zhao Xu had touched you last night, I would never treat you right again. You are tempted..."

Xu Xin leaned close to Meng's ear and said something to the effect of expressing his feelings for Meng and complaining about her injustice.

"Did you know! The Empress Dowager didn't actually die that night. The Emperor was a ruthless person, even his own blood relatives... You had offended him last night. If you can't conceive a dragon seed, once you are deposed, the whole family may be exiled. , even full house..."

Xu Xin's last words completely crushed Meng's psychological defense. She silently cooperated with Xu Xin to take off her clothes, and a gorgeous red plum bloomed on the dragon bed plain handkerchief.

Since the little emperor doesn't know how to cherish, let Xu come and help!
  The day passed very long and very wonderfully. For a long time after that, Xu Xin didn't even have time to harass Li Canghai because he had to help the queen with something big...pregnant with a dragon seed.

(End of this chapter)

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